The American Scripture

Chapter 949: Revisiting

To provide Christina with a laboratory, she can do it herself, as long as she contact Zoe, because Zoe is responsible for the specific operation of the laboratory construction, so she knows that she should take Christina to go Which laboratories do the experiment. ↖↖,

After getting the affirmative answer from Zhen Fan, the two old guys, Colm Hardy and Leder Dumaz, wanted to go to the laboratory to start the experiment and analysis soon, but Christina was still more sensible and had to talk to Zoe first. Only after I make a good relationship can I start my own experiment.

Zhen Fan didn't care about these things at all. He had to go to the set. Early in the morning, Bit called and said that someone was coming to pick him up, and then he hung up.

"This bastard, it's not that I don't know the way!" Zhen Fan cursed and put down the phone. Everyone in the family has gone out, except for Yi Fei, the child, the tutor Elsa, and the nanny Linda Cassidy. Yi Fei didn't accompany Zhen Fan. She was exercising. In the gym, she wanted to get back in shape early and then do what she likes to do. With the nanny Linda, she liberated herself more.

Zhen Fan waited for a while, a car arrived in front of his villa, and then someone honked the horn. As long as he sat in the hall and looked over, he knew it was Chloe Moritz. As expected, Zhen Fan had just walked to the door of the hall and saw Chloe Moritz desperately waving at him with a bright smile. .

"Okay, okay, it's all destined!" Zhen Fan shook his head and smiled and walked upstairs to bid farewell to Yi Fei who was exercising in the gym. The two kissed, and Zhen Fan said. "I am waiting for you to have a more perfect body, maybe we can also make a movie together."

"I am looking forward to it!" Yi Fei looked at him with a grin. Then she wiped her sweat. In fact, her figure has almost recovered. And Yi Fei, who is wearing a fitness tights, looks curvy and really sexy. "I have time to visit the class. By the way, if possible, I want to see Sister Bingbing!"

"Uh, she may go back to China. It's okay. When I finish shooting. I will accompany you to see her!" Zhen Fan said, and the two reluctantly said goodbye, and went downstairs with the nanny Linda and the tutor Ai Ersa waved goodbye, and kissed her son Zhen Peng by the way. This little guy was able to recognize people. Seeing Zhen Fan jumping in the pram, she wanted to hold Zhen Fan in her mouth. Hug.

And Maria even ran over to kiss Zhen Fan's face, then put her arms around Zhen Fan's neck and said, "Dad...come back soon, I miss you a lot during this time!" The little girl's true feelings were revealed. Zhen Fan was very moved. He did not regard Maria as an outsider in his heart. He liked her from the heart, just like his own daughter.

"Okay. Maria, I will try my best, you know. I'm making a movie, the kind that Dad is really good at!" Zhen Fan added the action. The amused fat son in the crib "chuckled" and Maria was also a little excited. He clapped his palms.

"Dad, is it like Spiderman?" Maria raised her face and looked at Zhen Fan expectantly.

"No, I don't know how to spin silk. I hate spinning silk. That's what spiders do. It's not me, Maria, I'm just a person, charging into battle, very powerful kind!" Zhen Fan smiled happily again. Making an action, the tutor Elsa and the nanny Linda on the side laughed.

"So... what about Batman? Can he be like him? He doesn't know how to spin silk, and he's not a spider. I mean, Dad, he is not a mutant, just like him to defeat bad people?" Maria Looking at Zhen Fan, she still looked at Zhen Fan expectantly, her big eyes flickering.

"Of course... I also want to be like him, but... Maria, I am who I am, and I will be the unique me, so when people talk about me in the future, they don't mean that I am Batman or Superman. Yes, I am me! Just do it myself!" Zhen Fan touched Maria's head, "Okay, I'm leaving, maybe we'll see you soon! Anyway, I'm pretty close to home !"

"Okay, goodbye, Dad!" Maria's mood was a bit low. She knew that she would not see Zhen Fan in a short time, so she pouted her lips, and goodbye to Zhen Fan, watching Zhen Fan go. The car left, knowing that it was out of sight, so he looked up at the tutor Elsa and said, "Can I be a hero like my father?"

"Of course, you can too. You can become a hero, but... yours first follow me to learn. Today I should teach you the math... For a child as old as you, although I think it is a bit ahead, but... ...To you, it's a special case..." Elsa led Maria and left the lawn in front of the hall.

