The American Scripture

Chapter 979: Body temperature business card

This live broadcast directly refreshed the live records of some activities of the Los Angeles local TV station. They are the biggest beneficiaries, and then the host Roman Gibson. Because of the live broadcast of Zhen Fan’s shooting, her reputation has also gained a certain degree. Promote. ≥≥, and then the bit, the crew got some funding, but this is all from the crew, and Zhen Fan does not participate in the distribution.

Zhen Fan didn't want to rest, but under Bit's mandatory requirement, she still rested for an hour and a half. And in this hour and a half, Zhen Fan actually received a lot of phone calls. Some people in the film industry, such as Feng Daran and Cheng Hu, also had friends like Li Xingguo. According to the current time, these people are late at night. They saw the webcast, so they called. This makes Zhen Fan feel very warm.

Then there are some people in the circle of friends in the United States. Of course, many people watched the scene. However, some friends from the Lakers, Tang Shaoyang, Sampson and others also called. Knowing that she finally received a call from Sarah. As soon as the call was connected, Sarah cursed unceremoniously: "Why don't you let me watch it? Damn bastard." Sarah knew Zhen Fan was great, but still Involuntary worry. This is because she has been mixing for a long time, and she speaks a little bit aggressively, but Zhen Fan is moved by her deep concern.

After answering the call, Zhen Fan returned to the group of acquaintances who came to visit him, talking and laughing, and joking with each other. Because the filming was completed, all dangers were gone, they were very relaxed, including Angelina and couldn't help but kiss Zhen Fan on the cheek.

"You are such a worrying little villain!" Angelina smiled, blinked at Zhen Fan, and then waved goodbye to Zhen Fan in a charming manner. Pete also made a shot gesture to Zhen Fan and said. "I and An Ji want to invite you to my house, of course... it's a sincere invitation. It's not polite!" He also knew that Chinese invitations are generally polite. It's embarrassing for him. It seems that he has known Zhen Fan and his country.

"I will, definitely!" Zhen Fan also pointed at him, and then blinked at Angelina.

Seeing their couple left, some people who came to cheer on Zhen Fan bid farewell to Zhen Fan, hugged, shook hands, and finally waved away. Zhen Fan watched these people leave and said to Emma next to him: "I feel really lucky, Emma. I feel satisfied that I have these friends. You know, how long have I been in the United States? So many people came to see me... think about it, I was moved by myself!"

"Aha—" Emma couldn't help but smile. "Why don't you know that they didn't come here to see how you died? It's so stinky, man, you've been dazzled by success.

Zhen Fan wasn't angry anyway, so he smiled and hugged Emma over. Regardless of being seen, his head suddenly lowered. Just looked at her and said with a grin: "So, do you want to see how I die? So... tonight I will let you know what it is like to die..."

"Is that what you think? The premise have to be so capable!" Emma said, "chuckled" and jumped out of the RV and ran towards the beach. There are still many people on the beach. It was for shooting the scene after the submarine exploded, and fishing for the killed great white shark in the sea.

"You will make the headlines, buddy. You are so amazing, I have to admire you. You set a world record just now, man. From now on, I declare to be your fan!" Roberts was a little chattering right. Zhen Fan said, "And that great white shark... God, I don't know what else you can do. It is estimated that there is a monster under the sea, and you will kill it... Godzilla--" Robles said At that moment, he shook his teeth and claws towards Zhen Fan, and his mouth still made the sound of a monster crying.

"Well, I will kill Godzilla on the land first!" Zhen Fan was about to throw him on the sand, and Robles gave a strange cry, and ran away. Then Johnny on the side pointed at him and laughed, "Robos, you will be eaten by monsters sooner or later!"

The group had a great time. The TV station’s filming mission has ended. Judging from the ratings reported back, the TV station has turned over. So they are very happy, they are all vested interests. Especially Roman Gibson, after she finished packing, she went to Zhen Fan's side deliberately.

"Hey, Zhen!" She tried to greet this man in a very gentle voice.

"Hey, Miss Gibson!" Zhen Fan also smiled and waved to her. At this time, Zhen Fan was wearing only a pair of beach pants and a casual shirt on his upper body. The shirt was still open, revealing the chest inside, perfect Roman Gibson couldn't help but look at his chest muscles.

