The Anarchic Consort

Chapter 1215: Found a cute thing

Oops, was discovered!

This is the first reaction of Ah Jiu.

Ah Jiu is not a little precautionary. He has a small face and a cute face. He looks at Bai Zhun with his bow.

Bai Zhun did not expect that the person who came in would be A Jiu, who thought it was a cat or something, and he followed it.

When Ah Jiu took advantage of Bai Zhun Dun, he lay down on the bed and was very serious: "I have to sleep in the room today."

Bai Zhuan directly hugged her and hugged her, with a thin lip with a smile: "No."

“Why?” Ah Ji’s eyes became clearer as soon as they arrived at night.

Bai Zhuan said: "Because I am more dangerous at night."

A nine reached out and touched the face of Bai Zhuan: "Not dangerous."

Bai Zhun took her no way, the intention was to take her up and send it back, but as such, he could not bear to let go.

"Then don't move."

A nine nod: "I have always been very embarrassed, so I want to ask my little brother why I have to hide from me recently. Is my recent sleep bad? Then I am better now, can I sleep together? ?"

White quasi-double stunned, his fingers for A Jiu-Shun: "You have always been very good."

"That's all right." Ah Ji was always dependent on him when he treated him. When he was happy, he surrounded Bai Yao's waist and his face was comfortable.

Bai Zhun realized that he had no clothes on his upper body, his back suddenly became stiff, and his body was hot.

"It’s hot." Ah Ji’s forehead also reached the position of Bai Zhuan’s heart. When he opened his eyes, he wanted to see what happened to Bai Zhun.

But Bai Zhun does not let her see, hold people, and the voice is low and good: "Hey sleep."

It turns out that Ah Ji is still very obedient, plus there is a white quarrel next to her, and she will fall asleep in three minutes.

There are no people who fall asleep at night, only Bai Zhun.

He looked at the people in his arms, and how the distraction of the heartbeat could not be concealed, and the **** reaction that should not rise.

Bai Zhuanqing is fortunate that he does not drink a lot. If he is a little more, he is not sure if he will see anything that is not as good as a beast.

Perhaps Ajiu could never know what he thought in his mind when he opened the quilt and saw the person who was her.

The white scorpion sinks and sinks, and the scorpion falls on the pink and pink of the nine and a half sheets with the moonlight.

Ah Ji always felt that something was biting himself while sleeping, probably a mosquito, but she still slept very well in one night.

The next day, when the sun came in.

Bai Zhun is also a good-looking upper body with tight lines. The tight abdominal muscles are both young and powerful.

Ah Ji was shackled in his arms with one hand, innocent and innocent.

Gu Ru followed Wang Hao just pushed the door open, and he was stunned and screamed.

Ah Ji was woken up by this voice, licking his eyes with both hands.

Bai Jun's reaction speed is even faster. When the quilt is raised, he and his person in the arms are covered with a strictness. He looks cold and cold and looks at Gu Rou who should not appear here: "Go out."

Gurou's face was very ugly, but it was also clever, her fingers tightened, and she strode down the stairs.

Wang Hao did not think that Bai Zhun was sleeping in the room today, even the lady was there...

"Miss Gu, the young master and the young lady should have some time to wash, do you want to sit in the living room for a while?"

Gu Rou took a deep breath, recovered quickly, and smiled at the corner of his mouth: "No, I smell that there seems to be alcohol in the room. Bai Jun must have drunk yesterday and forgot to go out today. I Grandpa and Bai Grandpa have already waited outside, or trouble Wang Hao will go up and urge a reminder, I was scared just now, did not expect their brothers and sisters to sleep together."

"Since I was young, I followed the young master. The young master took care of her and took care of it." Wang Xiao smiled and said: "The young master and the young lady have good feelings, and the young lady is obedient. The young master is also not worried. If you don't sleep, the young master may not be able to How many times to get up, just leave the quilt for the young lady."

Gu said that he didn't want to hear how much the white child was hurting.

What worries her is that Bai Zhuan drank the wine yesterday...

However, since I have been sleeping together for a long time, there is nothing to be fussed about.

After all, her opponent is just a child who has not grown up yet.

If replaced, it is a 17-year-old girl.

Perhaps Gurou has long been pale.

But now, the child is beautiful again, and it is still small.

She was physically lost to her.

Gu Rou laughed and walked up the off-road vehicle in the yard.

"White grandfather, Bai Zhuan is still asleep, let's wait for him for a while."

White Master did not agree with Gu Rou to call him Bai Jun, but she ran too fast, he could not stop, just made him feel strange: "Bai Zhun that kid has never liked others into his room, He is not angry?"

"Probably it was good to sleep last night." Gu Rou said with a smile, and there was a faint smudge on his face.

Gu’s father laughed: “I can’t see them as children anymore. You look at it like this, and the women’s big ones don’t stay.”

White Father also smiled, but did not speak again.

In the room that was rendered in the halo, Ajiu slowly sat half-sitting and stood up straight, but he didn’t blink, just didn’t wake up.

Ah Ji himself did not know why, and it has been very sleepy for the past six months.

Especially in the month of the twelfth, it is even more difficult, so it is like sleeping.

To this end, Bai Zhun also specially bought her a bunch of Bodhi, hanging on her neck.

Although the weather outside is good, but the temperature will not lie, minus ten degrees, not wearing a down jacket is really a bit unbearable.

Bai Zhun saw that Ah Ji was so sleepy that he stopped Wang Hao’s movements and did not let her wash his face. Instead, he wiped the towel with hot water, then leaned over and wiped his face, then rubbed his face. Small blankets, just holding Ah Ji down the stairs.

There are so many deeds of Bai’s pets from childhood, so Wang Hao does not think that there is anything wrong with Bai Zhu’s movements. Instead, he is afraid that Ah Jiu will be hungry. He took a heat preservation box and cooked rice porridge and buns. The weight of the two people, the soft-sounding white quasi, let him wait for the lady to wake up, let her eat all of them.

Instead, Gu Cheng, who was lying in the car, saw that Ajiu was wrapped up and went out, especially wanting to reach out and poke the delicate face.

Ah Ji is not completely sleepy, but his eyes are sore, so he is so smart and sitting in the arms of Bai Zhun. He clicks on his little head and wakes up from time to time when the car stops. Looking at the window, I looked at the endless snow scene.

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