The American Scripture

Chapter 950: Friends from Japan

Zhen Fan’s scene is at night, so he can rest during the day, but Zhen Fan does not have the habit of sleeping during the day, but there is nowhere to go for the time being. He hides in the RV beside him. Even so, he did not escape Kolo ? Moritz, just sitting down, I saw the little girl coming up from the door of the car. ¤,

"You don't need to film?" Zhen Fan asked, and then closed her eyes slightly. This little girl, you have to be colder to her, or she will hit the snake with the stick, and haunt you. Non-stop. But obviously, Chloe Moritz was not so clingy this time, he just glanced at Zhen Fan and shook his head.

"The Japanese woman is watching you by the side. Would you like to go down and say hello?" Kolo smiled, "But... it seems that she has a boyfriend, aren't you jealous?" Kolo Moritz said Then he stretched his head out of the car window and glanced at a place outside.

boyfriend? Zhen Fan was taken aback. He didn't hear of any boyfriends in Hashimoto Garden? So she smiled and said: "She talks about her love, what matters to me? I'm not her boyfriend." Zhen Fan shrugged indifferently, and wanted to roll over and continue sleeping, but Chloe Moritz Obviously, I don't intend to let it go.

"Aha, it seems that my original guesses were all wrong, but... it seems that the man is talking very intimately with her, really don't need to take a look?" Chloe Moritz looked at it with a grin Looking at Zhen Fan, then she looked out the window again, as if she was talking to herself, "It looks like you are going to kiss, you don’t care if a girl who is with you and is not afraid of the plague is being taken away. If you kiss a man, don't watch it! Anyway, I'm going to sleep!" She actually closed the curtain on the window. In this case, if Zhen Fan wants to see it, she must go to her side. Pull the curtain open.

Zhen Fan was not deceived by Chloe Moritz, so he turned over. Lie down comfortably, ready to take out the mobile phone and go to the Internet for a while. When I took out the mobile phone, the mobile phone rang. When I saw that it was Christina calling, Zhen Fan connected and said, "How is the matter?" Refers to the laboratory.

"Thank you, boss, I have to say. This means a lot to me. We have already arrived at the laboratory and are preparing to start a series of experiments. Can I stay here? I want to participate in the whole process... so ...I want to ask you for a period of leave, maybe a few days!" Christina's voice over there is a bit unnatural, obviously she also feels that she is not a qualified assistant now.

"Stay there. I will take care of myself on the set. If there is any progress in the experiment, remember to tell me. Also... after finishing, remember to come to the set immediately. Many people have assistants, this male lead actor. There is no assistant. So...From this point of view, I still hope you come here soon." Zhen Fan joked, "Otherwise. Doesn't it seem that I am very inferior?"

"Yes, I know! I will. I will complete the experiment here as soon as possible!" Christina said quickly, she didn't think it was just a joke. It's that I didn't fulfill my duties, and I felt a little guilty.

"Okay, that's it, I'll be waiting for you here on the set, goodbye!" Zhen Fan said and hung up the phone, while Christina over there held her mobile phone for a daze for a while, not knowing what to do What are you talking about? Knowing that Professor Colm Hardy called her from the laboratory, she hurriedly put the phone outside the laboratory and walked over. A dedicated person on the phone came to help her tidy up, until she walked out of the laboratory again. This is to strictly protect every research result of the laboratory. It is not only a confidential measure, but also a measure to ensure that the experiment will not go wrong.

The trapped isolation protective clothing and the complete top-level experimental equipment all show that Zhen Fan has invested a lot of money in the construction of this laboratory. Even two professors who have met the world are full of praise. They did not invite more people to participate in this experiment, mainly for the sake of confidentiality. Even the staff of this laboratory should not ask for permission not to approach the laboratory they use.

Of course, Zoe was instructed by Zhen Fan to do everything possible to cooperate with their research, so she didn't care what they were doing here, and strictly followed their requirements. Although they do not know what they are studying, judging from their excited expressions, it must be a very important study.

The first thing to do is to analyze the material of the scales to see what it is made of, then match the types from the database of the world, and then compare the piece of meat that looks like a certain animal. Perform dna detection, and then perform matching comparison again. Then there is the analysis of the age of these things...In short, they have a lot to do, and they can't be completed in a short while.

And Christina made a request to them that all personnel must be disinfected all over the body when entering and exiting to prevent any germs from being brought out of the laboratory and infecting anyone outside. This will not be allowed. Yes, so the safety requirements are very strict.

Outside the set, Hashimotoen and the Japanese young man continued to chat, but it seemed that Hashimotoen was not very willing, but out of politeness, she tried to chat with the young man without a word. This young Japanese man looks pretty good, tall, thin, polite, and well-educated. He is not that brutal, but pays attention to the etiquette of speaking. When Hashimoto Garden is unwilling to speak, He stood beside him quietly, and when the emotion on Hashimotoen's face eased slightly, he smiled and chatted with Hashimotoen.

