The American Scripture

Chapter 978: Successful shooting

The plane roared and fell from the air. When it was 100 meters away from the impact, the door of the cabin suddenly opened. A figure stood at the door from the plane and slammed toward the outside. The entire fall took only a few seconds. . As soon as the man-machine separated, a loud noise was heard.

With a sound of "boom", the plane accurately hit the submarine floating on the sea, and then the demolition division detonated, and there was a violent explosion. At the same time as the explosion, a figure suddenly fell from the air into the sea. On the surface of the water, waves splashed. The motorboat that had been prepared on the side swiftly drove towards the place where Zhen Fan fell into the water.

According to reason, jumping into the water from such a high place, the moment of entering the water is equivalent to a speed of more than 100 kilometers per hour, and the instantaneous impact is very large, and the time from jumping out to entering the water is only five or six seconds, and most people have no time at all. To adjust your correct posture.

So far, the highest record of extreme athletes diving from a high platform is 53.9 meters. It was in 1987 that Swiss Oliver Favey jumped off a cliff in Wells, France, but it was later confirmed. That is a rumor. And the really well-documented one is thirty-four meters. The world cliff diving champion who shocked the Americans, the 38-year-old Columbia high-level diving star Orlando Duke achieved a helicopter diving over the Hudson River in the United States. When he leaped perfectly in front of the Statue of Liberty, it was only 22 meters. More, but it stunned the entire Americans.

" In other words, if you exceed this height and you are not a professional extreme athlete, then the probability of survival is very low. Even if your posture is correct, the moment you enter the water. Not only will it cause huge damage to your retina, but it will also make your eardrums instantly penetrated by strong water pressure. And cause fatal brain water.

So many Americans realized when they heard that they wanted to broadcast such a scene. Isn't this just killing you? If the killer is an ordinary person, it may be attractive, but it will not attract all Americans to participate. But now it’s Hollywood’s big stars, the founder of the famous h?c?d wine, a rich man, a rich man, so many people want to see how this rich man died.

There are even many secret suicide associations who live broadcast the shooting through the Internet. Of course, the equipment they use is much simpler. This has almost attracted the attention of the entire American people. So during the live broadcast, many shopping malls, including those large-screen TV walls in New York, were suddenly converted into live broadcast footage. In short... this is a matter of public concern, and many people are anxiously waiting.

The shot of the explosion was very successful, and Zhen Fan was also very successful when he jumped out of the plane, but many people have seen him jump from the plane. From the height of the jump, it is about 70 meters high. This is the visual distance, actually when Zhen Fan was over 100 meters high. The door of the plane was opened, and it took more than one second to jump out of the plane, but the distance was shortened to more than seventy meters.

Even at this height, it is enough to make people fall and there is no hope of survival. So when the figure fell from the plane. Many people grew their mouths in surprise, including those in front of the TV. Some people even covered their mouths.

"Aha—this **** is finally dead!" A punk-like young man saw this live broadcast on the TV of a shop. Just laugh happily, after laughing. I felt that there was something wrong with the atmosphere, and many people glared at him. So quickly buggered.

However, there are still some people who are indifferent and indifferent. Most of them still have a cross on their chest to express their concern for Zhen Fan. They were praying for God to bless him. For example, at Tang Shaoyang in Temecula, he certainly knew about Zhen Fan’s live broadcast feast, so when Zhen Fan jumped down, he stopped the patient’s line and stood in front of the TV. Seeing, when he saw that he jumped down from such a high distance, he suddenly moved.

He studied medicine, and of course he knew that if he jumped down from such a high place, there was absolutely no possibility of surviving. At the same time, Helena in the clinic in Los Angeles and Christine in the clinic in Billy Foshan were watching the live broadcast, but she seemed a little careless, and was about to prepare for acupuncture. Of patients were chatting in the preparation room, while taking a glance occasionally, they were still inquiring about some basic conditions of the patients and entering them into the computer.

"Oh, God... Dr. Stuart, you are going to inherit a large inheritance." The patient opened his mouth exaggeratedly, looked at Christine, and looked at the TV screen incredible, "Is he trying to commit suicide? ?"

"Don't worry, you can't die!" Christine smiled and patted the patient on the shoulder, "Go to the treatment room, Mia Grant is waiting inside, there are patients waiting in line outside, hurry up!"

"Well...but...Miss Stuart, it looks...the situation is really not very good..." the patient still muttered to Christine.

