The American Scripture

Chapter 954: Kiss scene

"What? I have a kiss scene with Chloe Moritz?" Zhen Fan couldn't help but his eyes widened as he babbled and pointed at himself, "Why isn't there on the original script? Damn, bit, you can't This is unfair to me, it must be your conspiracy!"

"I thought about it carefully. I think what Chloe Moritz said is right. Only after adding this scene, the relationship between you will transition naturally. Don't try to refuse. This is art. I hope You can understand correctly, what art is, you are a professional actor, you are no longer an amateur, understand?” Bit poke Zhen Fan’s shoulder with his finger, “Professional actors will follow the director’s arrangements and then film the play Very good and powerful!"

"How do I feel that you did it on purpose?" Zhen Fan stretched out his hands somewhat innocently, "Can I refuse? I am not a professional actor, this is my second movie!"

"No, professional actors will show a very high level from the first movie. You are an actor who has won an Oscar for best actor. Are you saying that you are unprofessional? Are you funny? Okay, don't Having said that, go get ready and communicate with Ke Luo. I hope you can protect your lips so that they don’t get swollen in time.” She didn’t bother to bother with Zhen Fan who wanted to protest.

"Why is it swollen?" Zhen Fan said loudly at Bit's back.

"Because if you are ng, you may kiss many times, of course... if you do this intentionally, I can still cooperate with you. Okay. Go get ready, you have ten minutes!" Gary said hehe on the side Smiling, then patted Zhen Fan on the shoulder. walked away.

These two old guys. Zhen Fan raised his **** toward Bit's back. Only Zhen Fan dared to do this on this set. Of course, Bit didn't know it, otherwise he would get along with something to torture him. When I looked up, I saw Chloe Moritz who was talking to Emma standing not far away.

Chloe Moritz blinked at Zhen Fan, very proud. So Zhen Fan walked over and said to Ke Luo: "Can I delay you for a few minutes? The director said we still have ten minutes to communicate. Do you agree? Do we want to communicate?"

"I agree!" Before Chloe Moritz spoke, Emma snorted. After saying something, he turned and left. The eyes were facing Zhen Fan, very disdainful. This made Zhen Fan very depressed. It was obviously the extra play requested by this girl. Why was he despised by others?

"Okay. Emma is gone, you can do whatever you want!" Chloe Moritz looked at Zhen Fan with the pitiful appearance of a little white rabbit stared at by a big bad wolf, "I really do it for the movie." Considering... well, I actually have a little selfishness, you know... you can’t let me go to bed, I’ll sleep with you, there must be a transitional stage, right? Now... is our transitional stage, we can Start with kissing first."

"It's ridiculous for you to do this..."

"No, not at all. This is art, Zhen, we can't always say that art is absurd, right? It's like Picasso's abstract paintings. In my opinion, it is absurd, but it is not because I think it is absurd. It is absurd, because it is art, one of the rarest and most precious things in this world!" Chloe Moritz also stared wide-eyed and said innocently. "You can't just think that I am doing my selfishness? God, how can you think of me that way?"

Zhen Fan was speechless immediately. How can you say that you are evil? After thinking about it, I stopped paying attention to this strange girl, kiss, kiss, anyway, I don't suffer. With such a bad taste, Zhen Fan snorted and felt that he was also relaxed, as long as he didn't climb on her bed anyway.

"Have you communicated? We are about to start!" Bit shouted loudly at Zhen Fan far away. Obviously he was also afraid that Zhen Fan would come to him for nagging. To be honest, this scene is mainly about filming Zhen Fan. When I was in New York, I met a girl, acted on every occasion, and then drew out the information from the girl.

Chloe Moritz was the girl who played. The two met at a dance party, and then they met, and a kiss scene began in the toilet. This kiss scene was more intense but still required performance. The two of them look hungry and thirsty, which is the so-called taste of sex.

"Okay, we are ready to—start!" Bit said loudly, the camera pointed at the bathroom door, Zhen Fan's figure was suddenly pushed on the door panel by Chloe Moritz, and then she rushed up. He hugged Zhen Fan’s head and kissed it. The warm soft lips pressed Zhen Fan’s lips. Zhen Fan’s mouth was blocked. He turned his back on defense and hugged Kolo’s waist. As soon as he pressed his lower body, his lips took the opportunity to invade Kolo.

