The Anarchic Consort

Chapter 1221: The first one hundred and seventy-seven, Bai Zhun buy sanitary napkins

Once the mind is fixed, it seems that it is difficult to jump out of it.

No matter how smart people are, they will always be upset in love.

Even if it is white, it is the same.

Ah Ji does not know why he is so sleepy.

She didn't wake up until noon.

When Bai Zhuan passed her wrist to see it, she discovered the Buddha statue of the original jade. I don’t know when it started to get dirty.

The Buddha statue is specially used for the protection of Ah Jiu. According to the truth, there should be no such change.

What exactly is going on?

Bai Junshen stood up calmly and walked out while making a phone call.

He seems to be contacting the seller.

The man who sold the Buddha statue also had a bit of a line: "Bai Shao, Miss Nine's face from the first time I saw her, she brought the Buddha's edge. Such a person, in this world, is very rare, she can't stand the world. The turbidity of the air, but the righteousness of the white body can help her to block these things. If Bai Shao is too far away from Miss Nine, this situation may indeed happen, but since the Buddha image is dirty, it represents It blocked the turbidity of these days for Miss Nine, so I don’t have to worry too much about it."

After the phone call, Bai Zhuan went back to the room. He sat on the edge of the bed, his fingers crossed A's face, and he held her whole person in his arms.

When Ah Ji woke up, he smelled the most familiar atmosphere of Bai Zhun.

She was very happy to look at Bai Zhuan's clothes. When she just wanted to say something, she felt that her stomach was rising and it was very uncomfortable. When she looked down, she found that she was stained with a small piece of blood behind her.

When I was nine, I was stunned. When I raised my eyes, it was just the sight of Bai Zhuan.

The face of A Jiu Na Zhang Hu is even more dead.

Of course, she knows what happened to her. When she was in biology class, the teacher said...

So Ah Jiu subconsciously wants to stand up and run to the bathroom outside the house!

Bai Zhuan held down her hand, but when there was no way to think clearly: "There are other people outside, you put on my clothes and go out again, no, no, you still don't want to get up, what you need, little brother to help you buy it."

A nine is awkward, waiting for the white to get up.

Bai Zhu looked at her, accidentally followed, calmed down, and gently smiled, his fingers pressed against her head, squatting back and forth, and stuffing people into the quilt: "Wait for me."

A nine hands grasped the corner, and nodded very embarrassedly.

The stomach still hurts, and even the body is like a heavy thing.

The teacher said before, this is even an adult.

After that, she and her little brother were closer.

A Jiu is happy, that is, it is too awkward to move, the stomach is also painful, and it has been falling down. The body is cold and squatting and closing his eyes. The fingers are punched against the lower abdomen, but the face is smiling.

On the other side, Bai Ye came out, but did not know how to go next.

I didn't think about it, I called out.

The phone is called to Li Xiaobawang.

"The girl came to that, what is more comfortable?" Bai Zhuan's voice is very light.

Li Xiaoba is still playing games on the other side: "What?"

"That's that." Bai Zhuan had already left the wooden house when he said this.

Li Hailou took a tooth flower: "The trough, I am a good BOSS, which one is that?"

"Great aunt." Bai Zhuan's voice just fell, the skiers who were still packing things in front of him, all looked at him, the facial expression is very complicated.

Li Hailou even surprised the mouse: "You, what do you say?"

"Don't repeat the previous question, recommend a few brands to me." Bai Zhuan sound is even lighter.

Li Hailou stood up and the game didn't matter: "No, why are you asking me about this kind of problem, I am not a girl, Bai Ye, do you think that you have done this kind of thing? I can say it again. Half a class, I..."

"You said that you know what kind of use is good." Bai Jun raised his brow and sneered: "Do not talk nonsense."

Li Hailou immediately said: "Know, but this should not be a big brand. The cotton surface is very easy to use. It is best to buy that kind of lengthening. Wait a minute. You are asking me now. What do you want to do? You shouldn't be, are you going to buy it yourself?"

"Hang up, go back and contact." After asking about his own problems, Bai Zhun planned to close the line.

Li Hailou still shouted over there: "You make it clear! Feed and feed, Bai Zhun! Bai Zhun!"

"Floating trough." Li Hailou saw the voice of not returning to Bai Zhun. He turned his head and turned to Xiaolin Road sitting next to him. His face was excited: "Have you heard that?"

Xiao Lin glared at his left face and gestured to Li Hailou to look at his left side.

Li Hailou only remembered at this time, this is not playing games at home... but in Internet cafes.

He just turned his head slightly and saw those who didn't have headphones. They looked at him one by one. The meaning was already obvious. It was just saying that you are a big boy, how can you know that girl supplies know this? detailed……

Li Hailou really wants to bury himself, and his first name is destroyed in what!

However, after the annoyance, you still have to gossip!

Pulling Xiaolin’s hand, no matter whether he is still killing: “You said, what happened to Baiye?”

"It's not what you hear." Xiao Lin is calm: "The one who can let Bai Zhun personally buy this thing..."

"Ajiu!" Li Hailou slaps his head and stays in bed. Then he is a pity: "You said, why didn't we go skiing? How much fun did you miss? Bai Ye personally bought hygiene. Cotton, think about the picture, it’s funny!”

In fact, it is true. It is probably related to the temperament of Bai Zhun. It is really inappropriate for him to go to the girl supplies.

Not to mention, he also bent down and carefully selected.

The salesman next to him has been watching him.

Bai Zhuan did not avoid it. Anyway, it was now the time. He simply walked to the salesperson's side and coughed softly. The rare speech was blunt: "That, I want to ask, where is the brown sugar?"

The sales clerk really feels that the handsome boy in front of him has a feeling that he can't tell, that is, it is very clean and youthful.

After listening to the sound of Bai Zhun, I was captured in an instant. I also specially recommended **** and brown sugar to Bai Zhun.

Bai Zhuan said thank you, and almost bought everything that I could buy.

The sales clerk couldn't help but be a gossip: "Is it for my girlfriend?"

Bai Jun paused for a moment and said: "Yes."

The salesperson is not fascinated, can't do it, buy aunt towel for his girlfriend, it is too warm!

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