The Anarchic Consort

Chapter 1216: Is she a light bulb?

The juniors are sitting on an SUV, topped with a Hummer, which is very bright and is ideal for snow and desert. The tires are very large and stable.

The white father and the old man were sitting on the other one, accompanied by the driver, with the front and back bodyguards, a total of four cars.

The white man's car is a red flag, and the license plate number starts with a red letter.

Such a car is actually not worth the money, but people who know how to do it know that people who are now in the red flag brand are usually the founding veterans.

Gu Chengben didn't want to follow them. He liked to go racing instead of going out to see the snow.

Like yesterday, he still wears a black body, but today he is wearing a short jacket with rivets on it. BOY's winter new style is more and more lining his white complexion. At first glance, he really feels and is very evil. image.

A Jiu stared at the back of his head for a long time, only to think that he was her same table.

Gu Cheng saw Ah Ji woke up, naturally it was more fun to tease her: "How about going to the car with me in a while?"

Ajiu shook his head, then turned his face and asked Bai Zhuan: "Little brother, when can we arrive?"

"There is still more than an hour." Bai Jun whispered, "What's wrong?"

"A little hungry." Ah Ji touched his little belly.

Bai Jun chuckled and took the insulation box on the side: "I know you will be hungry, Wang Hao has already prepared, porridge should not drink, eat a buns first mat, wait until the place to open the meal. ”

A little bit of a point, began to bury his head and buns.

Gu Luo looked at her and smiled: "Since Ah Ji wants to eat, do you want to sit back? I have a lot of places here."

"No." Bai Zhuan's voice is very light: "She is fine with me."

Gu Rou smiles and does not change: "Well, I have paper towels here, my hands are dirty and I want to go."

After listening to Gu Rou’s words, Ah Jiu discovered that when her little brother took something for her, she touched her fingertips.

Usually, eating in the car is unavoidable.

Ah Ji has not noticed before, and now the buns are eaten into the mouth, and the taste is much less.

It seems that only the whole car is eating, and everyone else is resting...

After realizing this difference, Ah Jiu stuffed the buns in, licked his cheeks, and did not take the second one as usual.

Gu Ruxiang has already prepared a paper towel, she thought it would be useful.

Unexpectedly, the Ajiu over there picked up Bai Zhu’s hand and slammed his finger toward his finger. It looked like a cat.

Bai Zhun was looking at her there, and the other hand was holding her hair.

Gu Luo calmly put his hand back, it seems that the bell needs to be ringing, even if it is a child, it seems that it can not be underestimated.

The destination is here, Zhangbei, which is known as the Heavenly Road. The snow here is very large, the temperature is low, and the air is much better than the capital.

Some of the sky blue is incredible, and the big white clouds float on it, as if you can reach it with one hand.

Gu Laozi really knows how to enjoy it. Such a resort is invested by Gu, not like a general hotel, what high-rise buildings are living.

Instead, there are ten classical wooden houses on the snow. Each wooden house is very large and beautiful. One side is a wall with full transparent glass, from which you can see the rolling snow mountains and clear hot springs.

The architect of the chalet is French. More prominent is the exotic romance. There is a big fireplace inside. The floor is covered with thick blankets. It is very comfortable and warm on the steps. In the cold weather, no one will I like to wear in such a house.

At the 500 meters away, it is the ski club, and everything is very convenient.

After lunch, the two old people went to the teahouse to play tea and play chess. For this reason, Gu’s father also deliberately asked his unscrupulous grandson Gu Cheng: “Don’t bully you, Ah Ji’s sister knows?”

"My grandfather, I have always been very good at Xiaodou Ding?" Gu Chengxiao said with a smile, and he took Ajiu’s hand over him: "Let's go, your city brother, I will take you to play fun." Like knowing that Ah Jiu will reject him, Gu Cheng immediately lowered his voice after saying it: "You didn't see your brother and my sister going to change ski suits. They both must want to go skiing for a while, you What are you going to do? When is the small light bulb?"

A Jiu wanted to push Gucheng’s hand and remembered the back of the two people in the kitchen yesterday. Coupled with the reaction of the little brother these days, even the reaction was slow.

Gu Cheng took advantage of this gap and took Ah Ji out of the door.

The outside is really beautiful, except for the tall pine trees, the endless white snow.

Ah Jiu grew up from the mountain. He liked nature very much, especially the place where it still retains the original ecology. It makes her feel comfortable.

"Take you to see my new pet." Gu Cheng said, and pulled Ajiu back until the backyard, he stopped.

The people here obviously know Gu Cheng, and they respectfully scream: "Young Master."

Gu Cheng took A Jiu in one hand, and lazily inserted his pocket in one hand, carelessly.

It turned out that Gu Cheng let Ajiu look at a fierce Alaskan Malamute. It should have grown up, and it is very big. I don’t know if it’s too good, and the temperature here is right. I always feel that dog. Going up is very horrible.

Its hair is very clean, like white snow, but the neck is tied with a chain, and the scorpion is pressed very low.

"This was discovered by my cousin a few days ago. You shouldn't rely on it too close." Gu Cheng whispered: "It bites too much and will be locked."

A nine-headed head was still holding his own white cat, and a cat looked at the sled dog.

The sled dog was still making a low humming sound toward Gucheng at the beginning. Although it didn't bite into the city, it was not very friendly.

Now I saw Ah Ji walked in, and the snoring sounded down a bit, and finally touched Aji’s leg with a big head.

A Jiuxiang always likes animals, and hugs the big dog. He is very serious about Gu Cheng: "It looks like the little brother of that year, can you sell it to me? I want to give it to my little brother. ""

I also thought that I would quickly take Gu Cheng, who opened A Jiu:

This Alaska, but even the trainer coach has bitten, how is it like a cat in front of Ah Jiu?

When you think about it, the animal edge of the small bean diced is really good. Somewhat is often there in the school when there is a bird in the school.

Do animals also like simple people?

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