Suddenly a pair of warm and greasy little tongues got into Zhen Fan's mouth. Zhen Fan was taken aback, and he didn't say that he wanted to kiss with the tongue. When he was taken aback, he heard a loud cry of bitter chagrin in his ear : "Damn, cut, stop, stop, Zhen, where is your professionalism?"

"I... just... there was a small accident just now!" Zhen Fan tried to distinguish, but how could this kind of thing be said to the public, so she spread her hands and shrugged her shoulders, "I'm sorry, it's my problem. "She glared at Chloe Moritz, the girl was really worried.

"Once again, if it doesn't work this time, I have reason to think that you are taking advantage of Kolo, I know this is impossible, because Kolo wants to take advantage of you from start to finish!" Bit walked to Zhen Fan's side smiled happily, and threatened in Zhen Fan's ear in a low voice, ", people around you don't think so. I asked you to communicate, why didn't you communicate."

"I promise!" Zhen Fan stretched out his hand, "I promise that this will not happen. I will communicate with her, give me five minutes, I will take care of everything! Ok?" Zhen Fan said to Bit, and then Walking towards Kolo, who was a little proud on the side, the girl was talking to Emma with a smile.

"He's here, but I promise... he must be here to make trouble, girl, you have to relax, don't make him angry, he is not that easy to play, if you still want to maintain super friendship with him Relations." Emma snorted, and then said in a low voice, "Damn, I said it a long time ago, there is nothing pure between men and women."

"I know, that's why I will spare no effort!" Chloe kissed Emma with a smile, but the kiss did touch Emma's lips, and she immediately gave her an electric.

"Well, don't do that, I'm not gay." Emma snorted, and then hit Kolo's hip as soon as she reached out, "Go and kiss your bastard, he can't wait!"

"I'm not... gay!" Ke Luo grinned and walked to Zhen Fan, waving his hand, "Hi, can I do something for you?"

"Okay, Kolo, you are also an adult. I know that one kiss, one kiss, can we take a good shot? And... I don’t want others to misunderstand, I’m not trying to take advantage of you, in fact ..."

"In fact, it's the opposite. I'm taking advantage of you. If you need special clarification, I can send you a statement, okay?" Ke Luo smiled, then reached out and touched Zhen Fan's face, "Don't worry. , Baby, we have tried for one-off this time, don’t worry about tongue kisses, we are professional actors, we need to be professional, professional is like two couples are really kissing, okay"

"I hope you can do what you said!" Zhen Fan shrugged his shoulders, and then waved to Bit to show that he was ready, and then Ko Luo also made an ok gesture to Bit.

Sure enough, just like Kolo said, the shooting went smoothly. The two kissed very seriously, really like a couple, and they kissed each other with tongues, but Zhen Fan felt that Kolo’s heartbeat was still quite strong, because Her chest was tightly lowered against Zhen Fan's chest, making him feel the fullness and firmness of Ke Luo.

"Very good!" Bit stopped, Ke Luo let go of Zhen Fan, and then gasped with a big mouth, a blushing face, very cute, she glanced at Zhen Fan with a charming look, and blinked." You are such a badass. With so many women, you have finally mastered your kissing skills. I enjoyed it just now. Kissing... is still very good!" Chloe Moretz blinked at Zhen Fan People, then jumped away.

After the kiss scene was over, there was a fight in the toilet. It was a group of people who wanted to intercept Zhen Fan. Of course, they were the villains. They came over with various but they were hit by Zhen Fan one by one. inverted. In the whole process, Zhen Fan's fighting movements must be very beautiful, of course this is not difficult for Zhen Fan. This fighting scene is trivial.

When Emma saw this, she planned to get into the RV to rest, but as soon as she turned around, she saw a person standing next to her, Hashimotoen. Seeing Emma turned around, she faced her slightly He smiled and said: "Hello, please take care!"

"Hashimoto Garden? What's the relationship between you and Zhen Fan?" Emma was a little annoyed at the relationship between Zhen Fan's responsible men and women, so she said to her in a somewhat unceremonious tone.

"I am his friend." Hashimoto Garden is neither humble nor overbearing. After the events of last night, although she did not go to bed with Zhen Fan, she has figured it out. Now that she has made her own decision, no matter whether it is possible to get the status, she will Persevere, keep going, even if you can't meet often, you have to keep a hope.

"Well, my friend, you keep watching, my rest is gone!" Emma said, and walked towards the RV. For this Japanese woman, she has never taken it seriously. However, Zhen Fan's ability to provoke women is too strong, which seems to be proportional to his special ability. It is said that there are many women who have a relationship with God! (To be continued) r655

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