The Anarchic Consort

Chapter 1175: Yan Qin came to find a small nine

Have you ever seen a little tiger fall to the head.

Xiao Ajiu is now that look.

Bai Zhu looked at her little face, and the air in her heart was finally eliminated.

Knowing that the child had eaten less, she also specially brought her a small cake of yogurt.

No matter how ordinary Wang Hao swears at him, what can't be too accustomed to children, especially if she can't let her eat at night, otherwise the teeth should hurt.

Bai Zhun also has a sense of proportion, how much to eat, should not be a problem.

Xiao Ajiu stared at the cake and his eyes were bright.

Bai Zhuan smiled and reached out and put the child right: "Do you want to eat?"

Xiao Ajiu stood up with his little ears and tried hard to point his head.

Bai Zhuan has always been patient with the child, holding a spoon to dig it for her.

Xiao Ajiu ate very fragrant, hanging long eyelashes, eating a piece, not enough to eat a piece, eating small belly is supported, only to play a small full, relying on Bai Zhuan's body.

"A Jiu, I promise you that in the future, there will be no more people disturbing us." Bai Zhuan wiped his mouth for the child: "So there are some things you don't have to do yourself, understand?"

Xiao Ajiu leaned his head: "Isn't that taking up the time of my little brother?"

"Little brother's time is used to be occupied by you." Bai Zhun also went to bed, let the little guy kneel on him: "Not to say good, we are a family, of course, the family must take time each other. "

Xiao Ajiu felt that Bai Zhun was right, but one thing: "If the little brother has a girlfriend?"

"I won't have a girlfriend." Bai Zhuan's voice is very light: "You have not said that the woman under the mountain is a tiger."

Xiao Ajiu felt that it was not quite right: "It is not such a logic. Li Xiaobawang said, whoever has a girlfriend, I am a monk, so I am away from girls, and my younger brother is not a monk."

"I am your brother, have you forgotten?" Bai Ye automatically opened the Fudge mode: "I am also a monk, at least half."

Xiao Ajiu heard the words, the double-bends brightened, and the small face was very serious: "After that, my little brother noticed that he couldn't approach the girl any more. The wuli Buddha said that the color is empty, the air is the color, you can't break the ring, understand? I see the recent small My brother is not doing very well. I will look at the little brother for the Buddha."

Bai Zhun listened to the child's head is the road, still nodded to himself, could not help but laughed: "Well."

"Then let's sleep." Xiao Ajiu climbed up in Baizhun's arms and handed the little prince's illustration book on the bed to Bai Zhuan's hand. That means letting Bai Zhun tell her before bedtime. story.

Bai Zhuan smiled and opened the illustration book. The voice of the teenager was crisp and good.

Xiao Ajiu is so close to his arms, seriously listening, listening for a while, the eyes began to sink, the little head is a little bit.

The white hair on the head of the small white prince was opened and he closed his eyes.

The two children are finally reconciled.

Wang Hao looked also happy.

If this is the case, Xiao Ajiu has always insisted on doing his own thing. No one knows what the young master will be.

In the morning, Xiao Ajiu, as usual, took a toast, and the small hand gave Bai Zhuan a schoolbag with a big eyes.

She likes to take Bai Zhuan's school bag.

White Champion came down, and the long white fingers tied the children with laces. The sun shone and sprinkled on the two people, pulling the shadow very long.

As a third-grade class, Xiao Ajiu is never late for school. He is sleeping in class and is more violent.

This should be something that everyone knows.

To put it simply, it’s never been awkward.

On this day, Xiao Ajiu was eating the snacks given to her by the next table.

In fact, the entire three-year classmates have been taken care of by the white school grass. The school grass is so gentle, please ask them to take care of the class, how they may not agree.

That is the idol in their minds!

Of course, the idol also said that it is not allowed to have boys close to the grass.

At that time, they wanted to say it. They are also good cuts for boys. Isn’t it even for boys in the eyes of the school grass?

The third grade primary school students are extremely depressed when they think about this.

After the class bell rang, Ban Cao said to go out to play.

Don't look at the class, the amount of exercise is bigger than the boys in their entire class.

One of the boys has not wanted to recall his shameful picture.

In short, there is a place where there is a class of grass, there is a song and laughter, this is the third place A class is the most distinctive place.

Originally everything was very cheerful, but when Xiao Aiu lowered his head to eat the second bag of small melon seeds, Yan Qin appeared, and there were two girls behind her.

All of them are junior college students, and the classmates in the class will of course look at the tiptoe.

"Ajiu." Yan Qin's eyes are all red, like just crying: "You help me to tell your brother good things, I was at your home that day, I don't have any other meaning, I think the girl is the best. Don't always rely on others when you do things. Your brother hurts you so much. I must think that I am insinuating you. In fact, I just think that he usually has to learn and bring you. Many times, even we meet, he doesn't come out, sure. It’s too tired to say to you in your home. Can you understand your sister’s heart?”

Xiao Ajiu took a small melon and rubbed her face for a while.

It’s not the two girls who went to Bai’s family that day. It’s not clear about the matter. Plus, they liked to pull out the gangs in school. See who is not pleasing to the eye, who is in the middle school. Not without it.

They and Yan Qin are in a circle, of course they will speak to Yanqin.

One of the girls, seeing Xiao Ajiu standing there, did not speak, and could not help it.

"Aki is it? You are the sister of Bai Zhun, that is our sister, but you must understand at least something, right now, because of you, your brother will break up with your sister Yan Qin, you will be for you. Sister Qin said good things, how about my sisters taking you to eat Burger King?"

The male student next to him heard this and felt that the other party was not good. He glanced at the small class grass and walked one step forward in a loyal way.

"What's the matter, you still have to find a teacher, Ah Ji is still small, and I don't understand what you are talking about."

After listening to the girl, she glanced at Xiao Ajiu: "She is not a mental retardation. How can she not understand people? Ah Jiu, my sisters are coming to help you, you also give words, there is white. If you are a brother like this, you should not be stupid. Even if you adopt it, you must have at least a little IQ."

Xiao Ajiu still didn't speak, but the little melon that was in her hand was put aside by her.

To the reader's words: First, wuli beauty hopes that you can like it, predict that these two or three days should grow up, grow up, um...

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