The American Scripture

Chapter 969: Detonation

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   "Boom——" A huge explosion sounded over the sea, and then several fighter planes rushed towards the dragon and fired the missiles continuously, even with the airborne machine gun. But it was all avoided by the dragon, or the exploded missile was not even approached, it was suddenly detonated directly.

   "I was shot, I'm going to parachute!" A person's voice echoed in the headquarters, and the headquarters had once again moved to an aircraft carrier in the nearby waters. Here has reached the high seas. General von Kasser’s design has been basically successful. Since Zhen Fan refused, he designed the second plan, which is to lead the dragon to an uninhabited island on the high seas. Eliminate it with a small nuclear bomb.

"Call for help, call for help!" Another voice echoed in the command room. It can be seen from the picture that the fighter planes besieging the dragon are in danger, and calls for help have been heard one after another, which makes the commander The people in the room held their breath and looked at General von Kasser worriedly, but General von Kasser did not say a word, staring at the big screen in the command room, and folded his hands on his chest. .

   "We lost two F-18 Hornets, General. Will the remaining three aircraft be called back?" a colonel's staff officer said to General von Kasser.

"Continue to shoot fighters to support until you reach the predetermined target, and use the automatic control artillery on the ground to attract it. Is the layout of the island complete?" General von Kasser showed the strong mind of a general at this time. If he does not send Fighter support, but recall, your plan will be wasted.

"It's ready. General, I will send fighters to continue to support them immediately!" said the colonel, and began to issue orders from the war room to keep the fighters taking off, and then to support the battle there, attracting the monster. He was scheduled to go to the deserted island, but this time the price was too high, and his voice was trembling when he spoke.

The surrounding waters of    have been under martial law, and no civilian ship appeared in the nearby waters, so now the entire plan is still within the controllable range of General von Kasai, which gave him a little comfort.

   The F-18 Hornet fighter planes on the aircraft carrier once again roared into the sky from the deck, and five fighter planes rushed to the battlefield to support the already incompetent advance team. In any case, these people carry a kind of tragic death in their hearts, a mentality that has not appeared in a long time, and it is spreading in the hearts of the US military.

Yes, the U.S. military has always had an overwhelming advantage when facing the enemy, especially the air force, and it also gave these pilots a very arrogant mood. But once they suffered defeat, they There will inevitably be an inexplicable sense of sadness.

The U.S. military is not invincible. Now even a monster can make the U.S. military helpless and be crushed by it. This makes these pilots feel uncomfortable. The earphones in their ears often send the panic of their colleagues during the war. The voices of the people, as well as the calls for help, made their hearts more solemn.

   On the deck of the aircraft carrier, the aircrew who watched these fighters take off came to see them off with a different mind, while the pilots who had not been sent to the mission kept praying on the deck.

   "May God bless you, my children!" The pastor with the army prayed with them and then blessed them. The pilots drew a cross on their chests and said "Amen", but they knew that once they really had to go on a mission, based on the current situation, the chance of survival was very small.

   "I'm going to crash, I'm going to crash!" Another voice echoed in the war room. The faces of the people in the war room were very dignified, and General von Kasser looked out of the window in a daze. Now he can't help him. If the fighter plane cannot attract the monster to the deserted island, the last resort is Only let Gicaro and the others go, but when the time comes, when the nuclear bomb explodes, they will become victims.

"Another plane was shot down!" The colonel suddenly stood up, looked at General von Kaser, and said loudly, "General, shall we stop this kind of unnecessary sacrifice? Recall those planes and let the pilots return safely. "Speaking, he looked at General von Kaser expectantly.

"Return safely?" General von Kasser couldn't help but laughed self-deprecatingly, and looked back from the window, then looked at the staff colonel officer, "If we recall our plane, then... what else do you think? The place is safe? You know in your heart what is going on, but you have to make a choice. There is nothing wrong with your suggestion to me. Whether I succeed or fail, your responsibility will not be great. Since you can do it Getting to the side of the staff and officers shows that you do not understand the current situation."

   The colonel blushed immediately. He does have selfish intentions. Regardless of whether his suggestion is good or not, as long as he says it himself, then the future loss has nothing to do with him, because he suggested it. But he does understand that if his pilots retreat, then what awaits them is a disaster.

