The American Scripture

Chapter 956: incubation

"We have to go around from here!" Zhen Fan pointed to the front, "This matter cannot be spread, at least for the time being. [[So he decided to make a big circle before entering the entrance of the cave. The three people in the same group understand Zhen Fan's intentions.

Martial law had already been lifted near the small town, and no one came to interfere with them, so I arrived at the entrance of the cave in peace all the way. When they got out of the car, Christina and the other three looked around expectantly, but they didn’t find anything unusual. After all, Zhen Fan was already here for a lot of feng shui. I believe that no one except Zhen Fan in this world can. Found the hole.

"Come here, here!" Zhen Fan beckoned to the three people who were looking for probes from a distance, "We go into the cave from here, and be prepared for everyone to have a glass. This is a preventive effect, as you all know. What happened here, I also know what the virus is on the things I gave you, and I can prevent it if I eat it."

Three Chinese medicine pills suddenly appeared in Zhen Fan's hand, which smelled a little pungent. Christina took one from Zhen Fan's palm and put it into her mouth without hesitation. Professor Colm Hardy also took one and put it in his mouth. Leder Dumaz hesitated for a moment, picked it up, looked at it, and put it in his mouth.

"Why didn't we find this hole before?" Christina looked at Zhen Fan suspiciously. She had searched for this place just now, and she didn't find anything. Why did such a big hole suddenly appear? It's like a mouse hole enlarged countless times, much taller than a human.

"That's it for me!" Zhen Fan said to her, and then walked inside. Christina also quickly followed, and then Professor Colm Hardy. Finally, Professor Leder Dumaz. The four of them walked forward slowly, and they were fully prepared. Everyone brought a flashlight and all other exploration tools.

The more you go inside, the greater the space in the cave. In the end, it is completely a huge cave, which is more than the entrance, and then bursts of stench radiate from it. Christina quickly put on a mask. Zhen Fan strongly asked them to bring something.

All three of them put on face masks, but Zhen Fan did not. He didn't need to wait for another step: "Welcome to the world of dragons!" As his lights shined, a behemoth appeared in front of everyone.

"Oh, God, what the **** is this?" Christina looked at the behemoth in front of her, then slowly raised her gaze, knowing that her neck could not move anymore. I saw the top of this behemoth. Yes, judging from the outline from a distance, this behemoth looks like a legendary dragon.

"God, my goodness. Is this a dragon? Look, that's wings, I know it. Look at this scale is exactly the same as the scales in our laboratory, god... the things in the Bible are true Yes? Did we find the legendary dragon? Damn it. I have to take these all!" Leidel Dumaz said, taking out a camera from his backpack and shooting with lights.

Zhen Fan didn't care about him either. Just looking at Christina, who was still in constant amazement, said: "I am not very clear about Western legends. I know the dragon, and I also know that it is an evil creature, and it only exists in the Bible, or some legends. In the movie and in the movie. Why does it appear here? Does your research show that when did this dragon die? A little more specific time!"

"According to the results of our experiments, it is assumed that it should be more than three months after death!" Leidel Dumaz, who was continuously filming on the side, interjected, "If we make this news public, then we will all Well-known, if this creature can be replicated..."

"If you want to do this, then you have to know the consequences of doing this." Zhen Fan couldn't help but shook his head and said, "You know how big this thing should be, and it can fly. I don't know if it can be like what is recorded in the Bible. Breathing fire, but once it is true, then...this is definitely a disaster in the human world, or a disaster in all biological worlds." Obviously Zhen Fan is absolutely opposed to this.

"So... can our research only end here?" Professor Leder Dumaz couldn't help but said, "Zhen, we just want to realize the research here. Think about it, the current technology is like this. Developed, with such a strong military force, can it not deal with such a dragon? Maybe it is a dragon, if he can breathe fire."

