The Anarchic Consort

Chapter 1213: How are different people together?

Ah Ji was the first time to eat with outsiders, just thinking about eating slowly when eating.

It is not good to let others mistakenly believe that white houses are all food.

Bai Jun naturally sat next to her, fried peas noodles topped with waxed vinegar, mixed with back and forth, placed on the hand of A Jiu: "Eat, not enough to tell me."

Ah Jiu snorted and bowed a piece of noodle, and the food was very cute.

Gu Rou smiled and whispered to the white man: "White grandfather, Bai Zhun and Ajiu’s feelings have always been so good? It’s really enviable. My cousin and I can’t do it. When I was young, I used to When I saw him, I wanted to beat him up."

White Father laughed aloud: "Soft girl, you don't understand this kid. When I first went to the mountain to see Ajiu, he was not happy. Later, Ah Jiu was very kind to him, this kid. Only know what is called feelings."

"Mountain?" Gurou asked inexplicably: "White grandfather, how can I not understand it."

The white man put down the wine glass on his hand: "Ajiu was raised in the temple on the mountain. When I first came to the White House, it was still a little bit. Now it is getting bigger and bigger. It’s really not for years."

What is the time when I first came to Baijia?

Is it not a child of the White House?

Gu Rou suddenly paused, and Bai Jing’s deep eyes were revealed in his mind.

Micro expressions are not deceptive.

She just thought that it was a response from a sister who controlled her brother to reject the boy next to her sister.

But now...

Gurou's fingers holding bamboo chopsticks suddenly tightened.

Soon, she released again.

No wonder he doesn't make a girlfriend.

It turned out to be the case.

The other person is only a few years old.

What can a 12-year-old child understand?

What's more, she has been in contact with Bai Zhun so many times.

She understood very well how precocious Bai Ji was.

He has many traces of his family. She saw his photos when she was abroad. At that time, he was just raised soon, and he was admitted to the university there.

It is enough to see how different Bai Jun is.

He has been in and out of any place. She even saw that when he talked with her grandfather, he was not like a high school student. Instead, he was calm and sharp, and the means were not very clean.

How can such a person be understood by a child like Ajiu.

Gu Rou sipped a sip of juice and looked at Ah Ji, who was still eating fried noodles, and smiled softly.

Bai Zhuon may have endured the clumsiness of this child before.

Can be after that.

People who are not in the same class can't get together.

Even if there is a dark feeling in the middle, what can happen.

Bai Zhun is seventeen years old.

This age person is trying to try all the new things, especially boys.

And Ah Jiu was only twelve in the year, not even a girl.

What does she know?

How long can Bai Zhun endure?

Gu Rou smiled and clipped a green vegetable into his mouth.

Then, she held her chin with one hand and asked kindly: "Aji, is my cousin particularly troubled when I go to class?"

"Hey." Gu Cheng didn't eat a few mouthfuls. He has been watching the interaction between Bai Zhun and A Jiu. Now he heard Gu Rou mention his name, his eyelids are stunned, and it is still cool.

Ah Jiu said: "He doesn't make trouble, he has more time to sleep."

"You really have a good relationship." Gu Ru sighed: "You even know what the stupid boy is doing in stupid city. To be honest, you are going to the mall today to do something, and my brother and I can see it. You are awkward, and you are still holding hands."

"Hand in hand?" The person who was surprised was the white father. He first looked at Gu Cheng and put his sight on A Jiu, as if he was asking.

At that time, she was indeed pulled by Gu Cheng, so Ah Ji did not say anything, but she did not want to continue this topic, so it is very likely that she would buy a birthday gift for her little brother and she will be asked. .

So I had to bury my head and continue to eat noodles.

Gu Cheng knows the mind of Ah Jiu, lazily facing Gu Judao: "Sister, can you stop talking about it, go shopping?"

"When I go shopping with me, I have to call four or five calls before you come out. It’s too cold outside, but it’s a shopping mall. Ok, you said so, I’m so convinced.” Gurou said, he laughed. Going to Gu’s father again: “Grandpa, you are shy when you look at the younger brother.”

Gu Laozi also laughed and laughed. He couldn’t help but look at Ah’s eyes. He said that he was pointing to the white father’s son: “My grandson is not the same for Ah Jiu.”

White Master also laughed, but it was a lot less than just a little, and the four-two dialed the road: "Ajiu has been liked since childhood. The brothers in this courtyard like her, Li, the little bully, There is also Xiao family, what is delicious and fun, it has always been given to Ah Jiu, this child is born like this, Gu Cheng will be so strange."

The accident of Gu’s father was that Bai’s father did not follow his words, but instead pushed his meaning.

But when you think about it, both of them are still small. If you talk about these things too early, you will concentrate on drinking.

Gu Rou was not asking Ah Jiu, but was playing with his elbows and touching the city: "You honestly confess, what did you and Ah Ji go to the mall to do?"

"Nothing, it’s a little beanie..."

Gu Cheng’s words have not been finished yet. Ah Jiu took a small bean bag and pressed it into his mouth: “Wang Hao is very good at this, you eat one.”

Gu Cheng has always been smart, took the beanbag out of his mouth, and smiled at the lips: "Good."

This boy really thinks about Aji.

Two people are also considered to have a common secret.

Ah Ji was in a low-lying thing, could not help but breathe a sigh of relief, if Gu Cheng said everything, then what should she do for her little brother?

Fortunately, there is no stuffing.

However, she did not know that when Bai Zhun saw this scene, the whole person was almost static, especially when Ajiu fed his beanbag to Gu Cheng. Living.

In his memory, except for him, Ah Jiu will not feed anyone to eat.

But now, she has fed a boy, and still has a tacit understanding.

The fire in the depths of the heart is like the ability to burn all of him.

Sometimes Bai Zhun always thinks, if Ah Jiu does not grow up, she will always belong to herself if she does not grow up.

But the reality is that she has not only grown up, but even one day she will leave him because of other boys.


Bai Zhuan stood up, and the pair of scorpions were covered by the broken hair. Only the curvature of the corner of the mouth was revealed: "I went to the kitchen to get something."

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