   The dragon-like creature may follow the plane and bring disaster to the entire aircraft carrier. Because there are no weapons that can stop it. It is like an invincible existence, which makes the world's proud U.S. military helpless, and even can only wait to die.

   "The target is being led to the predetermined location, and the target is being led to the predetermined location. Request for stronger support." At this time, the pilot who was fighting ahead sent another message. This news is obviously exciting.

"I'm bitten, I'm bitten, and I'm over the target island! You quickly retreat, I will lead the **** to the island, quickly, this is a small tactic with an explosion range of about one kilometer The nuclear bomb, leave the battlefield as soon as possible. I will take over here. I am Major John Pullman. God bless America!"

While he was talking, several fighters quickly left the battlefield. They had to leave the battlefield quickly before the nuclear bomb exploded, because the electromagnetic pulse generated by the nuclear bomb would cause all electronic equipment on the aircraft to malfunction. If they leave the explosion range, They also have certain anti-jamming capabilities. Otherwise, just wait for it to crash.

   "General, they evacuated!" After a brief emotional adjustment, the colonel felt a little guilty, but he still performed his duties strictly.

   General von Kaser did not speak, but just nodded. He was also very nervous. The major named John Pullman sacrificed himself in exchange for the survival of his colleagues. He was full of gratitude for such people. At the same time, I am very worried about whether this nuclear bomb will work.

"I have arrived at the predetermined location, requesting to detonate the nuclear bomb!" Suddenly the voice of the major came from the communication, with a kind of tragic and vigorous, but also with a kind of helplessness. Yes, if he does not do this, then he will die He is not alone anymore, "Request to detonate a nuclear bomb!" He repeated again.

   "Detonate the nuclear bomb!" General von Kasser gritted his teeth and said.

Suddenly on the distant sea, a group of dazzling white light burst out suddenly, as if the sun burst out dazzling light suddenly, at this moment everyone is facing the dazzling light, no one dares Facing the mushroom cloud that is rising, because it represents death and destruction.

   The light gradually converged, and then a wave of air struck them, making them feel a gust of wind blowing over their faces even from such a distance, causing pain in their faces. All this shows that the detonation was very successful, and if the monster did not escape, and could not escape at all, then it must have become a mass of ashes.

   Because the monster is in the center of the explosion. Obviously, such a nuclear bomb explosion could not be hidden from the public. Soon satellites captured such a scene and were searched out. This is a typical nuclear bomb explosion. So some people are wondering if the US military is doing it again. Nuclear weapons testing.

   This change has attracted the attention of many countries. After all, the United States has long announced that it will no longer conduct field nuclear bomb experiments, because they can simulate nuclear explosions on computers, and the effect is the same. But now they are a bit backlash, and the whole world is speculating about the reason.

"Yeah--" The people in the war room kept celebrating, some raised their hands, some embraced each other, they all gave out knowing smiles, and then when the returning planes arrived on the deck~www. von Kaser personally greeted him on the deck, and all the officers and soldiers on the aircraft carrier lined up in two rows to salute the pilots who walked down the aircraft gangway. They are heroes and it is worth welcoming them like this.

When these pilots stepped off the plane, their legs were a little weak, because they had just escaped from the dead. In this encirclement and suppression mission, they lost six planes. Five of them were too late to parachute, and the one jumped. The pilot of, was blown out by the monster again in the air and burned to death on the spot.

   "Thank you!" General von Kaser shook hands with them one by one, and then thanked them. And those pilots hugged tightly with their colleagues on the aircraft carrier, and the feeling of the rest of their lives made them feel like a dream. The ships of the aircraft carrier formation spontaneously fired shells with the main ship guns to express their celebration.

And just after the nuclear bomb explosion pictures were posted on the Internet, in a room in the capital, Zhen Fan was looking at the nuclear bomb explosion pictures on the computer screen, took a deep breath, and said to himself: "It seems They have nothing to do!" Yes, they have no means to use a nuclear bomb. I just don't know if the creature is dead? In this regard, Zhen Fan had deep doubts. After thinking about it, he still picked up the phone and prepared to call Dan Milk. (The novel "Dozo America" ​​will have more fresh content on the official WeChat platform, and there will also be 100 lucky draw gifts for everyone! Open WeChat now, click on the "+" sign at the top right "add friend", search for the official account " qdread" and pay attention, hurry up!) R1152

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