The Anarchic Consort

Chapter 1222: The first one hundred and eighteen, A nine active kiss

In fact, Bai Ye is not too familiar with this aspect.

No boy will go to know this specifically.

The reason for drinking brown sugar water during the menstrual period is that he just searched from the Internet, so when he started these things, he really lost some of his previous speed.

It was half an hour after I returned to the room.

When Ah Ji saw that Bai Zhujin came in, he immediately showed his head out. The little face was stunned: "The sheets are dirty."

"If it's dirty, change it." Bai Zhuan walked over and stared at her hair: "It's just a bed sheet."

Just looking at the face of Ah Jiu, Bai Zhuan also knows that her pain is very powerful.

I didn’t let Ajiu walk at all. When I bent down, I would hug people and I wouldn’t care if my fingers would get dirty.

"Change it and call me." Bai Zhun stood outside the bathroom, just across a door.

Perhaps only girls will understand the feelings of Ah Jiu. When they first come, they will always feel overwhelmed and have a little shyness that they don’t want others to know.

After Ajiu replaced the dirty clothes, he picked up the things that Bai Zhun helped her buy, and the small face was red and there, and he came out.

Bai Zhun looked at her like a low-key, and could not help but smile: "Stupid a nine, this is normal, don't be embarrassed, tell me, is there any other uncomfortable place?"

A nine shakes his head, this time really do not ask her.

The more she looked at her, the more she felt interesting, and she took the person up and put it on the bed.

"I will withdraw the sheets, I will pad the quilt first, drink some brown sugar and sleep again."

Ah Ji didn't like to drink sweet, but Bai Zhun gave it to her. She still drank all her breath, and her cheeks still bulged. The expression was really more uncomfortable than drinking medicine.

Bai Zhu put the empty bowl aside, and smashed the quilt over it, and covered it on A Jiu, and he lay up, and the left hand helped A Jiu to squat.

He realized at this time that no one really taught Aji in this respect.

Think about it, the child grew up on the mountain. After coming to the white house, he seems to...

"It's my fault, I should have noticed it earlier." Bai Zhuan's voice is low. Over the years, he has had a lot of selfishness, only he knows.

Long ago, his possessiveness was noticed by Xiao Lin.

Xiao Lin also said that he should not educate Ah Ji in this way, because this is unfair to Ah Jiu.

Even a little bit of time, I want to take her.

Obviously knowing that this is not right, but he is unable to control himself.

If Ah Ji has a female girlfriend, she will not be as uneasy as she was.

The person of her age should have made many friends.

There is no one around her.

It's him.

She is better to others.

He attempted to draw the attention of Ah Jiu.

Every time Ah Jiu will rarely communicate with others for him.

This result was caused by him.

The white quasi-coveted, tightened the quilt in his hand.

A nine turned over and looked at Bai Zhun, seriously: "The little brother is not wrong."

The two are very close, like when they are back to childhood, face to face chat.

When Ah Ji finished the last sentence, he asked the next sentence: "Can I kiss my little brother?"

Bai Zhun thought it was a close face and smiled and said: "Of course."

However, before he could react, the man in his arms leaned over and the warmth of the softness leaned against his lips.

"Sweet." Ah Jiuyi slammed his mouth and smiled at the kissed Bai Ye.

Bai Zhuan tightened his hands and clearly did not grow up, but he was better than anyone...

"No more talk, sleep." Bai Zhuan took a deep breath and directly pressed the annoying little head into his chest.

This silly girl knows if she can't just kiss her lips.

A nine eyes blinked, but also obedient, just want to reach out to hold the white waist.

I always feel that there is a sudden earthquake.

It is the position of the chest.

It is clearly the same familiar contact as before.

The body is a bit wrong.

The heart is jumping fast.

And I don't know why, I always feel that I just don't dare to look at my little brother.

A nine buried his face a little deeper.

White Brigadier hugged: "Hey, sleep."

At the beginning, Ah Ji did not sleep, because he always unknowingly counted the white heartbeat. The questions he always wanted to ask also followed the question: "Little brother, do you have someone you like?"

White is a stiff figure.

A Jiu’s heartbeat also followed, and she wanted to hear the answer.

Although even Ajiu himself did not know, why did he want to listen to Bai Zhun said no.

Probably because, if that is the case, the little brother will always belong to her only.

However, the answer given by Bai Zhun to her is a very positive word: "Yes."

A nine difficult to move his arm, and came again, so the chest feels stuffy.

At this time, Bai Zhuan directly caught her eyes: "Children, don't ask so much, hurry to sleep."

"I am not a child." A Jiuyin's voice followed and went down: "If I can grow up, I will be better, so I don't have to be a little child by my little brother."

Bai Zhuan opened her hair, sinking in the sun, and did not speak.

However, the real selfishness of him, he does not want to grow up.

Because of the Ajiu who grew up, it is very likely that he will not be needed anymore.

Just like this morning's situation, no matter how he defends, her eyes still have the shadow of others...

I don't know if it was the reason for the official holiday. When I got back on the road, Ah Jiu was a lot quieter and didn't stick to Bai Zhuan.

Instead, he sat in such a well-behaved manner, holding her little white cat in her arms.

She thought a lot about things.

Someone used to say that letting her not take advantage of her sister’s identity would take up so much time.

At that time she could not think about it.

But now, the little brother said that he has someone he likes.

She can no longer be selfish as she has not heard it.

Last night, she wrote an email to her family.

The same way my mother gave her a reply.

If the other party already has someone you like, don't force it.

Because you like to be your own thing, hurt the love of others, even if you get it, it is not bright and open.

The little brother should be hoping to be with someone he likes.

But there is her, he does not trust her.

Because in his mind, she is still the child who always needs someone to take care of.

a child……

A nine looked down at the hand that had not been opened, and the big eyes had a lot of luster.

To the reader's words: The second, almost the end of the countdown, the beauty, what awkward, good night.

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