The Anarchic Consort

Chapter 1185: Start on the evil face

The little guy was sitting in the arms of Bai Zhun, squinting at his head and thinking about whether or not to use her small fish to lure her cat back soon.

Finally, I don’t think she needs her worry.

When she was a child, she saw a small white hair, and when she was a little white, she became a big tiger. She was not afraid of those stray dogs.

Just, where did Xiaobai go?

This little guy is still puzzled.

At the scene of the show, a pure white cat squatted on the shoulders of a high-profile teenager, and screamed low.

The boy was wearing a black leather jacket, a sterling silver hair, a **** aristocratic face, as if he had been kissed by God, but he was a junior high school student, but he had the brilliance of a superstar.

The light hit his face, and all of them were sucked up. His thin lips moved slightly. The teeth were white and exposed. There was always a strong evil.

After the cat was finished, he left his shoulder.

Countless people are calling at the camera: "Young Master" two words.

The young boy will push the door open, and then he will come over. It is obviously only the age of eleven or two years old, but the gas field is very full. He really does not need makeup, so perfect facial features, glamorous is almost excessive.

"Our last male god, a hundred miles on evil!"

Yan Xin took the lead and swelled her palms. Her eyes looked at the evils of the hundred miles, and she could almost see the explosion of this program.

In Baijia, Xiao Ajiu, who was originally sitting in Baizhun’s arms, stood up straight to his small body, carrying a sprouting tiger tail, and ran to the front of the TV, then He was there, staring at the sin of the singer, and the smug little look was more serious than when she was eating.

Li Xiaoba touched his nose. He didn't forget that when he was shopping with Xiao Ajiu a year ago, he casually said something that was bad when he was evil.

"It seems that Xiao Ajiu really likes this star." Li Xiaobawang sighed and went back to see Bai Zhuan.

Xiao Lin frowned. "His identity is not simple. The influence of the topic is not known how many times it is. If he participates in this program, it will be less beneficial for us to do something."

But Bai Zhun did not care about it at all, and looked at the child who was lying in front of the TV.

At this moment, the scorpion of Xiao Ajiu did not have any existence at all.

Bai Jun did not know how to describe that feeling.

But he did not find other people in the eyes of Xiao Ajiu, except for the evil in the hundred miles.

Bai Zhuan’s hand suddenly tightened, and the cotton swab was so hard and broke in his hand, with a palm of the potion.

Xiao Ajiu did not find that the small claws were there, and the big eyes were very bright and bright.

The evil spirits of the hundred miles come with anger, but as a demon, he has a characteristic, that is, the more angry he is, the better he looks when he laughs.

There is a male star in the resident guest who has a good acting skills. As a representative, he has played with the evil spirits of Baili. Of course, it is up to him to receive the hundred miles of evil: "Our young master is finally here, I am really too Excited, although I am not your powder, but my daughter is very powdery."

On the hundred miles, the evil laughed, and did not speak, but put his gaze on the body of Xin Xin.

The camera immediately followed his eyes and passed.

Yan Xin really felt that her luck was getting better and better, and she deliberately showed a tired smile: "I saw my daughter when I saw the evil. They seem to be almost big. If my daughter has such a brother, it would be fine." Then there are people who are guarding."

"My baby also wants to recognize him as a brother." The male star wants to copy the hot atmosphere and deliberately make a crying expression: "Now, as soon as there is a picture of evil on TV, he will definitely take me." Going to the side, sure enough, this is an era of looking at the face. Well, let us once again welcome the young male **** to go to the evil!"

It was a round of applause. This time, there is no need to do the special effects of the program. After the emergence of the evils, the speed of the microblogging has not stopped!

"Ah! The mission is coming! Look at what we have to do this time!" The actor said, he took over a card that the director handed him, just wanted to speak.

The voice of the evil spirits of Baili was passed over, not low or low, but also with the unique atmosphere of the boy: "I am not here to do the task."

"唉??" The male star stunned and was forced by the words of the evil spirits.

Not coming to the task? But their program is to do a variety of tasks.

How is this going?

Isn’t the little president just want to show his face and explore his class, he thinks he hasn’t got the fire to that point.

"What this program should do is live broadcast." Bai Li Shangxie hooked his lips: "Recently, everyone seems to care about one thing. The parties to this matter are also here, what programs are still being done, and ask her a few questions. Isn't it better?"

After listening to the phrase of the evil in the hundred miles, everyone knows who he is referring to.

The guide originally wanted to stop, but looking at the soaring ratings, I felt that there was nothing to temporarily change the script, so it was even more exciting!

So I went straight to Xiang Xin and made a continuous gesture.

At the beginning, Yan Xin didn’t expect to say that she would say that when she realized that this program would become her exclusive visit, she couldn’t stop her heart. Although she didn’t show her face, she still insisted on being forced by the forces. The pressure is weak, but her eyes are not human.

Almost all of the resident guests who were close to her saw her bright eyes.

"I don't really have anything to say about my business." The voice of Xin Xin is very low, giving a very gentle feeling: "I have said it on Weibo, but I am very grateful to me. The fans, these people gave their solidarity in the first time. If it weren't for them, I don't know what I would face. I don't know if this program will be broadcasted. I just want to say that this world is always There are right and wrong, no matter who can't be bullying, there is everyone, I will not give in."

The fans who recorded the scene heard the words of Xin Xin and wanted to cry.

The hundred miles of evil only just laughed: "Listen to Ms. Yan said that the other party is very sinful."

"Yes." Yan Xin turned her head and looked at the camera: "One of my daughter's classmates was also at the scene. The arm that was beaten was broken. Now I am lying in the hospital. In fact, I can't imagine, if not me. When I arrive in time, what kind of treatment will my daughter suffer?"

Hundreds of evil spirits and thin lips hooked up: "Mr. Ms. You said that these are just those words that are repeated on your Weibo. Why are your daughters jealous? Why don’t you say a word, this is the cause? ?"

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