The Anarchic Consort

Chapter 1218: Will make people uneasy

"Is your brother walking really fast?" Gu Luo smiled, as if complaining: "I don't know if we wait for our girls, but it doesn't matter, Ah Jiu, I will accompany you, so you can chat."

Ah Ji actually didn't want to chat, so he didn't speak.

Gurou did not give up, but instead put his hand behind his back and asked with a sigh of relief: "Ajiu, what do you usually like with your brother? Can you talk to me, let me help my sister, you know you too. It’s too hard for the brother to catch up, but fortunately he is gentle to me.”

Having said that, Gu Roian’s voice was depressed, and his face was still laughing, like hesitating for a while and said: "A Jiu, I don’t know if there is something, shouldn’t say it, but see Bai Zhuo is sometimes very Tired, so I thought about it or decided to tell you that you should also know that people born in the compound will always be familiar with other children, because there are some entertainments to go. The last time we went shopping, it was actually Bai Zhun who was dealing with me. Grandpa, we didn't start at that time. I liked him first. After this time, I found out that the most tired thing for him was to go home. Because there are things he always has to worry about, some things he doesn't want you to know. Every day, I have to care about your meal, and I have to pick you up from school. At these times, he could have been free, but he didn’t do it because you are his sister. In his mind, the family is always the first. Position, he seems to sleep very late in the night, after all, a lot of things have to take care of you, such as this time you did not take the phone out, he is really worried, when I saw me, my face changed. You want what Bai Zhun will definitely give you, that is, I am afraid that you are sad and sad, but Ah Jiu, you can't think of Bai Zhun because you are a younger sister. He also needs time to rest and fall in love. I may speak a little straight, but it is also true. In other words, the family is to be tolerant of each other, let alone Bai Zhuan is such a sister."

A nine-open mouth, she wants to say that she did not consider the little brother.

I can think of it, most of my little brother's time is spent on her.

Useful, useless.

So just a little brother will be so angry.

A nine looked down at her toes, like a little turtle, she always thought about obscenity.

In order to be able to go to the big dog to give the little brother, he also promised Gu Cheng to accompany him to play a day of fighting.

Can actually, what little brother may want is just more time with others?

After all, Li Xiaoba also said that they do not understand the people of their age.

A nine thought, if she can grow faster, it may be closer to their age.

Even if it is only a little.

Dinner white did not arrive, it seems to be after the snow has returned to sleep.

Ah Ji wants to go up and call him.

Gu Laozi opened his mouth: "Let you go to Guruo's sister, she has experience."

"Grandpa." Gurou's face was red.

Gu Cheng has a green dish in the Ajiu bowl. The voice is very small: "I didn't tell you before, don't make a small light bulb. You are following your brother for twenty-four hours. He wants to do something bad. Can't do it."

"Little brother will not do bad things." Ah Jiu said seriously.

Gu Cheng snorted: "Little fool, the bad thing I said is something between lovers. When you grow up, you will understand. You said that you really did in the third year. This level of education and the third grade of primary school are not. The method is better than it, but it doesn't matter. You are very good."

What's the matter between couples? A nine-point pause, remembering that every time she looked at Conan, when Xinyi and Xiaolan appeared close together, the little brother would always reach out to cover her eyes. At that time, she was still sitting in the little brother. In my arms, I don’t understand anything.

In the past few years, in addition to the big dramas that have been played in the past, Ajiu is also watching some animal-related programs, such as people and nature, and of course, some food channels, similar to China on the tip of the tongue.

There are also some variety videos of divination. Ajiu sees the most fascinating look at this. Usually, after reading it, he will say to Baizhan: "The other party is not allowed."

As soon as the summer vacation and the winter vacation, the White House looks at these things almost every day. Li Xiaobawang once said that there is a child in the family who should pay attention to it. If you want to watch a romantic film, you can't just look around.

If the boy is okay, raising a girl is not a matter of attention.

So it became the result of the present.

When I was young, Ah Jiu grew up in the temple.

In her little head, there is no concept other than eating the Buddha and the monks.

Later, when she can recognize the words, she will receive the things and letters that her brothers sent to her.

It can be said that if you don't go downhill, Ah Jiu will always take it for granted that he is a boy. After all, she will be the person who will be the host of the temple.

Later, finally, under the efforts of all, Ajiu changed her cognition as a girl.

The child's nature has been developed, plus the protection of Bai Zhun.

The twelve-year-old Ajiu did not have much contact with this aspect.

Therefore, Gu Cheng said that she is not clear.

However, Gu Roo did not call Bai Jun.

Gu’s father saw that there was no white quasi, and the atmosphere in the hall was so lively, so that people could go to bed early and get up tomorrow, just to see the sunrise rising from the snowy mountain.

The room was booked before Gurou, and everyone had a room.

A Jiu looked at his own, which was big, but very empty.

After she first came out, she lived alone.

At this point of the day, it is almost the point where she read the Buddhist scriptures.

But the legs are on the plate and the head is really blank.

"Did I go to see my little brother?" Ah Ji pinched the tail of the little white cat: "The little brother didn't eat at night, it was not good for the stomach. I just hid it for my little brother and sent him to me." Come back, never bother him to rest."

The little white cat screamed, low and low.

The night outside is getting thicker and thicker, as if everything is black.

This is a bit like the heart of Bai Zhun.

He drank alcohol and drank a lot.

So long legs and long legs lying on the sofa in the hall, raised a hand to put on the side of the handrail, looking at the endless snow outside, eyebrows cold.

There are two bottles of red wine next to the sofa, one of which has already reached the bottom, and the other one is half left.

"How do you drink alcohol or call me?"

It was Gu Roo. She dissipated her hair, like she had just taken a shower, dressed in a pure pajamas, and sat down with a light smile.

"I am going to have a drink with you?"

Gurou said while he was pouring wine: "White, I like you very much."

She said, she put down the red wine in her hand, dyed the red finger, and held the hand of Bai Zhun, and the body followed and leaned over: "I have never liked it so much, Bai Zhun, we are a type of person. I understand what you want, don't refuse me?"

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