The American Scripture

Chapter 957: snatch

"Thank you, maybe I will take some time off. If the government intervenes in this matter, I can be cleared out. Obviously I am not qualified enough, but if this matter is not led by the government, it may cause disaster !" Christina said with some disappointment.

"This is a necessary choice, Christina, don't think too much. Look at me and don't participate in anything. This is the most correct attitude." Zhen Fan smiled and patted her shoulder, "But I know... …Scientists generally like such things very much and cannot give up!"

"I understand!" Christina nodded, then watched Zhen Fan jump into the car and drove away. Zhen Fan decided to stay in the villa for one night, and he wanted to warn Demi and Ryan not to head up recently, and dive into the water as much as possible, so as not to be caught by the government as a rarity and captured for research.

The Pentagon, Washington, USA.

"I ask to ensure that all those who discovered this incident stay there and wait for us to accept and protect them, and guard the surrounding town. Yes, this is a very important discovery. The President. Directly ordered, I need scientists, yes, more scientists, archaeological, paleontological, genetic, biological science, medical can imagine and related to this thing, send it to me! We will return soon Come, damn!" A lieutenant hung up the phone fiercely, "Why is it so difficult every time we need someone? Damn it!"

Everyone else in the office was silent. When the lieutenant general vented his emotions, a lieutenant colonel official walked over and said to the lieutenant general: "General Krakow. Shall we fly to Montana now?"

"Yes, yes, let's go right away, otherwise, let the **** Ramoles take the lead. He said that the things there must be related to this plague. Do you want him to get ahead? Go. Go ahead, Let the helicopter take off and we will go to the airport!" After a series of urging, Lieutenant General Krakow. Decided to fly to Montana in person.

He has always been in charge of the x-17 project, but now this discovery allows him to find a reason to continue with the x-17 project that he has made no progress. You can also make yourself less stressed, and you can even make yourself more responsible for lifting. And get more budget to make up for the lack of funds for the x-17 plan.

It is said that the **** Lieutenant General Ramores also wants to get a share, and they also have a division's army on the Montana side, but they are about to withdraw now. Let those **** go to hell! Lieutenant Krakow cursed in his heart, and then left in a hurry.

The small town of Lecce was once again surrounded by the army. Behind the woods of Zhen Fan's pasture, a large area has been under martial law, and no one can approach it. The residents of the town are guided to bypass this place from elsewhere. This made the residents of the small town a little panic, they were worried whether another plague had arrived.

But what made them more assured was that the town was not surrounded this time. Although some people wearing protective clothing occasionally appeared around, their freedom was not restricted, but they were not allowed to approach that area. Old Jack was also very interested in that area and tried to approach it, but this time it wasn't General von Kaser's mission, so every time he tried to approach it. They were all stopped by the soldiers with live ammunition.

Rachel was even more worried that Demi and Ryan in the lake in Zhenfan's villa would be discovered, so she decided to live there for these two days. When Demi and Ryan were about to show up, she would warn them. To be honest, Rachel now has feelings for Demi and Ryan, just like friends.

Fortunately, the army did not harass here this time, and they even bothered to come and see what else was on the woods. All their attention was on the woods side. It is said that a large hole was found there. Rachel understood a little bit. I am afraid that the hole was discovered by Zhen Fan last time.

"Oh, God!" When Lieutenant General Krakow stood at the entrance of the cave, his heart couldn't help being stunned by the giant thing. His heart was beating wildly. Yes, his heart was beating wildly, as if only in his chest. Open a hole and it will pop out, which is so shocking.

"What we have discovered are six eggs with broken shells. I believe that six adults have already broken out of their shells and their whereabouts are still unknown. And... you have also seen them. They are not small and have wings. What we discovered is that this thing is like a dragon in the Bible!" Leidel Dumaz said to Lieutenant General Krakow, "I mean, we have done some preliminary research, so... we will Is it added to the research scope of this thing?"

Lieutenant General Krakow looked at Leidel Dumaz, then at Colm Hardy and Christina, he couldn't help but frowned, looked at the three of them and said, "Who chose to call the police?"

