The Anarchic Consort

Chapter 1121: sweet

Civil Affairs Bureau.

One photo, two documents.

Helianweiwei and Bailijiajue are like the two most common couples, sitting there waiting to receive a small red book.

There are not many people in the Civil Affairs Bureau.

Probably someone else will pick a date, such as the commemorative figures like 520.

Like Helen Weiwei, it is not common to want to receive a certificate to obtain a certificate.

Therefore, it is also true that a certain priest always said that she does not have romantic cells.

"It’s finally catching up!” Helen Weiwei looked at the little red book in his hand and was very proud.

Bai Lijiajue raised his eyebrows: "Catch the hand?"

"I have been chasing you all the time, don't you know?" Helen Weiwei went back to see him.

The Baili Jiajue took people over and avoided the sun shining on her. He really didn't know that Xiaofeng was still chasing him.

"It must be that I am too subtle." Helen Weiwei said with a smile: "But it doesn't matter. You can't run away anyway. This stuff is legal in the world. You will wear a ring when you go out to work. If those women are Come over, tell them, you are my person."

"Okay." Barry Gregory leaned over and tied her seat belt for her, then kissed her smooth forehead.

Helen Weiwei felt that a certain gentleness of today's Highness was obedient, and surely the tutorials in the novel were correct. As a overbearing president, it is necessary to give each other a surprise from time to time!

"Since the cards are all in the lead, should we have a formal house night?" Berry Gai’s fingers held the steering wheel and looked at her with a beautiful scorpion.

Helen Weiwei may wish to be confused by the beauty: "Of course." The cave room was a night of candlelight, but it was not done.

It turns out that Helen Weiwei is still too tender.

When she was pressed under the squad, she felt as if she was controlled by a huge and fierce machine. It enters its softest and most fragile place, maintains high frequency and high intensity of operation, and in addition to uncontrollably breathing, it can't get back to a point.

"Wei Wei." He bit his ear gently, "lift your legs."

How can there be such a big difference... When he speaks, he is as gentle as a gentleman who loves himself, but his body is doing something as bad as a beast. However, she still compromised and lifted her legs. Then, after only two seconds, she regretted to start pushing him: "No, really, no, too, too deep..."

"Don't say no." His voice was low and good, full of numbness, but with a near-crazy calm.

Hearing her saying no, he punished her a few times.

In the end, she was defeated. The heartbeat was unbearable, her cheeks were red, and she finally opened her mouth slightly and carefully touched his tongue.

She heard that his breathing became heavier and his body temperature was getting higher and higher.

Now he only wants to do one thing, that is, to completely occupy her, to engrave herself into her body, so that she also loves to have no turning back, just like herself... completely fallen.

After that, he hugged her on her lap and entered from below.

Her shoulders trembled, and she hugged his neck with exhaustion. There was no power to support the body: "Jun, today is it, I... really can't..."

"I'm not enough." He lifted her chin and kissed her as deeply as she was obedient, but the body repeated without mercy, breaking through.

- No matter how long it takes, how many times it is done. Not enough.

Helian Weiwei wakes up in the middle of the night. She is very worried about what problems her body will have. She reaches out and touches her lower abdomen. The aura is smooth and she is relieved.

Just the soft light shrouded in front of you, definitely not in the villa.

Helen Weiwei moved her hand and found that she was lying on a luxurious bed made of roses.

He has already dressed, not the previous suit, but the devil's dress, the cloak that hangs down to the ground, and the whole person is full of the abstinence of the high when she first saw him.

Seeing that she woke up, he walked over to her, holding her dying woman in her arms, her fingers playing with her hair, and looking at her eyes with a faint smile: "How many times have you done, or It's useless."

"Birds." Helen Weiwei buried his head and didn't want him to see his red face: "What do you bring me to the Devil?"

The Baili Gajue reached out and took the clothes next to him, and helped her to wear one after another: "The devil uses food, of course, in the devil world."

"Well?" Helen Weiwei looked at him for a while, and then kissed him and kissed him: "It seems that I am not willing to eat me, or else I will pick the time and place."

"The devil is very particular about eating, especially for a soul like you." Bai Lijiajue chuckled and picked up the person, and the fingers still did not forget to squat for her: "Take you to a place."

"I am hungry, can I eat first?" In general, Helen Weiwei made this request, and one of the Highnesses would agree.

But this time he just hugged her up and walked away from the door.

Helian Weiwei raised his eyebrows, this man is weird.

The place where Brigadier took her to go was the first prison in the devil world.

Under three thousand feet, the bustling.

Here is the beginning of all evil.

Numerous demons cling to the surroundings, and the black ladder leads to the endless abyss of hell.

The magic hall of the Bailijiajue is on it, like crystal, the most dust-free existence.

"His Royal Highness, are you finally ready to eat this human woman?"

"Is your eyes awkward! That is the phoenix of Buddhism!"

"His Royal Highness is so powerful that even the Phoenix can deceive it. There is a contract between them, and the Highness will definitely eat her."

"Shut up, I will be heard by the phoenix, and she will run. The plan of His Highness has been finished!"

Helian Weiwei: ...

Please, so loud, she has heard it?


What is the plan for this man? Hunting her? From beginning to end?

Helen Weiwei’s pupils tightened and looked at the man in front of him.

The Barry Gregory leaned over and placed her on the one-of-a-kind throne. When her fingers crossed her cheek, it was a bit like looking at food.

Then he opened his mouth and bit the black glove on his hand, a little closer to her neck...

To the reader:

Comes with a small theater.

Question: Helen Weiwei, what do you like most about your Highness?

Helen Weiwei: Of course, it looks like, can you not ask this kind of question that everyone knows? Ok?

Q: In addition to looks! ! !

Helen Weiwei thought about it and raised his eyebrows: Kissing without a word?

Q: ... What a ghost is kissing in a word!

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