The Anarchic Consort

Chapter 1202: The first one hundred and ninety-seven preparations, six years later...

Bai Zhuny heard the deeper the brow wrinkles.

"Well, don't think about it anymore. Since it was to help Xiao Ajiu delete these photos, it should be to protect Xiao Ajiu." White Master looked at the grandson who was matured from his age and thought about it. I thought, I opened the drawer and took out a form from it: "This is the information for enlisting this year. The minimum is only sixteen. You know, whether it is Down or our white family, but the child is old, and there must be one person. To be enlisted. You told Grandpa before that you want to be a soldier. It’s time to tell you, so that you have a mental preparation."

Bai Zhun took over the things, and the voice was very light: "I am still in junior high school, will it be too early to prepare."

White Master sighed and looked at him meaningfully: "Grandpa is preparing you to leave Xiao Ajiu for at least three years."

It is said that Bai Zhu suddenly became a stalemate.

Looking at the reaction of his grandson, Bai’s father shook his head and continued: “When you graduate from high school, you can’t go to the military camp with Xiao Ajiu. Think about it. If you give up now, I will help you. Return this application."

Said that the white father stood up.

In fact, he personally said that he did not want to send his grandson to the army.

Is this a coincidence?

If not that webcast.

Bai Zhun may not be selected by the most hidden forces in China. Once selected, no one can change.

That is the army that any soldier wants to go.

As a head, he is very happy that his grandson can be selected.

But the oldest old man, the task that the army performs, is the clearest.

In addition to danger or danger.

Now, he handed the choice to the hands of Bai Zhuan.

If his grandson doesn't want to go, even if his old face and rank are not needed, he has to come up with a solution!

Just what the white father didn't think was that what he came behind was actually a sentence: "This application stays here. When I graduate from high school, I will fill it out and promise my father, I will do it."

White Master certainly knows why Bai Zhui said this.

When the child's parents have not yet died.

His son, who made him proud for a lifetime, always said to Xiaobai Zhuan: "Son, I promised Dad one thing. The white family should be in the military camp. You are the same. When you grow up, you must go to the army, Dad. Protecting the country, you protect your family, do you know?"

"Good." Xiaobai was more cheerful than he was now, and his voice was crisp. He took his father's military cap, like a little man and his father's fist against his fist.

It seems to be the promise of the year.

When someone else plans to take a high school or university in the future.

Bai Zhun has already decided that he will go to join the army in the future.

If Xiao Ajiu does not appear, he may go at the age of sixteen.

But now he has to watch the child grow up a little longer, he can safely leave.

Bai Zhun came out of the study and looked at the bedroom separated from him. First, he calmed his eyes and then pushed the door in.

As soon as I opened the door, I saw that Ai Jiu had already dressed a dark yellow little pajamas, and turned a tail on the bed.

This is the entertainment that children often do when they wait for the white punctuality. The cute little face will always be exposed on the outside, and there is a hairy hair on the top of the hair, which looks like a cute Su people.

Bai Zhuan walked over and picked up the little guy and set up her hair for her: "I still hurt on my arm?"

"No pain." Xiao Ajiu shakes his small head, so he sits in the arms of Baizhun.

Bai Zhuan smiled: "Would you like to hear the story?"

"If I say that I want to hear the story, will my little brother feel trouble?" Xiao Ajiu asked seriously.

Bai Zhuan coveted and kissed her little head: "No, I will be happy."

Xiao Ajiu was happy, the soft toot's little hand poked on the book, very serious and serious: "Last time I talked about here, my little brother continued to tell me, Ah Jiu fight for this time, don't sleep, wait for small My brother sleeps first, I sleep again!"

Bai Zhun was teased by her. She reached out and wrapped her little body around her arms. The voice was very good. I read the English in the book. It was also interspersed with Chinese. It was very slow and very low. Anyone could listen. Get the gentleness brought out there.

The soft light on the head of the bed sprinkled on the side of the boy's side, and Bai Zhun read the book in front of the little man so innocently, until Xiao Ajiu could not control the small head on his shoulder. Bai Zhuncai stopped and smiled. Just closed the wall lamp, he listened to Xiao Ajiu and said in a confused way: "Little brother, you don't want to be angry with Ah Jiu, you will be obedient after Ah Jiu, you don't like Ah Jiu Playing Weibo, Ah Jiu will not play. Hey, when the time is up, I will grow up, and when I am a temple host, I will give you half of the incense money. No more, I will not give it to others. ...and today's pancakes are really delicious. I thought that when I saw my little brother again, it will be a long time later. When my little brother came to me, I am so happy... especially happy!"

The child's vocabulary has not yet reached a certain level, and he can only express his thoughts by strengthening his tone.

After that, the little man screamed in his arms, and did not give Bairen a little reaction time.

Bai Jun smiled and reached out to spread the child's short hair with a thin layer of sweat.

It seems that today is really getting tired of the children.

Bai Zhun finally knows why he is bothered by what he did in the past two days. Even the more he forced himself to sleep, the more clearly he knew inside his head.

All because of the fact that he has lost such a person in his arms.

I don't know what to start with, the habits that have been developed.

Maybe Grandpa said nothing wrong, he has to start preparing...

Thinking about it, he bowed his head and kissed A Jiu’s small head. He closed his eyes, and his arm never left the small pillow in his arms.

Sleeping finally became something that would make him relax.

Just fell asleep and fell asleep, I don't know why, the original painful wounds, I felt a sense of coolness.

This opened the eyes of Bai Zhun's doubts, and saw that the little man was holding a pair of big eyes with his claws, sitting on the edge of the bed, licking his small body and blowing his breath for his left hand.

Bai Zhu looked at such a scene, and his heart was warm and incredible. When he reached out, he held Xiao Ai Jiu in his arms: "Hey, little brother doesn't hurt, Ah Jiu sleeps."

"I saw my little brother move." Xiao Ajiu said with a pair of eyes: "So the little brother should not be stubborn. If it hurts, tell me that the wuli Buddha said that it would not hurt if he blows."

Bai Zhuan did not speak, but held the little guy in his arms tighter.

He thought that just how much is the incense money, what he wants... is her.

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