The American Scripture

Chapter 953: Please don't refuse

The black man stuck to the wall on the side of the street in a strange posture, then slowly slid down, and finally limp to the ground, curled up and groaned in pain. Then he saw that his eyes were covered by shadows, Zhen Fan walked over, took out the handbag from his arms, patted it lightly, and handed it to Hashimoto Garden with a smile: "Why are you so careless? Here you are, next time I'm not around, don't chase after them. Such people are very cruel!"

"I know, thank you!" Hashimoto Garden took the handle, bowed to Zhen Fan, and said a little apologetically, "My friend, he was injured by that person, can you... help me take a look , Please!" She was about to bow to Zhen Fan again, she couldn't bear Xiaoli Yuanxiong like this.

"You sympathize with him?" Zhen Fan couldn't help but shook his head and smiled, then walked to the Japanese Oguri Motoo, squatted down, and smiled as he watched him who fell on the ground and moaned, "You have to use proper means to pursue yourself. The person you like is understandable. I will not have any opinion on you, but if you use some improper means, I think you have a character problem. Don’t say you don’t understand English. When on the set, I think you’re English is pretty good."

"No, what methods did I use? Don't wrong people!" Oguri Yuanxiong was taken aback, and then yelled at Zhen Fan anxiously, "Are you sincere to slander me? Are you such a character? Yuanzi, Is this the person you like? How could you frame me like this? Wasn't I helping you just now?" He groaned painfully while covering his stomach.

Zhen Fan couldn't help but laughed, looking at the concerned gaze from Hashimoto Garden, he walked to the black robber who was limp on the ground. Kneeling down, patted his face lightly and said, "You better tell me the truth. Why would you **** this lady's bag? Just tell me, just tell me the reason!"

"She is Asian. The handbag is very beautiful, and there must be a lot of money in it, so..." The black groaned, then his eyes flickered, hesitating to say his so-called reason.

"Okay, then I have to call the police. You can talk to the police yourself, and... I believe the police will be happy to let you squat in jail for a while." Zhen Fan said, stood up and prepared to take it. I got out of my cell phone and called the police. Obviously he didn't show it to this guy.

"No. No, let me say, if I tell you the truth, can I go?" The black man looked at Zhen Fan and said quickly, "I know you, what you say counts, you are a celebrity... it's him, he Arranged for me to grab it. He said that he could win the heart of this lady, and he gave me this...a thousand dollars, to be honest...I have never earned more than a thousand dollars in a job, I am tempted. Really. That...I'm sorry, I can pay him back..." He took out a roll of dollar bills from his pocket and put it on the ground hesitantly. Turning over, Fei also ran away toward the front!

"No. Don't listen to him, he's making up stories. Zhen asked him to make up, don't believe him, I won't have any bad thoughts about you, Yuanzi, please believe me! Please, please believe me !" He saw that Hashimoto Garden's eyes were already full of sadness.

"Okay, let's stop here. Did he instruct it? The most direct way is to take this roll of banknotes and go to the police station to get a fingerprint. Anyway, he's still here, why are you afraid? Call the police. Anyway, there is a camera here. It should have captured your entire process!" Zhen Fan looked at Hashimoto Garden's sad eyes and knew that Hashimoto Garden didn't need to verify any fingerprints because she already believed it.

"I'm leaving, you can still have a good chat, goodbye, Hashimotoen!" Zhen Fan said, patted Hashimotoen on the shoulder, nodded slightly to her, and then strode towards her. Walked past the hotel. Just after he finished filming the movie, he saw this scene where Oguri Motoo directed and acted himself.

All the hard work has been used, and it seems that Oguri Yuanxiong is really paying for it. Zhen Fan even speculated maliciously. Is this Oguri Motoo working so hard because he thinks that as long as he marries Hashimotoen, then Hashimotoen's father will belong to his family in the future? It's a good calculation, not only has the daughter of someone else's family, but also the property is taken in. It's really hard for him to have both man and money. Even if he knows his deal with Hashimoto Garden, he still has to do it, and his thoughts are really doubtful. But Zhen Fan won't take care of these things. He was touched by Hashimoto Garden, but he was only touched. Maybe he still had a good impression. Zhen Fan is not very clear about this feeling.

He just couldn't get used to the methods used by this rich second generation, so he didn't mind intervening to destroy his plan of undermining the three. Hashimoto Garden saw that Zhen Fan was very free and easy and left. His thoughts were suddenly very complicated. He looked at the painful expression lying on the ground and said, "Oguri-kun, please don't come to me again. I have no relationship with you. Any relationship, I don't want to have any relationship with you, please!" After speaking, I followed Zhen Fan's direction clearly.

