The Anarchic Consort

Chapter 1186: Defeat

Hearing words, Qi Xin is a stiff, why are they guilty of their family, and of course she can't all say it.

But this is in front of the TV, and she can't tell lies.

Yan Xin is very clever. In order to avoid the problem of evil on her own, she lowered her voice: "I don't think that a girl should be disabled for whatever reason."

There was a sigh of eyebrows on the hundred miles, and the smile on the corner of the mouth was even stronger: "Mr. Ms. has a loophole in this statement. Is your daughter not yet disabled? But, unfortunately, such a shameless person, why? Not being beaten."

Yan Xin suddenly raised his head, as if he did not believe what he heard: "You!" Why do you say such things in the hundred miles?

"Since Ms. Yu does not want to say the reason, then I will tell you to Ms. Yu. "Hundreds of evils go over and look at the gold medal brokers.

Yan Xin is also looking at each other, she is not only looking at each other, but also watching the guide.

The words of the hundred miles of evil made her a great uneasiness.

She has a very strong hunch, the following content can not be broadcast, once broadcast, not only her, even Yan family will be finished!

The male star who made the program together also realized that the situation was not quite right. The original small president did not come to participate in the program at all. Instead, he used a live broadcast to hit the face.

But in general, the agent God should not come out to stop it?

Why even he did not stop the small president today.

Even deliberately stood on one side and acquiesced in the practice of the small president, like who is putting pressure on him.

There is only one person who can make a gold broker do this, and that is... Lord!

This matter is not even instructed by the general, but at the very least, the permission of the general!

What did Yan Xin do, even their presidents have to clean up her? !

The male star did not dare to think about it.

The director of the station saw the meaning of Yan Xin. After all, he was the actress of his own show. How could he still want to protect him? He took a look at the direction of the gold medal agent.

Who knows, those cameras have just shifted a bit.

The hundred miles of evil directly spoke: "If this video is not broadcast live to me, Li Tai, you will not have to be a director."

Director Li has never been threatened by anyone like this, but the person who threatened him can really let him disappear.

Every move of the hundred miles of evil is recorded in front of the TV set, but he seems to care nothing, still beautiful, people can even stop even breathing.

Director Li did not dare to make further gestures. In addition to the ratings that have been soaring, he decisively put his face to the side.

Yan Xin did not even have time to respond to the move.

The evil spirits opened again. At this moment, he looks like a real blood-sucking aristocrat. Even the beautiful scorpions are full of bloodthirsty light: "Ms. Yu, your daughter is even younger. I’m eleven and a half years old. I have a video record about your daughter’s bullying at school. After the live broadcast, I will let people on time send it to the media, so that everyone can see it. How does the daughter of the family look at the father who has an official, when the mother of the star crowds this in the school and counts it. Then, let’s talk about it again. Your daughter likes the last one. Male student, the male student hates your daughter’s stalker. As a result, your daughter attributed the reason to a little girl, the sinful person in your mouth. A six-year-old girl said no. Interrupting your daughter's hand, even if your daughter is disabled, it is just a defense! Your daughter is almost twelve years old, so I am willing to take two sports students to find a six-year-old child? Is it on Weibo that the little girl who beat this time has a background? Now I will tell you, I can also become her background! Do you want to incite public opinion? Well, then we are better than two, it is me. Can you incite public opinion, or you can move more!"

All the cameras were recorded. After listening to this passage, Yan Xin’s pale face to the extreme expression, she rushed to push the person next to him and shouted, “This is a fall!” But how can it cover up her? Fled away.

The program was suspended, and Baili’s evil spirits were said to be done, leaving the video resources directly to Li Tai.

All the netizens were turned around by such a **** to make a half-sounding speech without saying anything.

The video clearly recorded that the daughter of Yan Xin was a party in the middle of the week, and the netizens were angry all the time!

Bai Zhun looked at the TV screen and made a decisive decision: "Xiao Lin, get ready, we will broadcast live now."

It’s less than five minutes to speak on the hundred miles, and the game’s live **** will show up.

Many people are watching their computers a bit sullen.

The gamers did not expect that they would one day see the great **** revealing the truth.

It is a teenager who looks good and can almost go to be a star. He wears the simplest school uniform, but gives him an innate extravagance.

His voice is very clear, clean and can make people want to listen to him.

"Today I don't broadcast the siege, but I want to tell you that I am the one with a red background in the mouth of Xin Xin." Bai Zhuan opened the mouth, and the number of people in the virtual room instantly doubled.

He lifted his eyes and looked straight into the camera, as if to imprint this look in people's hearts: "It's my sister who beats people. I don't want to say that she is young, I just want to ask you, if you guys. There is a younger sister who is cute and cute on weekdays. He is still sitting in the classroom. Someone is looking for a provocation, and even wants to hit her. Will you stand up and protect her in the first place? I will! Even if it is A person with a red background, I am just an ordinary person. My grandfather taught me from an early age. As a **** Chinese woman, I must first protect my family and protect my country. However, I did not think that this layer of my body. The identity that makes me proud will become the chip that the other side attacks me, but even then I still have to say that no matter what my family, I will not lose my bottom line. Today I am standing here, just for myself. The younger sister went back to a fair, a sweet microblog, and spearheaded up to my sister. Many netizens threatened to ask her to be human, as if the person who identified the wrong person was us. In fact, Yan Xin never took it. The truth tells you that now I have this truth in hand, you can listen to the sound in this recording, what your goddess said."

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