"Things are often not as simple as imagined, and... we still don’t know why this dragon is here, how long it has been here, and... are there any other dragons, if any Then, where is it? And... what exactly killed this dragon? Do you know? If it is its enemy, how powerful or bigger than this dragon?" Zhen Fan series The question was asked, "’s too early to announce it, and...Why are such behemoths moving on land and no one can find them?"

Obviously, Zhen Fan's series of questions stunned all three of them. It's not that they haven't thought about this problem, but because of the excitement, it is easy to ignore these. So when Zhen Fan mentioned it again, all three of them hesitated.

"Well, we can not announce it first, but how can we do this?" Professor Colm Hardy said, "In addition to biblical records, we also have archeological discoveries about this creature. , Almost ignorant, is it really necessary to look for such a creature as recorded in the myth?... This is really funny!" It seemed that he thought of the ridiculous situation, so he laughed at himself. sound.

"These are your business and have nothing to do with me." Zhen Fan shook his head and smiled, "Don't ask me how to do it, I am not a professional like you."

"Well... let me say a few points. Through our analysis, this creature is likely to be oviparous, because when I checked it just now, I discovered that it does not possess some of the characteristics of advanced biological mammals. On the contrary, the oviparous characteristics are more obvious. And...this creature is still a mother!" At this time, paleontologist Leidel Dumaz said, "And look..." As he pointed the flashlight at the creature's Below the belly.

"Oh, my God..." Colm Hardy couldn't help but exclaimed. Christina was also attracted to the place and took a flashlight to take a picture of the place. Obviously, that place is a few broken The eggshell is broken, and the eggshell seems to have been broken for a long time, and there is still some mucus on the outside, but it has dried up.

The three people did not speak quietly. Obviously, this explains why the entrance of the entrance is much smaller than the inside. The three people looked at each other, looked at each other, and then looked at Zhen Fan. Leidel Dumaz murmured: "It seems we can't keep secrets anymore, they have already gone out."

"Five... a total of five broken eggshells!" Christina said to the side. "According to my estimation, the time of breaking out of the shell should be a few months ago. Maybe it was before the female dragon died. , These five little guys have already broken out of their shells, or earlier, because there are two people in the hole, so high that the little guys have grown very strong, and they can dig out the soil there. Come from such a big hole.

"It's terrible, why... no one found out?" Colm Hardy said, then looked at Christina, then looked at Leder Dumaz, "It seems we are going to fight 9-11 Up."

"What about your opinion?" Christina looked at Zhen Fan. After all, Zhen Fan was the first discoverer here. If you really want to call the police, Zhen Fan's opinion is very important.

"I don't care about these things, but... I can tell you that if the government or the army can't do anything, then don't try to disturb them. After all, we have never reported any such creatures before, even... …There is no record of hurting people." Zhen Fan said, "If you are sure to catch them or kill them, then I suggest to act quickly! This is my opinion."

"Well, I agree!" Christina nodded, then looked at the two professors and said, "Let's leave this to the government and evaluate whether we can deal with the dragons that ran ~We can’t make a judgment on this matter, the government should be able to, although this is...our research results may be..."

"I don't care about this. If there are living creatures, it is of course good. I believe that it will have a significant impact on the future of biotechnology." Archaeologist Colm Hardy said with deep approval. "I believe... this discovery is epoch-making, and we are one of them. We cannot monopolize such results!"

"Since it's all decided like this, then... let's do this!" Christina nodded, then looked at Zhen Fan, "Boss, you won't object to this, right?"

"I have said, whatever you guys, I have no objection, I have the ability to protect my family, but ordinary people...I don't know, this is determined by the ability of the US government!" Zhen Fan said, and then The three of them said, "I'm here, if you continue to stay inside." Then they walked out.

When Zhen Fan walked out of the cave, he suddenly heard a voice calling him: "Wait, boss, I have something to tell you!" It was Christina who came out.

"What?" After Zhen Fan walked out of the hole, she turned around and looked at Christina, who also came out. (To be continued...) u

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