The Anarchic Consort

Chapter 1217: Like it is like this

On the other hand, in the French wooden house, when Bai Zhuan changed the ski suit, there was no Ajiu in the hall.

He looked out of the door, wrinkled his brow, and slammed the phone sideways. When he hit it, he heard the ringing on the coffee table.

Ah Ji did not take the phone to go out.

Just, where did she go?

Bai Zhuan turned his head and wanted to go to the room to find it.

Gu Rou smiled and walked in at this time: "Are you looking for A Jiu's sister? She went out with Gu Cheng, and she hasn't returned yet. The relationship between the two children is not good. When Gu Cheng came out, I saw the ladies of the family who were annoyed. Today, I took a lot of initiative. You can rest assured that Ah Ji will not suffer from Gu Cheng. The guy will play better than us, and Ah Ji’s eyes are bright when he goes out. The hand was still held by Gu Cheng, and it was awkward."

Bai Jun did not speak. He put the phone attached to his ear and stepped out.

Gu Ru followed him, his mouth was slightly tilted: "Bai Zhuo, let's go skiing too, Ah Ji, they should be playing now, happy, no time to pay attention to the captains, the ski club is in front of the house, I listen to white Grandpa said, you especially like skiing, I am a bit stupid, always slipping badly..."

Bai Jun still has no openings. The pure black hair is blocked in front of his eyes. His face is very cold. It seems that the cold is integrated with the surrounding white snow. Some can't tell the cool.

The snow finally stopped, but Bai Zhuan snowed as if it was a bit devastating.

People in the club generally recommend not to go to a particularly steep place in snowy weather, because people with bad skills can easily get into trouble.

The white figure can be smashed from the top, and when the land is heavy, their mouths are wide open.

It can be said that the posture and speed of Bai Zhuan are more professional than professional ones, and the tails are handsome and handsome.

But no one knows why, the boy who is so beautiful, why suddenly stopped, so he stood in the middle of the snow, letting the wind and snow climb his hair.

Gu Rou originally wanted to borrow this opportunity to let Bai Zhu teach her skiing.

After all, she only believed in one thing from the bottom of her heart. At this age, she gave her a chance to fall in love with her. At the very least, she could not leave her body.

Gu Rou doesn't think there is anything like this. She likes Bai Zhun and really likes it.

She is not like Ah Jiu, a little girl who does not open up, will only let Bai Zhun not find her true self.

A person like Bai Zhuan should live in a gorgeous way, not for a younger sister, to suppress the sexyness that he should have released.

She heard people mention that in order to prevent Ah Ji from knowing that he smokes, every time Bai Jun will eliminate the evidence on his body, he will rarely go out with people.

Probably I don't want to stay in the villa and sleep in the villa.

For a child, push away those who have unlimited help for the future. Bai Zhun does this, but the child does not know at all.

Through these two days of contact, she also saw it. This Ajiu is sleeping all night except eating. He still doesn't understand anything, and his brain is slow.

With such a person, it will only drag down Bai Zhuan.

What's more, the two people had no relationship at all.

She wants to get Bai Zhun in another way, which is also a reasonable thing.

Gu Ru thought that this is probably like it.

No one ever gave her the feeling that as soon as she saw the figure of that person, the heartbeat was like a control, and his face was in his head, even though he was always cold in front of her.

But Gu Rou believes that one day he will be hot with her.

Habits may be difficult to change. In the past few years, Ah Ji was accompanying him. As long as she is accompanying him in the future, there is still something wrong with it.

Gu Rou smiled and waited in the same place. When the white quasi-sliding snow came over, she was also the first to react. With two cups of coffee in her hand, she planned to hand one of them to Bai Zhun.

"Sister, are you making progress too fast?" The person who spoke was Gu Cheng. He copied the windbreaker pocket with one hand. The face was still a sign of evil laughter. It was really not like the person of his age. Mature, he also held a head with a head down.

The eyes of Bai Zhun’s eyes fell on the hands of the two men. The hands of the ski gloves were not tight. The ski suit he wore was very large, the dark black coat, the hat with fluff, the eyes. Also with the pair of windshield glasses, handsome with a breath of spring.

It’s just that these breaths seem to be very light at that moment, and some are light and dead.

“Why don’t you take your phone?”

This sentence is obviously asking Ah Jiu.

A nine touched his small pocket, only to find that the phone is not on his body.

Gu Roo is open: "Bai Zhuo, you don't be angry with Ah Jiu, A Jiu is definitely too happy to play, just forget the phone, we all go back, Grandpa, they should finish the game now."

Bai Zhun listened at the side, and his mind was very chaotic.

If it was before, how would such a thing be handled?

He will directly pick up Ah Jiu, so that she can remember to bring her mobile phone next time. Otherwise, he will not be able to contact her, and he will be anxious.

But now, there is more than one person around her.

And Bai Zhuan is very clear, and now Ah Ji does not want to go by.

She wants to accompany Gu Cheng.

Otherwise, she will pounce into her arms when she sees herself.

But today, she didn't.

Even if he is not willing, Bai Zhun can't refuse to acknowledge this fact...

The wind followed a little bigger, and the snow on the ground was blown up.

The four people walked one after the other, and the snow would always make a noise when they stepped on it.

A Jiu looked at the back of the road in front of him, thinking about it and still didn't speak.

Because she didn't have to talk to her, someone has gone to the little brother.

Gurou squinted and said with a refreshing smile: "You go faster, you can go slower without dinner."

Ah Jiu re-stared at the back.

No, no, it’s two backs.

Very commensurate height, plus age.

The little brother seems to listen to the other person's words.

The man said, the little brother took a step...

Thinking this way, I don’t know why, the speed of her walking slowed down.

It lasted for a while.

When I looked up, the person in front had pulled her down a lot.

This is a situation that has never been seen before.

In the past, no matter how slow she was, her little brother would stop and wait for her.

Or is it different now?

To the reader: the first more

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