The Anarchic Consort

Chapter 1120: Go to the license

Helen Weiwei did not know how many people had saved her. She was still sorting out her collar, thinking about what would be said for a moment to let a certain underarm move, and casually put the sunglasses on the head.

"It's so beautiful!"

"Does she really have a child?"

"Our little president is her son, what do you say?"

"He always has a good match, and her riding car is so handsome!"

"Of course, handsome, a Tomahawk can buy a few limited running, it is said that the car performance is particularly good, have been fired to the price!"

Many employees on the first floor have made excuses to pass the company's doorstep in order to take a look at the legendary president's wife.

It is counted that Helen Weiwei has been to the Juewei Group three times.

The first appearance made many people fall in love with her.

After all, there are really few women who can wear a locomotive suit.

The second time, she was still a little girl, and no one recognized her.

The third time is now.

Helen Weiwei found that someone was looking at her, looked up, smiled over there, his mouth was warm and his lips were beautiful.

"Ah! What to do! Why do I always have a feeling of being picked up! I obviously like a man! But the president's wife is so handsome!"

Unexpectedly, Helian Weiwei got the love of many sisters.

After all, the wife of a president like her is really rare.

It’s not that Miss Qian’s one is not good.

Just like the calculations of Helen Weiwei, it seems that there are really few.

The sisters are all shy. If they want to be close and don't dare, they can only find an excuse to pass by.

Helen Weiwei smiled and said hello to them: "Is it going to have lunch?"

"Well, um!" The two words sisters paused with excitement: "Why don't the lady go up?"

Helian Weiwei smiled and said: "I am here waiting for him to get off work, pick him up to eat." Can not say to get the certificate, ah.

Will the wife take the president off work?

I always feel that this setting is strange.

Isn’t it always the president who picks up his wife to get off work?

The two sisters glanced at each other and shyly said: "Madam, you will come to the company often, we will support you and the president, you and the president must be old-fashioned!"

A lot of sugar! They have painted several cartoons. The prototype is Mrs. and Sir, and is especially popular!

"Thank you." Helen Weiwei glanced and followed the smile towards the two sisters: "Jun."


The two sisters had a stiff back and a moment of fear and excitement. Although they were CP brain powder, they still felt very stressed when they faced the president!

Sure enough, in this world, only the lady standing next to the president will not lose color.

The voice of the Bailijiajue is still very indifferent: "Give them a raise."

"Yes." The dragon who came with him left with two soul-slowing sisters.

There was a hot segment on Weibo that day.

The contents of the paragraph are as follows: What is your salary increase standard? Overtime order? Really weak! We only need to bless the boss and the boss lady!

Then it was overwhelmed by countless comments: "Which company are you! The technical department is still recruiting? Is it kind of blessing?"

Outside the company, Bai Lijiajue was bowing his head to Helian Weiwei to play with her hair, and rubbing her finger on her nose: "Is it not hot here?"

"Slightly." Helen Weiwei reached out and hugged the man's waist: "In order to pick you up from work, the hot spot is hot."

The picture was beautiful, and it made the onlookers squirt a **** face.

Too love!

Bai Lijiajue bowed his head and kissed her hairline: "A stupid one."

"Hey." Helen Weiwei picked up his eyebrows, rubbed his waist with his hand, and then smiled: "Come on, take you to a place."

Brigadier glanced at her tomahawk: "It's too hot today, not taking a locomotive."

As a beast that followed the tens of thousands of years of the Bailijiajue, Long Tesuke quickly understood the meaning of his own owner, and a low-key business car drove over.

Barry Gregard took the hand of Helen Vivi: "Go up."

"You drive?" Helen Weiwei picked up his eyebrows.

Barry Giaju snorted.

Helen Weiwei thought of something, and took back his long legs: "Yes, is your ID card taken?"

ID card? Human things?

The Baili Jiajue wiped her sweat again and asked casually: "What do you want to do?"

"Go to the certificate." Helen Weiwei looked serious: "I want to take you to the license, no proof of identity can not."

It’s all right now!

Every employee looks at each other and they think of the beginning of the story, but they don't think about the end.

Originally thought that the lady is simply to pick up the president next class, it is necessary to bring the president to get the certificate...

Wait a minute, the original president and the wife of the president have always been unmarried?

No, no, this is not the point of the matter.

The key is to prove this kind of thing. Shouldn’t the man take the woman to go? !

"Licensed?" Barry Gregory picked a brow.

Helen Weiwei explained: "It is a poke on you, and our relationship will be legal in the future."

Of course, the Bailijiajue knew what the license was. The mouth couldn’t control it, and he took it over and hugged it in his arms: "How come you want to get a certificate?"

"To let everyone know that you are mine." Helen Weiwei kissed his face, smiled lightly, and there was no jealousy.

In the summer sun, the commercial streets where people come and go, and the media who received the first-hand news, all looked at this scene, and the envy of the heart was unspeakable.

Perhaps the right outside the evaluation.

For a hundred years, I could not meet a man like Bai Lijiajue.

Elegant, noble, and inaccessible.

But he met Helen Weiwei.

Such a bold, handsome, informal woman.

It is like a gorgeous bouquet in the dark.

Not the kind of pure white.

It is just red.

Because only then can the darkness be illuminated.

However, humans are always weird.

At the same time of envy, they also want a woman who likes a man to this point. If something happens in the future, it is the pain of snagging.

They don't know.

Really, from the beginning, it was the Bailijiajue who could not leave each other.

Woke up from chaos and saw the first sight of the little phoenix.

He told him that he wanted to get this person, no matter what way.

Because it is a person or a devil.

After taste the taste of the sun, there is no way to let go.

I want to devour her into the darkness, but I can't bear it again and again.

No matter when, for thousands of years, he was stunned by gods, shredded time and space, gave up his knowledge, but he just wanted to hold her in his arms like this.

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