"Goodbye, man, let's go inside!" Christine almost kicked this guy in the ass. Seeing the patient entering the treatment room, she watched TV seriously. At this time, Zhen Fan had entered the water, but had not yet floated. The search patrol boat continued to cruise in the nearby waters.

"God, let him come up quickly!" Chloe Moritz painted a cross on his chest, and then prayed very religiously. This action made Emma shook her head and laughed. Who is Zhen Fan? She knew it all right. So she didn't worry at all, but when she entered the water, her heart jumped fiercely.

"Mr. Jackson, we went to his trail!" The searcher made a radio call to this bit. The news suddenly made Bit's heart sink. He was very optimistic about Zhen Fan because he thought Zhen Fan would be very relaxed. As far as the actual shooting effect is concerned, Zhen Fan is indeed quite beautiful. Now only Zhen Fan has emerged from the sea, but now he has not.

"Oh, God!" Angelina suddenly turned around and hugged Bit, Bit patted her shoulder gently, "Don't worry, don't worry, he will be fine."

Just now because Zhen Fan successfully jumped off the plane, there were still people cheering, but now the shooting scene is silent, where everyone is standing blankly, the air suddenly becomes dignified.

"Please, come up, please!" Chloe Moritz folded his hands into a fist and placed it on his chest, constantly muttering, tears bursting into her eyes. Yes, she was very nervous, and her heart was in the air, "God, let you forgive all his sins..."

"Wow!" Suddenly there was the sound of splashes on the water, and then a huge white shark jumped out of the water. A person stood behind the great white shark, holding a dagger in his hand, after the great white shark jumped out of the water. , I fell into the water with a "crash" and stopped moving, slowly sinking, and Zhen Fan quickly swam towards the submarine. This was originally filmed with separate shots, but Zhen Fan was like that. Swim here. Fortunately, Gary was prepared and pointed the camera at Zhen Fan. From Zhen Fan's head to the killing of the great white shark, and then swimming over to the submarine, no shot was missed.

When Zhen Fan swam to the submarine and announced the end of this long shot, everyone was stunned. Yes, some people on the shore were stunned. I thought it would be very exciting, but I didn’t expect it would. So exciting. The great white shark has slowly floated up, showing people Zhen Fan's terrifying strength.

"Wow!" A burst of applause from the storm and rain suddenly sounded on the shore. Everyone could not help applauding, and Zhen Fan also got up from the water. At this time, the TV host Roman Gibson hurriedly. Walked over and said to Zhen Fan: "Sorry, excuse me, Mr. Zhen, you broke a record and once again interpreted the meaning of a tough guy. You completed an impossible shooting task. Congratulations, Zhen!"

"Of course, I feel great. This is a great experience. I like this kind of adventure. Of course... The reason why I can survive naturally has my own set of survival skills!" Zhen Fan laughed as he laughed. Answering a question from the host Roman Gibson, he walked towards the shore.

"Well, Zhen, you are the best, can you hug me?" the host Roman Gibson said, opening his arms and asking for a hug from Zhen Fan.

Zhen Fan opened her arms and smiled: "If you don't mind my body in water, then... come and hug!" After saying that, Zhen Fan and Roman hugged but Zhen Fan still felt it. Roman's strong chest capital.

Loosen Roman, Zhen Fan hugged Emma, ​​Bit and Kolo one by one, and then kissed Kolo’s forehead, and said with a smile: "You are crying? Don’t worry, no problem, I always care about my life , You won’t get hurt easily."

"Well, buddy, I know, I won't cry for you **** in the future!" Kolo hammered his chest, then let go, wiped his eyes and smiled, "Well, go with them Right."

The entire network participating in the live broadcast burst. The local television station in Los Angeles also exploded. This is the best deal they have made. The crazy click rate and crazy ratings made the owners of the two TV stations ecstatic, and the host Roman Gibson was ecstatic. I thought it was a very ordinary live broadcast, but I didn’t expect it would cause such an explosion. reaction.

At this time, a staff member of the TV station took a data sheet and handed it to Roman Gibson. Roman Gibson took a look, then nodded happily, then turned to the camera and said: "Turn on, we turn on, I want to report this data sheet. He set the Guinness World Record, and... you know just now Did he jump? We have calculated the specific number, 77.6 meters. My God..." (to be continued...) R1292

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