The Anarchic Consort

Chapter 1111: Wei Wei cracks the final puzzle

There are still a few black invitations sent to them in the magazine, just as Song’s father said at the beginning, the person who wrote to them is indeed the Song Song.

Helen Weiwei looked up again and glanced at the light luxury cosmetics that fell on the dressing table.

Zhang Wei noticed her sight and then placed one of the bottles of fairy water: "Miss likes her cosmetics most, and she can't see dirty. Whoever touches her, she is tempted to lose her temper."

That tone is exactly like talking about your own child.

Helian Weiwei picked up his eyebrows: "So when you handed me a meatball, I was afraid that I would be dirty, because she said that you. The injury on your wrist is also made by her?"

Zhang Yan’s hand stretched out suddenly, and there was some stiffness behind him: “The accident that caused the lady’s blow was too big. The master will only come back when the New Year is over. She must be particularly scared and she does not know the right thing. Who said, I will lose my temper, it’s all a little bit of trouble.”

Looking at the end of Zhang Yu’s eyes, Helian Weiwei did not continue this topic. Instead, he took the phone and lit the lights and looked at the photos on the bedside table.

The photo is a group photo of several college students.

The strange thing is that the photo was burned with a hole in the fire.

The person who is burnt is Song Song himself!

Helianweiwei’s brows wrinkled tightly: “What happened to this photo?” Who else put the photo that burned on the bedside table?

Zhang Hao shook his head: "The photo has been like this for a while. I also asked the lady. She made a big fire. It was like a fear. I told me not to take it. I went out. Actually, at that time, I had a scared lady. What will happen, only tell the master what happened at home, the lord believes that there is something unclean to keep up with the lady."

Is it really?

Helen Weiwei stood up again and took a mobile phone to the wall.

She is brilliant, she thinks, she should know what is going on!

There is only one thing she didn't want to understand.

Why did the person disappear when the **** of the rushing out?

If you don't explain this clearly.

The murderer is absolutely impossible to swear.

At that time, the other party will hold this back and refute her.

To find a way to find decisive evidence, let the other party be speechless!

Wait a minute.

If she is the murderer, what would she be most annoyed about?

Helian Weiwei sat down, his eyes closed slightly, and a pair of sub-patterns were outlined in his mind.

It’s raining today, dragging a person on my hand, and the action will definitely be inconvenient.

And this person must not let others discover.

So you must first hide the person on your hand.

Hide it...

Helen Weiwei’s eyes suddenly looked like a knife, sharp and incomparable!

"Zhang Wei, let's go down." Helen Weiwei took the phone and stood up.

Zhang Wei wondered: "Don't you continue to find it?"

"Don't find it." Helen Weiwei's left hand was randomly inserted into his trouser pocket, with a smile in his smile: "Because the murderer is downstairs."

"What?" Zhang Wei was shocked by her statement, and the hand holding the candle trembled.

Xiaoqing saw Helian Weiwei coming downstairs and mocking and laughing, anyone can see her hostility to Helian Weiwei.

Helian Weiwei didn't have the time to take care of her. The first sentence after going downstairs was: "The person who was towed away is not Song Wei, but one of us."

"Hey, she is talking nonsense again!" Xiaoqing couldn't stand the imagination of Helen Weiwei's brain hole: "Let's take a closer look, we can all be here, even Song Bobo." The excluded special forces are also back. You actually said that one of us was towed away? Master Helen, are you sure your head is normal? Or is your eye problem?!"

Zhang Tianshi also helped me on the sidelines: "I have bad spells, but I have never done anything wrong with people. Some of the younger generations are good. In order to get the final commission, they have already started to compose stories."

"This is not a story, because the murderer killed a person in the same way six months ago." Helen Weiwei looked at Zhang Wei: "I am sorry, Zhang Wei, I have to tell you a bad, Song Wei Miss, she is no longer in this world."

Zhang Wei and his sister looked at Helen Weiwei: "You just didn't say it yet..."

"Does this want to hit your own face?" Xiao Qing sneered: "I just told Song Bobo that there is nothing wrong with it. What can't find the position of the body? Now I said that I was killed? Master Helen, I think you shouldn't be a Yin and Yang teacher. You should go to Weibo to talk about the paragraph and see how the netizens spray you! So three times and four times in front of Song Bobo upside down, you think this is where this is the military region!"

Helen Weiwei looked up and gave her a look.

Just a glance, but let Xiaoqing all froze.

She has never seen such a cold look, as if she could kill her at any time, infiltrated into the marrow.

When Helen Weiwei saw her quiet, she slowly opened her mouth: "I only said that the person who was towed away has nothing to do, and Song Yu was not killed here, but half a year ago, when you went to the beach. ""

"What do you mean by this sentence?" Not only those juniors, but even Song’s father stood up after listening to this sentence, and a pair of scorpions swayed violently, and pressed his finger on his faucet: "The absurd It’s ridiculous! Sunny Shantou said yes, I really are too indulgent to you, Master Helen, do you know what you say? My granddaughter has been good before today, is this half a year to accompany? The granddaughter around me is a dead man!"

Liang’s adjutant saw him so excited, for fear that the heart of the old minister would recur again, and helped Song’s father to follow him again.

"I know that these things are very difficult for the family to accept." Helen Weiwei’s eyes looked at Minister Song: "But the first half of the year to accompany the father is not your biological granddaughter Song Wei, but everyone thought she was Wu Taotao, who is already dead."

"Peach peach?" The lively girl has a big sigh: "How is this possible?"

Helen Weiwei’s voice is very dull: “There is nothing impossible. I just saw your photo. Wu Taotao and Miss Song’s height are almost the same. If you change your face, you can replace it.”

"You mean her, she..." The girl seemed to guess what was happening, and her face completely lost her blood.

"Yes." Helen Weiwei hit the nail on the head: "She has become the way of Miss Song, and all of you have been cheated."

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