"Your figure is very good!" She showed an expression of appreciation.

"Of course, yours is also great. You are one of the perfect women I have ever seen." Zhen Fan smiled, "I am very happy to cooperate with a beautiful woman like you. I look forward to the next opportunity. Have you gone? Okay, goodbye, we will meet again!" He waved his hand.

"Of course, I'm going back!" Roman Gibson thought for a while, suddenly put his hand from top to bottom, reached into his chest where almost half of the ball was exposed, and took out a business card from the cup, grinning. He handed it over, "This is my business card. I rarely give people this kind of business card. Remember to call me. I'm basically free at night, remember--" he said, casting a wink at Zhen Fan. Then he slid the business card into Zhen Fan's hand, turned around, blinked, twisted his waist and left.

Seeing Roman Gibson leave, Zhen Fan couldn't help but smile. This business card seemed to be really unusual. This woman had already made an obvious attempt to have a fight with Zhen Fan. Zhen Fan's reputation is now very large. With the help of Zhen Fan's reputation to make his own reputation even bigger, this is something that a meatball actress often sits on.

"Aha, I still have my body temperature!" Suddenly, the white and tender hand snatched the business card from Zhen Fan's side. Hearing the voice, she knew it was Ke Luo without looking. She wrinkled, "It seems you still It's really bad taste to have thoughts and such a woman. I bet that most of her f-cup is filled with silicone. It's too exaggerated. Do you still want this?" Business card in Yang hand.

This little woman, she didn’t want to have some more women with ambitions, and then come to meddle with Zhen Fan, who she hadn’t touched yet, just like a farmer who had nothing to protect her land after suddenly acquiring a small piece of land. The strong possessiveness made her look bad.

"Yes, I'm not interested in such a woman... how to say... unless she can have chestnut hair and violet eyes, and her nose must be up like this, yes … It’s best to have a very **** and beautiful mole under the ear, then everything will be perfect, and such a woman will surely seduce me…” Zhen Fan said, shrugging his shoulders, and then very Leave in a cool manner.

Such a woman? Ke Luo stood there thinking for a moment, and suddenly stomped his foot and raised his **** fiercely in the direction Zhen Fan was walking. Obviously, isn't the image of the woman in the description very similar to himself? And isn't there a mole under your ear?

"What a **** bastard..." Kolo thought to himself, and took another "poach", "What a... a man of bluffing, but... I seem to like it! Thinking of this, I can’t help but open my mouth again, hehe Smirked.

Military camp outside Los Angeles. Some soldiers began to set up a cordon about ten kilometers away from the barracks, and then set up a cordon every two kilometers. From time to time, helicopters patrolled nearby. The atmosphere here is very tense. In the office of General von Kasser, a document has been placed on his desk.

The New York Times reporter Colin Pratt tragically died in a car accident when he went to the newspaper this morning. This was accompanied by the reporter's alleged blackmail charges. He was charged with committing crimes to his office and rented house. A big search took away some of his information.

This matter is basically considered to have passed. But the price is human lives. In order to prevent the entire city from falling into panic, sometimes it is indeed necessary to sacrifice some personal interests, even lives. Every time he finishes these things, General von Kaser uses this reason to comfort himself.

The first discoverer who was expelled by General Krakow before scientists, only one archaeologist Professor Colm Hardy arrived, and another paleontologist Leidel Dumar Professor Zi did not hesitate to refuse the invitation of General von Kaser, and Christina, a student of Professor Colm Hardy, also refused to participate.

It’s easy to understand that Christina is not participating in it, that is, she is Zhen Fan’s assistant, she has disdain to participate in it, and General von Kasser is worried that this Professor Leder Dumaz will not participate According to Professor Colm Hardy, he was the most caring person at the beginning. The rejection now is doubtful in itself.

"General, when you asked me to look for Professor Leder Dumaz again, he was no longer at home, and... the entry and exit records show that he has left Los Angeles, and it is estimated how old New York is by this time! A friend in his office said he was traveling to New York because he had recently encountered a terrible incident." A colonel came over and reported to General von Kasser.

"Don't use words like this, as an intelligence agent." General von Kasser frowned, then tapped his fingers on the table lightly, slightly dazed, as if thinking.

"General!" The colonel straightened his chest. "Are we going to arrest him now? General!" (To be continued...) u

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