The Anarchic Consort

Chapter 1201: The first thousand one hundred and ninety-six, Wei Wei appeared

Xiao Ajiu has not spoken yet.

Bai Zhun opened his mouth, as if he was a little upset when he heard the story back to the temple. The voice was heavy: "Who said she wants to go back to the temple, don't go back, go home directly."

Xiao Ajiu’s little face was still on Baizhun’s shoulder. After listening to Bai Zhu’s words, he erected the small body: “If you want to go back to the temple, the younger brother will not go home.”

"I will go home later." Bai Zhuan held the child's hand: "This time, my little brother is not right. Ah Jiu and his little brother are going back."

Xiao Ajiu thought about it, and returned to Bai Zhu’s arms. His small face was placed on Bai Zhu’s shoulder. He was very embarrassed and very embarrassed: "Okay."

Bai Zhunqi smiled, and the slender fingers ran for Xiao Ajiu, and the suffocation in his eyes disappeared a lot, leaving only the gentleness.

Li Xiaobawang and Xiaolin took a glance at them and they all breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, Xiao Ai Jiu said that he would not return to the mountains. Otherwise, Bai Zhuan did not know what it would look like.

In fact, a little injury is not required to enter the hospital.

But when Bai Ye hurts the child, basically no one will listen to it. He personally held her and asked her to check her arms and legs.

I am afraid that when the child is rescued, the car is hit by the car, the little guy does not know.

Xiao Ajiu is sitting in the CT room honestly. The little ears are very cute. What the doctor asks her to do, she does what.

Bai Zhun looked at her on the sidelines. Everything was almost always done by hands. Even wearing shoes was a white bend to give a small A-nine.

"Except for the bruises, the rest are normal. Recently, the child should be in the long body and go home to eat more calcium tablets and vitamins."

The doctor said as he smiled at Xiao Ai.

Xiao Ajiu heard the three words of the long body, and immediately spirited, and the little face nodded very seriously.

Bai Zhuan smiled to pick up the child, but was pulled up by the child and reached the front of the attending physician: "Doctor, my little brother's hand is hurt, can you help my little brother?"

Wen Yan, Zhang adjutant sighed with relief.

In fact, compared to the lady's bruises, the injury to the left hand of the young master should be more serious. The place has already been swollen and soaked in sweat. Now it is definitely more painful.

He just mentioned with the young master that the young master should first look at his own hands. He can hold the lady for inspection.

But the young master just looked at him and didn't talk. He didn't seem to want to let go of the lady.

Zhang’s adjutant is also worried that if he goes on like this, the young master’s hand may be inflamed.

If the lady is coming up, the young master will definitely do it.

as expected.

After Xiao Ajiu finished, Bai Zhun sat there with her command.

Xiao Ajiu’s small body squatted on Baizhun’s long legs and carried a small face. He asked the attending physician very seriously: “Doctor, is my little brother’s hand okay? He has to write homework and play basketball. Get better soon."

"It's a little inflamed, but it doesn't have much problem. It needs to be disinfected with alcohol first." The doctor said while writing a list of prescribers, then opened the medical iodine next to it, dipped it with a cotton ball, and pressed it. Bai Zhuan's hand.

Bai Zhun frowned at once.

Xiao Ajiu stood up straight and looked at the doctor. It seemed that he had done something to make her little brother hurt.

The doctor smiled: "Hey, this is alcohol, your little brother will hurt."

"I'm sorry." Xiao Ajiu was always awkward, and he said with a big pair of eyes: "When will the little brother not wait?"

"On the next few days, the medicine will do." The doctor handed the order to Bai Zhun.

Bai Zhun vacated another hand to lick the head of Xiao Ajiu. The child’s concern made him warm.

The two people are finally reconciled.

When Bai Jun, who was bandaged, took a small white house to hold a white house, Wang Hao had the thought of cooking, and did not use the white master to order, and quickly began to have dinner, and made a large pot of northeast chaos, the fragrance drifted. Even Li Xiaobawang followed the drooling.

The white father looked at the little face of the little face who was sitting next to Bai Zhun, thinking that the child was always normal.

Xiao Ajiu did not eat anything a day, and he was uncomfortable in his heart.

Not to mention, when his grandson was absent, the little man’s ears were pulled, and no one could stand it.

And his grandson, he finally recovered.

After dinner, Xiao Lin and Li Xiaobawang went home. Bai Zhun took a small Aji upstairs and put hot water on the children. He tried to test the water temperature is not hot, and let Xiao Ajiu go to the bathroom to take a bath.

During this period, Bai Zhuan went to the study room of Bai’s father.

Originally, he still wanted to use the influence of Bai's family to delete all the crazy photos on the Internet. After all, simply "light work" can cause some media attention.

Coupled with the fact that he had lived before, he did not want to have some unnecessary troubles in the life of Xiao Ai.

What he did not expect from Bai Jun was that he went online again, and the photos that had caused the heat had long since disappeared.

Is it someone who took the step to delete the photo?

Bai Jun gently frowned.

But in China, who will have this ability in the end?

It was also the night, just in the old alley of the capital, and there was no less than eight LCD computers in the auto repair factory that looked like it was not.

Every computer runs very fast, and the bar code that ordinary people can't understand at all is running fast.

Those computers are all broken, so that people who know how to do it can quickly identify the garbled sequences.

Someone has set up one firewall after another, and the attack is specifically the other party's vulnerability. Even when it is withdrawn, it starts from the network vulnerability.

Then, just listen to the bang!

After the monkey pressed the Enter key, he looked up and looked at the person sitting opposite him: "Boss, get it!"

"Let me find my salary tomorrow." Helen Weiwei stood up, with a pure black kneepad on her left leg, her long legs and her white legs, and a silver-gray on her head. Short hair, looks a bit like a cartoon character from COS, with a special free and easy in handsome, this is the original dress of the legendary empire queen.

At the other end, Bai Zhun couldn't figure it out, because even the white father couldn't get very accurate news.

The only certainty is that this should be done by an international hacker organization, but there is no way to check which organization.

The IP used by the other party is originally a virtual IP. When this matter has not been taken seriously, the other party has already started to delete it, so that the specific location of the other party is not found.

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