The American Scripture

Chapter 970: Ready to go back

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"General, can we go back?" The colonel and General von Kasser stood by the gangway, and they looked at the island over there. The island had been destroyed by the nuclear bomb explosion for more than half. No creatures are immune, and everyone thinks this is a successful explosion. ∮∮,

"The pilot major..." General von Casser said in a daze for a while, "I will write him a report and take a photo of a Burke-class ship to stay nearby for surveillance, and the rest are ready to return!" Suddenly there was no bottom in my heart. It seemed to be too calm over there, too calm, and it made people feel a feeling of tension before the war. This is how General von Kaser feels now.

"Yes, General, I will write this as a report, please rest assured, I also apologize to you for what I said before." The colonel said, apologetic, "I know I am too wise to protect myself. This is my fault. child."

"No, it's not your fault. Do you know why humans can form a society and form classes? We can't escape such a wise choice to protect ourselves or sacrifice the individual to achieve the greater self. Just like that major-John Pullman. . If he was given a choice, he would definitely not choose to die.” General von Kasser became a little philosophical, “In the absence of choice, to die gorgeously is the best interpretation of his life. , I like this interpretation. If one day... I also face a situation where there is no choice, then... I will be like Major John Pullman. Face death bravely. This is the nature of my soldiers."

The colonel obviously didn't understand why General von Kasser said that, but he just listened. After a hard battle. The colonel was obviously unwilling to think about more aspects, just want to take a good rest. Even small talk. But this kind of chat is too much brainstorming.

"Do you know why you are still a colonel?" General von Kasser suddenly looked at the colonel and smiled. "This is a conscious decision. Everything you do is your own choice, so you are older than mine. Not too much younger, three or four years old? But you cannot be a lieutenant general at my age. This is destiny, and we cannot grasp it. Destiny is your consciousness, and I always think so."

The colonel felt tired from talking with General von Casser, and couldn't understand what he was talking about, so he said: "General. I want to talk to the pilots. Maybe they need an officer to speak for them now. What, can you? General..." the colonel said to General von Kasser.

Obviously, the colonel and General von Kasser could not say to go together, General von Kasser just nodded, smiled slightly, and watched the colonel salute him, and he returned a salute. Then looked at the back of him leaving. Suddenly I felt a little dull, and there was a dull feeling on this sea.

Even if it kills one, what about the other four? How to deal with them? If they come together. How can I find them? Once they unite to launch an attack on humans, what else can stop them? Put a nuclear bomb in the city? Or use this lure tactic again?

He couldn't help laughing, it was a helpless wry smile. Did not expect the myth of the US military. Not broken by other countries, but broken by this weird creature. This really made General von Kasser's heart blocked. Just then. The fleet began to return, and the whistle sounded. Each ship began to turn according to the formation.

General von Kasser felt that there was nothing to do. He wanted to take a break, so he turned and walked into the war room. Suddenly he saw a fax in the war room. There was no one here, so this fax was returned. On the fax machine, without taking it off, von Caser took the page in his hand.

This is an unsigned warning text, telling General von Kasai to pay close attention to the nuclear explosion site, that the monster may not have died. If you are not sure whether the monster is dead, it is best to send someone to patrol there. The final confirmation is the most credible. In one sentence: you must see the corpse when you die.

General von Kasai's heart beat suddenly, and he seemed to feel that something was wrong, but the entire fleet had already begun to return, so he immediately ordered the electronic reconnaissance plane to take off and patrol the exploded sea area. Be sure to confirm whether the monster is dead.

This fax is not signed, but General von Kasser knows that those who can know the fax here are all people with good backgrounds. They must have a strong relationship with the Ministry of Defense, and those who want to remind themselves but do not sign. , But almost nothing. So there was only one person he thought of, and only he would do it. Thinking about it this way, it would be Dan Milk, a name that is kept secret in the U.S. Department of Defense and high-level officials.

In fact, he doesn’t like people like Dan Milk, because he holds the power to threaten the government. Those two people-Gicaro Polk and Steve Runa are said to belong to him. People, he knew that the special abilities of these two people were absolutely dangerous. However, the interweaving of the interests of all parties allowed them to exist in a special way, and also allowed them to reach a delicate balance between them and the government.

After the electronic reconnaissance plane took off from the deck, General von Kasser eased his mind a little. Perhaps he was too sensitive to survive the attack of a nuclear bomb, so even if he couldn't destroy him, it would not be considered negligence. The most important thing now is that he wants to take the entire fleet back.

