The Anarchic Consort

Chapter 1174: Less fire

When the child says it is done, his own affairs are very neat.

Yan Qin also thought that Xiao Ajiu was because he couldn't do anything, and he handed it over to Bai Zhun.

But she did not know that Xiao Ajiu was originally grown up in the temple.

In the temple, Xiao Ajiu has always been his own thing to do it himself.

I came to Baijia and asked Bai Zhun to help, but it was because Bai Zhu liked it.

Self-made smart Qin Qin, I thought that this time she helped Bai Zhuo teach the child.

After a while, Bai Zhun should have time to accompany them.

Have to say that Yan Qin's fantasy is good.

But when Bai Ye intends to hold the children to talk about the bedtime story, Xiao Ajiu seriously put forward the request to sleep with Bai Ye.

Bai Zhun’s beautiful nephews sank completely.

"Ajiu wants to sleep on his own?"

"Just the sister didn't say it, the girl wants to be self-reliant? So many things are done by the little brother, the little brother will be very tired, and I will delay the time of my little brother."

"If I am not afraid of being wronged by Ah Jiu?"

Xiao Ajiu did not speak, looked at Bai Zhuan for a while, then shook his head and pulled the little quilt over his body, which meant that she only wanted to sleep.

Bai Jun has never had a temper with the little guy.

Even now, his left hand has been smashed into a fist.

He just squatted down and kissed him on the forehead of Xiao Ajiu: "Well, since Ajiu likes it."

Xiao Ajiu took his ear and smashed his body.

Silently refused, let Bai Zhun finger stiff, followed him to stand up and walked downstairs.

There is no anger on his face.

However, Wang Hao, who is familiar with him, clearly realized that the young master’s mood should not be very good.

The two sisters came to see him, and they still smiled on their faces: "Bai Zhun, you are finally down. Your sister is really sticky to you. Now it is better. You have been sensible by Yan Qin."

Yan Qin also looked at Bai Jun with a cheeky cheek: "I don't have a question. You teach me, anyway, Xiao Ajiu also went up."

After listening to this sentence.

Bai Zhun also ignores the hospitality of Bai Jia, and looks at them coldly, and his voice is very deep: "Who brought these three people in!"

These few sisters have seen Bai Zhuan fire, and he was indifferent to seeing him at school before, or else he was gentle to the children.

No one thought that he would launch a fire, even more terrible than an adult!

The face of the boy is full of ice: "I ask again, who brought these three people in!"

Li Xiaoba shrank his neck and stood up: "You don't get angry first, this thing..."

"Take them all away!"

Bai Zhuan’s voice is very cold, and the cold makes people feel cold.

Even if you don't know what happened, you know that this is really hot!

Can you not fire!

The child he raised did not let him touch the last finger!

Well, these people dare to find him not happy, he will not let them happy!

The girls seemed to be scared, but all of them were spoiled: "Bai Zhu, you will not be too much, we will forget, Yan Qin is your girlfriend, how can you do this to her?" "

Bai Jun sneered aloud: "Girlfriend? It seems that someone needs to explain how the word came from. Yan Qin, when you confess, how did I reject you? I need to repeat it again?"

The blood on the face of Yan Qin was suddenly taken out. She opened her mouth: "I am..."

"I didn't clarify the rumors that you spread outside, but I didn't want to be so troublesome." Bai Jun's very deep nephew looked at her: "But who is going to come to me to use your means? Yan classmate, who do you think you are?" ?Ok?"

"You, you... you bastard!" Yan Qin was not able to come to Taiwan with the attitude of Bai Zhuan, and directly ran out of the white house.

The coldness of Bai Jiao’s face has not dissipated. He was not happy to have someone to disturb him and Xiao Ajiu. The cultivation of Bai’s family has kept him tolerant.

As a result, these three people were so insatiable that they hit the small Ajiu.

Is it when he is dead?

The other two girls saw Yan Qin running, and quickly collected things, and the thoughts were very chaotic.

It turned out that Bai Zhun was rejecting Yan Qin.

She is not a girlfriend of Bai Zhun.

Looking back, the two men did not seem to have stayed alone.

That is to say, Yan Qin has been doing rumors...

God, what kind of secrets do they know!

The two girls glanced at each other and were holding books, full of shock!

The chill of Bai Zhun did not decrease by half because of the departure of the three girls. He called the school.

This is his first time to use the White House, that is, the principal has to transfer him.

There is no requirement for the class, as long as it is close to the elementary school.

As for Yan Qin, Bai Zhun has thousands of ways to let her know what it would be like to play Xiao Ai Jiu.

Li Xiaoba feels that his instincts are not the slightest mistake.

Bai Ye is really angry, or even if he is to maintain his education, he will not make a rush.

Xiao Lin has never spoken, but he has seen the deeper meaning of Bai Jun’s nephew.

Bai Zhun also glanced at him: "Take your pencil away, Aji is not used."

Xiao Lin gave a smile at once: "Oh, I took it, but Bai Zhun said it well, and I also like Xiao Ai."

"There are so many people who like her." Bai Jun raised his eyebrows and smiled: "You are just one of them, and I am her guardian. That is, you give me a point, understand?"

Xiao Lin looked at the back and shook his head. Well, Bai Jun was more concerned with Xiao Ai than he thought.

Is it just simple to control the sister?

Why does he always feel that this is not the case?

After Bai Zhun finished these things, he remembered that the voice might be a little bigger. He glanced at Wang Hao, standing on the edge of the stairs, and his voice lowered: "Here, have you slept?"

Wang Hao looked at the white babe who was so cautious, and smiled on his face: "Which can sleep, it is estimated that I am still waiting for the young master."

After that, she subconsciously looked at the teenager's look and saw that the line was softer. He continued: "Miss has come so long, and for nearly a year, the young master has been taking care of himself. I have been used to it. This is not. When the young master just left, the child would be in a hug with a small quilt. Even if he didn’t sleep, he would definitely be reluctant to be a young master."

After Bai Zhu listened to it, the scorpion was really warm. When he reached out and pushed the door open, he saw the little man turning his head on the bed, practicing kungfu, and the little tail was squatting on it.

After seeing Bai Zhuan came in, Xiao Ajiu stopped and stayed with a small face and a hair on his head.

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