"What a very interesting family!" Linda shook her head slightly and smiled, then looked at the babbling little guy in the pram who seemed to want to say hello to herself, squatted down, looked at him and smiled, "Okay. Okay, little guy, do you want to say hello to me? What a cute little guy... Oh, my God, are you nodding your head... Haha, I'll treat you as if you are nodding, I will take good care of you, don't worry!"

The car drove unhurriedly on the road. Zhen Fan sat in the co-pilot and looked out the window absent-mindedly. Chloe Moritz, who was driving, glanced at Zhen Fan and laughed: "I heard you are in Montana. The Resident Evil was staged? Very good, I like it, next time there is such a good thing, don't let me miss it, I heard there is an army!"

"Yes, but... this is not a good thing." Zhen Fan glanced at Kolo Moritz and smiled, "I don't like that environment. To be honest, I look at so many people in protective clothing. , I felt panic in my heart, indicating that the people in the small town would face more danger."

"But you came out of it, I must have done it, you are a very good doctor. Didn't you succeed in coming out? You even brought that Japanese woman out successfully Yes, to be honest, on the set today, she said a lot about you!" Chloe Moritz said.

"A lot about me?" Zhen Fan looked at Chloe Moritz in surprise.

"Yes, yes, she seems to admire you very much. Sometimes a lot of complicated relationships between men and women start with worship. I feel that woman is a little bit malicious!" Chloe Moritz said with some disdain, " Why is she so obvious? Is it because she has been there? You know... I can too!"

"She has no good intentions?" Zhen Fan couldn't help but smile, "You too!"

"Of course, by the way Zhen, I am an adult, I can freely control my body, when can we do that? Don't rush to reject me... To be honest, I just don't want anyone to think that I am a young man. Son, I want to be mature. Of course, what I like most is you. You can make me a more mature woman!" Chloe Moritz looked at Zhen Fan and said with a smile, "I'm not kidding, I Seriously!"

"I know, but... why is it me? Is it because you think I'm a little different?" Zhen Fan smiled, "I believe that as long as you hook your finger, someone will come over. I look more handsome!"

"Appearance? Do you think I care about appearance? God, please, I am not a little girl anymore, I am an adult, I know what I want, don’t look at me like that, you are the type I want, Good looks, talented, and accomplished, at least I wouldn’t say, my first one was a bastard?"

"Well, let's not talk about this topic. By the way, do you only have this movie? I seem to remember that you are still making a movie about exorcism. God, I really don’t know why they chose you. Witch, you don’t fit in at all. Instead, I think you should be acting in a campus romance!" Zhen Fan shook his head, and then changed the subject, otherwise, the little girl’s mouth would have more The words that shocked him.

"I said, Zhen, I'm growing up, am I going to make a lifetime school drama?" Chloe Moritz gave Zhen Fan a little thumb, "Tell you...I'm trying to transform, don't let The image of the little girl in the past is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. In this case, when I grow up, my drama will be over. Others will not accept my new role. I must complete the transformation before then, that's it!"

"I agree with you very much, but I still don't care about the movie you shot this time. By the way... When do you plan to leave our crew? It is said that your role is almost complete." Zhen Fan said, pointing to it. Pointing to the front, "We're going to just stop over there, let me talk to Bitt!"

"Okay, okay, I will leave, but I have to wait a few days. I have to finish the part here first. I don't want to run around!" Chloe Moritz said and stopped the car. Got off, then stuck out his tongue at Zhen Fan and jumped out of the car. Zhen Fan also got off the car, said "thank you", and walked towards Bit.

"Give me a timetable, I don't want to wait until I turn nineteen to do this!" Chloe Moritz said loudly to Zhen Fan's back, and finally got Zhen Fan's head. The motion of shaking his head without returning. He gritted his teeth and snorted heavily, then turned his head and saw the Japanese woman who was not far away looking here, twisted his head, snorted, turned and left.

"It seems that you and Ke Luo are not having a good chat?" Bit came over and shook hands with Zhen Fan and said with a smile, "We all know what her ideal is, are not much older than her, to be honest, even We have become her boyfriend, and we will not say anything, such as perverts and beasts, we definitely just flashed in our hearts, and we will not stay at all!"

"Okay, pervert, I'm back, when can I prepare a scene for me?" Zhen Fan said with a smile, "I got to Washington from Montana and then here again." (To be continued... )u

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