The American Scripture

Chapter 955: 1 departure

Late at night, on the ninth floor of Zhen Fan’s Traditional Chinese Medicine Research Laboratory in the outskirts of Los Angeles, there was a laboratory brightly lit. Several people were busy. They seemed to be crazy and entered the study. Yes, this is what they are doing. The most important research to date. ∏∈∏∈, at least for these three people.

"Can't find a matching DNA, this is an unknown creature!" Professor Leidel Dumaz said to himself, he frowned at the computer display, but there was no discouragement between his brows. On the contrary, the performance is a kind of excitement. You must know that looking for such dna from the huge dna library is simply looking for a needle in a haystack. Although they have repeatedly narrowed the scope of matching, they still found nothing.

But the more unmatched, the more precious this creature is. And they analyzed the huge flaky material, and they had to conclude that it was a kind of scale, but this kind of scale would not appear in any creatures now, just the same as the scale that Professor Leder Dumaz had seen. Fossils are similar.

"Guys, if we guessed correctly, this will be a great discovery in the biological world." Leidel Dumaz clenched his fist and shook it vigorously. He was very excited to face him lifting from the seat. At the beginning, Professor Colm Hardy and Christina, "Are you ready? We are going to be famous!"

"Famous? Forget it, buddy, we still have nothing. If we want to be famous, we have to figure out what this thing is and reconstruct the genetic sequence of this creature. We are still a long way from this. Go, know. We don’t have enough staff to complete such a task."

"I would rather have a longer time. But we must make it by ourselves." Christina cut in suddenly, "Don't say why. Because of this thing, I think it's best to keep it secret now. Of course... we are the best now. The important thing is to figure out, what are these things on earth?"

As she was talking, she suddenly saw Colm Hardy and Leder Dumaz looking at her strangely, so she coughed and said, "What's wrong? Is there something wrong with me?" Saying that she couldn't help but touched her face, "I remember I didn't use makeup today!"

"As far as I know, this scale is very similar to the scales of an ancient creature I have seen, and I found it in this archeology, if I remember correctly. This is the scale of a dragon, just like in the Bible. Like the evil dragon with wings, this type of dragon originated in India. I saw it during archeology in Pakistan, but... we all know that this is after all a legend, a biblical story, not reality." ? Dumaz said, looking at Christina. "We can make a genetic sequence, which means that we can replicate such organisms, although it is technically possible. But... if the things we replicate cannot even be controlled or controlled by ourselves, It can only bring devastating disasters like the movie "Jurassic Park."

"So... you mean... let Zhen take us to find this thing? Maybe we can see traces of that kind of creature, right?" Christina looked at Leder Dumaz and said. "I don't know if he will take us there, know. He is my boss, I can't ask him to do anything...anything may not!"

"Why don't you try it?" Colm Hardy said. Looking at Christina, "This is a rare opportunity. If we become famous in the first world war, will we lose our future research funding? And this is a good opportunity to become famous in the world, so that people all over the world Remember us from now on... Christina, are you going to miss this opportunity?"

Christina was silent, she thought for a while, and then said: "Well, I will try my best, but I can't guarantee that I will succeed, you know, he... Forget it, don’t say anything, I’ll still call, today That's it. Let's rest early. If there is news tomorrow, I will tell you as soon as possible!"

Leidel Dumaz clenched his fists, waved hard, and then greeted Colm Hardy to go out with him. Christina finally went out, closed the door of the laboratory, and then walked into the sterilization room. When she finally came out, she checked her watch. It was already more than one o'clock in the morning.

"Good night, Miss Weiden!" The doorman of the laboratory swiped the card at Christina and checked her fingerprints, then let her out and greeted her. Christina has become a frequent visitor here, and the guards here know her. Despite this, this security system is strictly implemented.

Christina nodded absently, and then drove away. And shortly after Christina left, a car drove over quietly, and then a person got out of the car and walked towards the laboratory, walked to the door, and said to the guard inside: "I forgot something. Come and get it!"

"Okay, Professor, you can go through the door lock here yourself." The guard smiled and let the man in. After a while, the man came out in a hurry and smiled at the guard, "Good night, tomorrow will be busy again. One day!" He got into the car and drove away.