At the same time, Zhen Fan has finished shooting the commercial. He decided to return to Los Angeles as soon as possible, because if the US military uses nuclear weapons, then it shows that they are powerless against that kind of creature. Zhen Fan first wants to protect it. It's my family, whether it's in Los Angeles or the small town of Lecce, Montana, or in Temecula.

Early in the morning, Zhen Fan rushed to the airport. There are still reporters following him. People still think that they are living in a very peaceful age. They enjoy the happiness and benefits of entertainment, but Zhen Fan doesn't care anymore. He must first rush to the United States.

Feng Daran, Cheng Hu and others insisted on sending Zhen Fan to the airport. Feng Daran kept experimenting and asked Zhen Fan to shoot a movie directed by him. Zhen Fan just laughed along the way, really can’t ask, and said: “Okay, you can shoot, but you have to give me time, my current film has only not been long since I started, you know Bit Jackson’s shooting style, Don’t even think about me making a second movie in one year."

When Feng Daran thought about it, it was right, so he said depressed: "Then you have to agree, and cooperate with me in a year, I will wait for you, Chenghu...and you, I have to take you two Integrate together..."

Zhen Fan was speechless. He looked at Feng Daran and said, "You must have done it on purpose? You asked me to work with you and Chenghu again. Are you planning to switch to an action movie? I know the style of your movie. It’s humorous and satirizing the next life. I may still be competent in this, but Chenghu...I am an action superstar!"

"It's okay. Didn't he make a non-action romantic film "Glass Bottle"? It's pretty good-looking. Although the box office is not very good, I am still optimistic about his development in literature and art!" Feng Daran laughed, and then Looking at Chenghu, he nodded as if feeling satisfied.

"If you don't bring this, you despise me for making literary films, right?" Cheng Hu said.

"When you make a literary film, it's like singing, it's not doing proper work!" Zhen Fan held back a smile, nodded to Chenghu seriously, "Well, when do you think about not doing proper work, I will accompany you Not doing business properly, let's make fun together, just add bald heads!"

Zhen Fan said that the bald head is Guo Xian, and Feng Daran's queen starring. No, there is really no problem with his acting skills. Feng Daran also slapped his thigh and smiled: "I knew that you must be the golden partner, the golden triangle. I want people to see Zhen Fan who is no longer a hero, no longer a tiger that can be beaten, no longer Guo Xian, who only knows nothing. Oh, this guy, I feel excited when I think of it!"

"Slowly get excited, I'm here, let's get off first!" Zhen Fan said, he jumped out of the car and arrived at the airport. Everyone came down one after another. When the people at the airport saw a large group of stars, it caused a small commotion. , Someone took a photo with a mobile phone, two superstars plus a famous director, what rhythm is this?

"Remember to finish the filming soon. How is the Spring Festival Gala this year arranged?" Feng Daran asked Zhen Fan. Several people entered the VIP lounge waiting for the flight, so there were not many fans around, so they could chat easily. Feng Daran is no longer the Spring Festival Gala. The director is now, but he is still very concerned about Zhen Fan's Spring Festival Gala arrangements.

"I don't know, I plan to come back for the New Year and meet my old friends. As for going on the show? I don't have that idea I have been on it twice. If I go back, I will be scolded!" Zhen Fan smiled Shaking his head.

"You are hitting me!" Cheng Hu suddenly inserted a sentence.

Seeing Zhen Fan puzzled, Feng Daran smiled and said, "He is going to the Spring Festival Gala again this year. This is the fifth time he has been to the Spring Festival Gala. If you say that, he is definitely not satisfied. This is the third time he will be scolded. It means. Haha..." He laughed as he talked, Chenghu was not angry, he just pointed at Zhen Fan and laughed.

"Uh, I think there are not many people scolding you at that time!" Zhen Fan also laughed, "I will call you when I come, anyway, you are also attending the party in Beijing, I will treat you to a New Year's Eve dinner!"

"It's better to be like this. I will be scolded. If I don't make something delicious to comfort me, it is really impossible. I brought my wife and children over. I haven't thanked you in person. To be honest, he quit. I am addicted, thank you so much. He said it himself, to be a good man, I believe him this time!" Cheng Hu said, his expression was relatively relaxed, presumably the child did not let him worry about it during this period of time, and it was a piece of Heart disease. ("Tao Zang America" ​​will have more fresh content on the official WeChat platform, and there will also be a 100% lucky draw gift for everyone! Open WeChat now, click on the "+" sign at the top right "add friend", search for the official account" qdread" and pay attention, hurry up!) (to be continued...) u

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