Just as soon as Zhen Fan entered the door, he heard someone knocking on the door. He knew it was Hashimotoen. From the time he left, he knew that Hashimotoen had been behind him, so he walked over and opened the door. , I stood at the door when I saw Hashimoto Garden. As soon as the door opened, I bowed to Zhen Fan.

"Can I go in? Mr. Zhen!" Hashimoto Park said very politely. She has always been so polite. To be honest, if she likes Zhen Fan, and the two of them rolled over the sheets, she still rushed for thousands of miles. In Montana, those who regard death as home are going to visit Zhen Fan's feat. The two should be very close.

But no matter what the two people do, they will always maintain such a strange relationship. One is polite and the other is casual. So when Hashimoto Garden came in, he bowed to Zhen Fan: "I'm sorry, today's Things are causing you trouble, it's my problem!"

Zhen Fan closed the door and couldn't help laughing: "Sit down, sit down and say, do you want something to drink? I only have coffee and Coke here, I'll get it for you!"

"Coffee!" Hashimoto Garden said thank you again, and then carefully sat on the sofa next to the coffee table next to Zhen Fan, with his hands on his knees, constantly stirring, "I also want to say something to him. I apologize, I didn't know he would do such a thing, I'm really sorry." He said he stood up and bowed again.

"Aren't you tired?" Zhen Fan waved his hand casually, holding the coffee pot to make coffee, "Just sit and talk, don't always be like this, and... I'm sorry you shouldn't have said to me. When he does this, the ultimate goal is not me, but you!"

"I know, I'm sorry!" Hashimoto Park seemed to say "I'm sorry", and it was this word repeatedly.

This made Zhen Fan a little funny. He wanted to make her amused, so he smiled lightly, sat on the sofa to the side, and smiled at Hashimoto Garden: "Since I'm sorry, then ...What are you going to use to compensate me? You can't just say sorry, right?"

"Huh?" Hashimoto Garden was stunned. She had never thought about this problem before. She said I'm sorry, do we need any compensation? She was stunned, a little cute, which made Zhen Fan funny. When she was about to talk, Hashimoto Garden's face turned red, and her neck slowly turned red. God knows what this woman thought of this time. .

"I... I will stay tonight... okay?" She tilted her head and looked at Zhen Fan, as if she was a little tentative, and she also looked like Renjun picking it up, adding a little seductive feeling.

"Forget it, you'd better go back to sleep, between us... Actually, it's not always like this!" Zhen Fan touched her hair, "After drinking coffee, go to bed and follow your own rules. Wish, no matter what you decide, I won't have any opinion." It really gave Hashimoto Garden the bottom line.

"Yes, thank you!" Hashimoto Garden nodded, then slowly stood up, and said to Zhen Fan, "I'll leave first. I hope Mr. Zhen can keep a secret for me today."

"It's okay, I will!" Zhen Fan has accepted it. This is a kind girl. At this time, she is still thinking about that person and feels that she should cooperate with her kindness. This quality can't be lost. But when Hashimoto Garden was leaving, Zhen Fan suddenly asked, "Wait a minute, I have something to ask you!"

"Ah!" Hashimoto Garden was taken aback for a moment, and then said, "What's the matter?"

"What do you think of me?" Zhen Fan said while looking at Hashimoto If I still don't understand what you are thinking, am I the one who reacts very slowly? "

When Hashimoto Garden heard Zhen Fan speaking out so bluntly, his face suddenly blushed. Some did not dare to continue with Zhen Fan's words, but stood there a little embarrassed, hooked his head and stared. Looking at my toes, he said, "Yes, for Mr. Zhen, I do have a favorite idea in my heart, which is causing you trouble!"

What kind of trouble is this? Zhen Fan could not help being speechless, thinking for a while and saying: "So you also know my situation, I have a fiancee, and you also know me and Rachel...and those women...such as Emma and Zoe, so you like I may be a fruitless thing."

"I know, I thought about it a long time ago, but... please don't refuse my likes, please!" Hashimoto Garden suddenly bowed to Zhen Fan, and then walked away from the door quickly with his head down. Without looking back, he hurriedly walked to the door of his room. Zhen Fan watched her open the door, and then shrugged a little helplessly. This woman... is really a strange animal, isn't it?

Although Zhen Fan has a very powerful ability, he has nothing to do with women's minds. After thinking about it, he has no clue, so he has to sleep first, and filming tomorrow. (To be continued...) u

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