After returning to her residence, Christina hesitated for a long time, but did not call Zhen Fan immediately. After all, it was very late now, and she couldn't help it the next morning. She picked up the phone and hesitated for a while. Only then dialed Zhen Fan's cell phone.

"Christina? I didn't expect it to be you, how? Is the research progressing?" Zhen Fan's voice came over there, making Christina hesitate, but decided to talk to him, yes, Ryder Dumas is right. This is a golden opportunity.

"We already have a preliminary judgment. We hope you can take us to that place. You know, we are very much like knowing the prototype. This will help us draw its genetic sequence diagram. You know that this might A great discovery, so...I don't want to miss it!" Christina said.

"Don't want to miss it? I know, do you want to copy this kind of creature?" Zhen Fan couldn't help laughing. "Then you should be prepared, because once this kind of creature is not copied, no one will control it. So ……You should think carefully about it first, but I will take you to see you first, I only have two days, I will ask Bit for leave, but… I think if he knows that I’m leaving for another two days, God knows him Will you be angry!"

Christina smiled, as long as Zhen Fan agrees, everything is fine. After finishing the call with Zhen Fan, she immediately picked up the phone to tell Professor Colm Hardy the good news.

Zhen Fan also put away his phone, then walked over and said to Bit: "One trouble, I need to leave for two days. I promise, this is the last time, and I won't ask you any more vacations."

"You know I can't stop you, but... I just want to tell you that we are going to the Middle East soon. We still have a lot of shots over there, and of course Japan. When you come back this time, we will go to Japan. Then go to the Middle East, so you will stay in the crew honestly!" Bit looked helpless at Zhen Fan's leave. This is a special actor. He sometimes had to let go of his authority to accommodate him.

"You are the best, Bit! I love you!" Zhen Fan made a kiss gesture to Bit, then walked into the RV with a haha ​​smile and started to pack his own things.

"Where are you going?" Kolo Moritz appeared in front of Zhen Fan in a timely manner and said with a grin, "Can you take me with me? Anyway, my filming is over, and Bit is pushing I'm leaving. Oh, yes, Julie is going to be on the crew tomorrow, won't you wait for her to be with me?"

"It's a pity, but I only left for two days, I will catch up with her part, don't worry!" Zhen Fan smiled, then opened his hand, "Do you want to hug and kiss again?"

"Do you think I dare?" Chloe Moritz snorted, then opened his arms and hugged Zhen Fan towards Zhen Fan. He was very round and soft in his arms, feeling something was wrong, opened his eyes to see At the time, it turned out that he was hugging a pillow on a cylindrical sofa, and Zhen Fan was already under the RV, laughing and waving at Ke Luo: "Goodbye, Ke Luo, hug the pillow and go to sleep! "

"Damn!" Chloe Moritz watched Zhen Fan leave triumphantly, and slammed the pillow on the sofa, humming her nose towards it, obviously she was very unwilling.

Christina and Zhen Fan agreed to meet at the airport. The three of them had been waiting there until Zhen Fan drove over and parked the car in the parking lot. Zhen Fan also walked into the waiting room and saw Christina. , Stretched out her hand, two people hugged, and then Christina introduced Zhen Fan to the other two teacher, Professor Colm Hardy, this is Paleontology expert Leidel Dumar Professor Zi, this is Fan Zhen, my boss, and the person who gave me samples. He led us on our journey this time! "The last sentence was said by Christina to the two old professors.

"It's nice to meet you. I often hear Christina mention you. I am very glad that you can support us. In fact...this is something you can do by yourself, will make you famous in the world!" ?Professor Hardy told the truth, his heart is quite broad and he doesn't care about it.

"I know, but I don't have the energy. You know, I have many professions. I am a doctor who can act best, a winemaker who can cure diseases, and an actor who can make wine..." Zhen Fan and Ke Er M Hardy was joking, and he said to Leidel Dumaz on the side, "Hello, you can call me Zhen, it's nice to meet you!"

"I'm very happy too!" Leidel Dumaz nodded to Zhen Fan, "To be honest, we owe you this time, and we owe a lot!"

"So... let's start our mysterious journey!" Zhen Fan did not talk nonsense and invited them to board the plane together. (To be continued...) u

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