The Anarchic Consort

Chapter 1112: Killing face

Wen Yan, Xiao Qing's body suddenly slammed.

I heard Helen Weiwei continue to say: "When Wu Taotao invited you, he had already arranged everything, including the game of the soul **** shop. You remember carefully, there are nearly three before this. You didn't see her in the month. When I saw her again, it was still at the seaside where the night had just arrived. None of you have seen her after the facelift, because she wears a mask all the time, of course, the plastic surgery is too great. I really want to wear a mask to prevent infection, but what you eat that day is a barbecue. There are a lot of things to avoid after the plastic surgery. If it is really afraid of infection, it should be worried about the barbecue, not the sea breeze. At that time, you all drank all the wine, and somehow fell asleep. What happened in the middle, you didn't even know, when you woke up, you saw the floating body on the sea."

"Yeah, but I was standing by our side at the time," the girl said.

Helian Weiwei’s voice is very light: “It’s not Song Miss who is standing next to you, but Wu Taotao who steals the pillars. She actually has a good life and she has passed the safety period, so she is not afraid to eat barbecue, but she is all Wearing a mask is not to prevent anything from being infected. She doesn't want you to see what it looks like after the facelift, because only then can she possibly complete her plan, and then she proposes to play the game of the soul pawn. This game can make her After killing people, avoid a lot of troubles. When something happens, everyone will think that there is a ghost in the fight. After all, the death of the deceased is too bad. You were still in the freshman year, maybe some things have not been touched. I haven’t thought about why I’m going to show such a deadness. If it’s really a ghost, just drag the dead into the sea and drown her, why bother to make her face look beyond recognition? In criminal psychology This move has two meanings, one is 嫉妒, the second one is deep, called cover-up. The murderer wants to cover up things, she wants to cover up is not allowed People know that people are not actually dead but Songtong Tong Wu Taotao! "

Such a shocking reasoning falls.

The entire hall is caught in a quiet that has never been seen before.

Everyone's expressions are different. They all seem to have been chiseled by something. They haven't returned to God for a long time.

Only Zhang Wei, she suddenly cried, crying very sad, because only she knows that Helen Weiwei is true.

The change in the past six months is so obvious.

She still remembers the summer vacation, she came back from school, always wrapped around her to eat croquettes.

Since that year, she suspected that she was dirty. When she was unhappy, she took something to slash her. Sometimes she was even better. She would marry her and let her roll.

Zhang Hao was reluctant to leave, and Miss was she grew up watching.

She sometimes wondered why a good-end child would become like this.

Now she understands.

That is not at all... her lady.

When Song’s father saw Zhang Hao, he understood what he had in a moment, and sat back in his position. He was gray-faced and stunned by the eyes he never admitted. “Why, my granddaughter has never been sorry. The thing, why is she looking for a slap."

"Because Miss Song has all the things she wants to have, but she can't get away with it, her family, her appearance, and her position in the eyes of male students." Helen Weiwei said that he looked at Yuanwu: "Plus she knows very well." Miss Song, Miss Song lost her parents from an early age, and her friends were in a single situation. Minister Song lived in the army all the year round, and there was only one Zhang Wei who served her at home. These circumstances combined together became the goal of Wu Taotao, because she became Song After the young lady, there is no need to worry about being discovered. Maybe Zhang Wei will notice what is coming, but Zhang Wei definitely can’t think she is not her. An old housekeeper has no threat of a little threat in the eyes of Wu Taotao, as long as she breaks. In the previous circle of friends, she could use the identity of Song Song to live in this world unscrupulously, buy the luxury goods she wants to buy, and live in the mansion she wants to live in."

"No, this is too cruel!" The girl's fingers trembled and licked her lips: "For these things, will peaches kill their good friends?"

Helen Weiwei looked at the girl and sighed a long sigh: "Do you remember that you said that she was insulting her mother for an Apple phone? And soon after, her mother died of a car accident. And Wu Taotao not only did not have a sad and sad reaction, but even happy to go abroad to squander, can prove how much self-self of Wu Taotao, in her eyes, the biological mother is not a big deal, let alone a good friend in your mouth. ”

The girl did not speak at all, she did not know what to say, because all the statements of Helen Weiwei were so well-founded, she did not believe it was difficult.

"That is to say, I have raised the enemy who killed my own granddaughter in the house for half a year!" Song’s father seized his own faucet and his eyes were reddish. The inside was infiltrated. !

Zhang Tianshi has been stupid on the side. He never thought that there would be such a thing in the world, plastic surgery? Change face?

This girl named Wu Taotao is really awkward and has a pore.

Wait, it seems that something is wrong.

Zhang Tianshi’s eyes widened and stuttered against Helen Weiwei: “Just, you just said that the person who was towed away is not Song Wei, but one of us, what does it mean?”

"Literature." Helianweiwei looked around for a circle and slowly said: "Wu Taotao, who lives as Miss Song, has changed her face. Now she is among us."

A bang!

The college student who called the name Xiaoqing stood up at once.

Others listened to these words, and the apex of the heart could not help!

As soon as I thought of the killing person, Wu Taotao did not know who it was, sitting on both sides of her, and the back was bursting with cold.

"Since it is a change of face, it must be a girl. Because of the change of a boy, the height difference formed will expose him." Helen Weiwei chuckled: "We have always been the first to think that Miss Song is also It’s just that after changing her face, Wu Taotao has never been in the room. After all, she is a victim. She is afraid that the ghost will be afraid of a certain level. It is impossible to move around. In fact, Zhang Wei sees her out. Up..."

To the reader: First, the beauty of the murderer is smart.

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