The Anarchic Consort

Chapter 1212: , Bai Ye teaches A Jiu cooking

"Let Grandpa eat them first." Bai Zhuan took Ajiu’s hand and walked into the kitchen on one side without looking back.

The kitchen is semi-open, and the position of the dining table in the living room can also see the movement inside.

Bai Laozi smiled and greeted Gu’s family: “Come here, let’s eat first, the kid’s fried noodles are fast, soft, small town, you all sit, don’t always stand.”

"I used to taste the skills of Wang Jie." Gu Gu was the first to sit down, and it was not clear about the ups and downs between the children.

The two old people have been missing for a long time, very happy, full of white wine, with a plate of peanuts and a pound of beef sauce, it is no different from the young.

When people who are old are together, they like to tell the story.

The two fathers here are talking about the exhilaration.

On the other hand, Bai Zhun has washed the cucumbers and carrots, and is cutting his head down to cut them into very uniform dishes.

The reason why Bai Ye is cooking now is because of Ah Jiu.

One year, Wang won the gallstones and moved to the hospital for at least half a month after the operation.

There is no one to cook at home, although Ah Jiu is not picky eaters, there are also canteens in the compound.

But in the summer, when a child eats a greasy dish outside, it will not digest well.

You must know that Ajiu was never sick when he was in the temple.

Seeing the child's round and sleek face is pointed, Bai Zhuan looked anxious, the ten fingers never smothered the white family's grandson, opened the network search, ready to cook.

The first meal was made by two people.

A Jiu loves to eat white rice.

Bai Zhuxian first looked at the instructions for use, steamed rice with a rice cooker, opened the refrigerator, and took out the dishes. He wanted to do something simple at the beginning.

At that time, Ah Jiu was still young. He asked what he would give him. The child would still beat the eggs. It was always a little something on the little face.

Since that day,

Every Sunday, Bai Zhun will make a meal for Xiao Ajiu. Even if Wang Hao is discharged from hospital, this habit has not changed.

"Little brother, I don't need to put eggs, I will help you." Now Ah Jiu's height has been able to end the flow of the stage, that is, the expression of the cute and cute, there is no change, the eyes look at the sideways cut vegetables Bai Zhun, very embarrassed and asked.

Bai Jun smiled and received the dish in the glass bowl: "No, but there is one thing that needs Ajiu to help."

"What?" Ajiu has always liked to help her little brother.

Bai Zhuan lowered the egg into another bowl and said it without lifting his head: "Help me tie the apron."


This kind of thing seems to be the first time my little brother asked himself.

Ajiu solemnly nodded, and the tiger took a small face and took the apron hanging on one side seriously. He pointed to Bai Zhudao: "Little brother, you turned around, otherwise I can't get on." ""

"Good." Bai Zhuo took a disposable transparent glove and held a white bowl in his left hand. The white bowl was filled with egg liquid. He smiled and raised his arms in a loose position. Allowing him to wear a apron for him, who was a little shorter than him.

You must put the front on the front before you can tie it.

A Jiu is very careful, Bai Zhuan can smell her hair when she bows her head.

Sometimes things will never change. For example, Bai Zhun is looking at the gentleness of the time when he is in the Nine.

He may feel that there is nothing, but it is not the case.

When Bai Ye was also unable to control it, he bowed his head and the thin lip fell on the top of Ah Jiu’s head.

A Jiu lifted up and looked at him, then reached out and touched his head, Meng Meng was incredible.

"What's behind? Not tied?" Bai Jun asked her eyebrows.

A nine raised the apron on his hand: "Of course, I have to tie it! Little brother should not arbitrarily move, just cooperate with me."

"How do you cooperate with you?" Bai Zhun was teased. He used the empty hand to circle Ah Jiu and was not busy doing things.

A Jiu was standing in front of Bai Zhuan, and Bai Jun’s legs were very long. It looked like she was surrounded by him.

The child just wanted to talk.

There was a chuckle of laughter over there: "White grandfather wants Laba vinegar, Bai Zhun you..."

Gu Ru obviously thinks that this will be the case in the kitchen, and he will squat for a moment.

The white quasi-reacting one-handed ring was turned around in A-nine, and the porcelain bowl on the handle was put down. The light was faint: "Is there something?"

"Hey, come and get things." Gu Rou is the granddaughter of Gu’s favorite. Even if she feels that there is something wrong with her situation, she has not said it. Instead, she is carrying her hand. It is very dexterous to come over: “I feel that you will The way you cook, the cut is really good-looking, will you have a chance to taste your cooking in the future?"

Bai Zhun did not answer the question, and his tone was very weak: "What do you want?"

"Laba vinegar!" Gu Rou was not affected by his attitude at all, but the smile was even stronger: "White grandfather said that you like this at home."

Bai Jun did not speak any more, but bowed his head and took a small jar from the kitchen cabinet and handed it to Gu Rou.

Gu Roo took over and turned his head to the side of A Jiu Dao: "A Jiu, do you want to go with your sister, Gu Cheng is still waiting for you there."

"I am waiting for my little brother." Ah Ji said as he helped the white apron, and asked him, "Is it tight?"

"Can't help." Bai Zhuan licked her head, and the pets flowing in the eyebrows were obvious: "Would you like me to teach you to cook?"

A nine eyes brightened, and he focused on his little head.

If the younger brother is sick later, she can take care of her little brother.

Bai Zhuan has always had patience in dealing with Ajiu. First, let Ajiu stand in front of the kitchen utensils, and then one hand walks around from behind Ah Jiu, with the taste of clear grass, and the voice is good: "Ignite first, but When I am not there, I can't fire alone."

"I can do it myself." Ah Jiu felt that he was being shackled.

Bai Zhuan bent over and placed her chin on her shoulder. She smiled lowly: "You forgot the last time you went into the kitchen and burned Wang Yi’s beloved rice cooker?"

"Little brother, wuli Buddha said, see through and break, can be friends!" Ah Ji holds a small fist and said: "You don't always mention my black history."

Bai Zhun smiled again. The finger held the hand of A Jiu from the back and taught the child to make the fried noodles little by little: "First put the oil, then put the eggs in, pay attention to the water in the oil pan, slowly put... ..."

After Gu Rou took the jar and didn't go, he looked at the boy's face.

She has heard too many rumors about Bai Zhun, and each said that he is indifferent and not close.

In the face of his sister, he simply changed his appearance.

Even if it is a brother and sister, will such behavior be too intimate?

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