It's just that this young Japanese never meant to leave. It seems that he is going to accompany Hashimoto Garden here. But if people don’t leave, Hashimoto Garden is not easy to say to leave. She is very particular about etiquette, especially in front of friends in her own country, paying more attention to these image things.

"Are you really not going? Your new lover is about to be snatched away!" Chloe Moritz looked at Zhen Fan with a smile, "How about... I help you?"

"What new lover, what are you talking about!" Zhen Fan patted her on the head lightly, causing Chloe? Moritz wrinkled her nose lightly, gave Zhen Fan a white look, and said, "Hate, why No? Are you afraid? Don't be afraid. I will support you. Should I go with you?"

"What the **** do you want to do?" Zhen Fan glared at her, snorted, turned his head and ignored her, and then took out the script to look at it. During this period, he actually didn't have much time to study the script. Now It's a good opportunity, but it's a pity that this little girl is always trying to make things happen, and Zhen Fan is helpless.

Actually, I didn’t wait for Chloe Moritz to go out and talk to the Japanese man. For Zhen Fan’s emergence, Hashimoto Garden walked over to the motorhome, but, strangely, the Japanese The man didn't follow him immediately, instead he came over after waiting for a minute. Obviously, he hesitated.

"Aha, your lover and lover's lover are here, here is a good show!" Chloe Moritz smiled, then pushed Zhen Fan and laughed, "I like to watch the fun, Especially yours. Great love saint, I see how you deal with it this time! If you provoke a woman, you should have the consciousness of being snatched away."

"Okay, you won!" Zhen Fan closed the script, then shook his head at Kolo Moritz, stood up, and walked towards the door of the RV, and saw Hashimoto Garden walking to the door. At the same time, he jumped off, making Hashimoto Garden who had originally wanted to get on the car stunned, stopped, and looked at Zhen Fan.

"That person is your friend?" Zhen Fan asked.

"Yes, I'm sorry, I caused you trouble." Hashimoto Garden bowed to Zhen Fan first, and said a little apologetically, "He is my friend, he has known since he was a child, and he is also in my father's business. My friends, they all work in entertainment companies. My father is in charge of entertainers, and his father is in charge of the cinema and TV station business."

The Japanese youth who was talking came over, smiled at Zhen Fan, and then stretched out his hand and said: "Hello, Mr. Zhen, I know you. It's great. I have always admired you very much. I am from Hashimoto Garden. My friend Oguri Yuanxiong, who grew up with her, and my dad is also good friends with his dad, so he is a good friend in the world!"

"It's a fortunate meeting!" Zhen Fan reached out and shook his hand, looked at Hashimoto Garden and said, "Is there any problem?" The meaning is obvious, that is, what is your relationship with him? Is it difficult to handle? If it doesn't work, just leave it to yourself.

Hashimoto Garden bowed to Zhen Fan, and then said, "Sorry, he is my friend. He flew over to see me from Japan. I... can you take a short vacation and stay with him in a hotel and eat together? Let’s talk!"

Zhen Fan was taken aback, wondering if she was wrong. He originally thought that Hashimoto Garden would help her get rid of the Japanese, but now it seems that is not the case. He rubbed his nose in embarrassment and smiled. "If you ask for leave, you should go to Bit. He is the director and I have no right to speak."

"'s not like think...with your permission!" Hashimoto Garden was a little anxious, and quickly explained to Zhen Fan, "After all, we...we are already...sorry , I can refuse!" Hashimoto Yuan's face was a little anxious, obviously, she was very afraid that Zhen Fan would misunderstand her.

"Forget it, since I came to see you from Japan, I'll accompany him, don't lose my manners!" Zhen Fan nodded, then stroked her hair lightly, "Go, come back early!"

"Hayi!" Hashimoto Garden was happy, and he couldn't help but pop out a Japanese sentence, and then said to Zhen Fan as if he promised, "I will be back soon, please rest assured!" He said to the Oguri Yuan After a few words in Japanese, Zhen Fan couldn't understand, so she had to look at Chloe Moritz.

Chloe Moritz shrugged at Zhen Fan, spread his hands, and said he didn't understand even more. At this moment, Hashimoto Garden said to Zhen Fan: "I just told him, I will be back soon, I'm sorry, it caused you trouble, I will leave first!" Bowed, and then left with Oguri Motoo.

"It's really... I don't know how to say it. If I were a man, I would also like to marry a Japanese woman!" Chloe Moritz looked at Zhen Fan with a smile. (To be continued...)

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