"It's me, General!" Christina felt that at this time, she had to stand up, and if she had to bear any responsibilities, she would not escape. To be honest, she actually had no good feelings for Zhen Fan. But in order to ensure safety, they had to be involved.

"You stay, still have you, please, we have enough manpower here... I'm sorry, can you leave? I have something to ask this lady..." Lieutenant General Krakow said Turning to Christina, she said with confusion, "Why not introduce yourself!"

"Christina Weiden, engaged in archaeological research!" Christina said, reaching out to Lieutenant General Krakow, shook her hand and let go, then looked at Lieutenant Krakow and said, "I'm sorry, sir, I I think I have a question... This is what we discovered, and our profession is also in line with this incident. The most important thing is that we have done some research in advance and have achieved some results..."

"Then get the results!" Lieutenant General Krakow said plainly.

", General, I didn't mean that, I meant to say, why not let us all get involved? We have a part in this matter too." Christina tried to persuade Lieutenant General Kraco, "I think... We can all get involved, can't we? Everyone is happy!"

"Professor Leidel Dumaz, engaged in paleontology, taught at the University of Los Angeles." Professor Leidel Dumaz reached out to Lieutenant General Krakow and tried to shake hands with him, but Lieutenant General Krakow said nothing. . This made Leder Dumaz put his hand back in embarrassment.

Colm Hardy also wanted to introduce himself to the general, but seeing Leidel Dumaz's end, he retracted the hand he was about to stretch out, so he faced Leidel? Dumaz said: "Man, let's go, there is nothing for us here!"

"No, I was involved in this matter all the time... Damn it!" Leder Dumaz couldn't help but cursed, and heard Lieutenant General Krakow say loudly: "Why are these two people still here? Where have the guards gone? Damn it, can't you make people quieter?"

Suddenly several strong soldiers rushed out from the side, looking coldly at Leidel Dumaz and Colm Hardy, they had no choice but to leave, but Leidel Dumaz was still unwilling to frequently Turned around.

"Stay well!" Colm Hardy said to Christina, and then left without looking back.

Watching the two leave, Christina suddenly looked at Lieutenant General Krakow coldly, and suddenly stretched out her **** to sign at him: "If the two of them quit, I will also announce their withdrawal. Don't miss us. The information of will be transferred to you, goodbye, lieutenant general, see your ghost!

Christina raised her middle finger, facing Lieutenant General Kraco, and then turned around angrily. This is the performance of kicking herself and the two professors away. These guys are really disgusting. What they did made Christina angry. , But they have no way. Yes, you don't need to give them the information, you can continue to analyze it yourself, and strive to publish the gene map before these people. It's not them but these **** who will be embarrassed by the time.

Christina's idea is also the idea of ​​the two professors, so they decided to return to Los Angeles, continue their own research, and then hurry up and get ahead of the military.

I hurried back to the laboratory in Los Angeles along the way, and saw that the outside of the laboratory was surrounded by soldiers and military vehicles, and some soldiers were carrying things from the laboratory, including their computers.

"Oh, **** it, it's terrible!" Leidel Dumaz scolded, then turned to look at Christina and Colm Hardy spread their hands and said loudly, "This is the result of telling the government, let's see. , Look at what they have done, they are like a group of pirates, it is great, great, look at your choices!"

" is our common choice!" Professor Colm Hardy looked at the angry Leidel Dumaz and said, "You can't vent your anger on us, we are friends , Also colleagues, the **** group of guys!" Colm Hardy was referring to the soldiers.

Leidel Dumaz nodded, then turned around without hesitation, and said to Colm Hardy, "Well, this is the result of our joint advance and retreat. It's over now, and our group should be dissolved. , Guys, goodbye, I don’t want to be here anymore, goodbye!" He turned around and walked away without looking back.

"He lost his mind!" Colm Hardy smiled awkwardly at Christina, "Sorry, Christina, this is my fault."

"This is not your problem, he just... just couldn't accept the result for a while. After all, we have done so many things together, but we lost all of them!" Christina's mood is not very high, but she is still patient. Kolm Hardy comforted him. (Want to know more exciting news of "Dozog America"? Open WeChat now, click on the "+" sign at the top right, select Add friends to add an official account, search for "wang", follow the official account, and never miss each time Update!) (to be continued) r655

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