The Anarchic Consort

Chapter 1223: The first 1,119-turn student Helian dust

The next day, Bai Zhun still had classes.

It is only a short seven or eight days away from the winter vacation.

Usually, the high school first exam, the junior high school re-examination, the left and the right can not be much time.

But at this time, there was a very incredible thing in the high school.

Someone has to transfer to school, and it is necessary to turn immediately.

Transferred to the third grade A.

It’s not just the teachers in the office, but even some directors are surprised to hear about it.

What are the exams for this exam?

And the third year is the most important year. Will transfer to school not affect learning?

The teaching level of the first one is originally one of the two in China.

This did not come early last night, but it was at this point in time.

Can the students get their tutorials when they come?

On the other hand, they finished the entire high school knowledge point as early as the second year of high school. Now they are completely reviewing the class. Students who have not heard the class are hard to adapt.

Usually, as a school, you should also consider the qualifications of the other party. Even if you want to change, you have to wait a few years before you say it.

But this time it was strange. The top level of the school did not say anything, but directly arranged people into the third grade A class.

“Really, fake? Transfer students?”

"It's true, it's true! I just went to the teaching office to see it. The visual test is a handsome guy, very handsome, school grass level!"

"Handsome guy? Got it, can you be handsome and white?" The sum of several schools is better than that."

"Oh..." The female student who broke the news hesitated: "How do you say that if you said this before, I can tell you handsomely, but the one who is just, oh, no better than White is a big god, the main temperament! The prince is the same, you will know when you come!"

"There is such an exaggeration!? I don't believe that Bai Da Shen is a player who can be a PK boy in the whole district. What kind of energy can he do with him..."

The classmate who spoke suddenly stopped, because just outside the classroom, a teenager in a white shirt came from afar with a smile in his mouth. His hair was black and pure, and his lips looked good, especially The eyes, deep like the legendary Nai River water, the light shines in, the reflection of the wave, with an indescribable glamor, but he has a thick book with a breath, like all the cockroaches Can pass through him, leaving only the serenity that is unique to the boy.

Such a superior appearance is bound to get everyone's attention.

Even Li Xiaoba and Xiao Lin, who are still playing with their mobile phones and discussing where to go to school, have also raised their heads.

"I rely on this long, don't say..." Li Xiaoba touched his chin and continued: "I can really scream with Bai Ye, where is it?"

Xiao Lin also blinked and put down his mobile phone.

At this time, the teacher also came in and smiled and greeted everyone: "Come and come, the students are all sitting down, this is the new classmates transferred from our class. Let us know."

"Teacher, what is the new classmate's name!" Some boys screamed and sighed: "Long, so handsome, can you go to another class."

The teacher smiled as soon as he snorted and pushed his eyes to look at the new classmate next to her.

The teenager took a step forward and staggered the black bag on one shoulder. On the blackboard on the podium, he wrote four words.

The words are like their own, and they are as clear as jade.

"This is my name, and Helian cleans."

Li Xiaobawang raised his brow: "Future surname, take such an ancient name? Helian? Feed me, Linzi, you know more people, we don't have this surname in this circle."

"There is no." Xiao Lin picked up the carbon pen next to him and frowned.

Li Xiaoba snorted: "This can be interesting. If you want to take the exam, you can transfer it to us. Isn't it our circle? Is it like a family?"

"Guas people, you and I know." Xiao Lin looked at him: "This, do you know?"

Li Xiaobawang shook his head and did not know. According to the truth, the people in the business circle, although they are not familiar, have seen it.

Why did this new classmate, they have never heard of it.

Is it really based on strength?

At this point in time, it’s too ridiculous.

"Clean, the previous seats are full, and now there are still a few days to take the exam. You should sit in the last row first, and then wait until the exam is over, then open up to learn to unify the table." The class teacher pushed the glasses again. The mood looks extraordinarily good.

When Bai Zhun saw this, he opened his mouth: "You don't have to guess, he should be admitted."

"Why?" Li Xiaoba Wang thought that he hadn't inquired about it yet. How did Bai Bai know?

Bai Zhuo finished the last Olympiad question, then closed the book, and the voice was faint: "The response of the class teacher, when did you see her laughing at people other than me."

"That's because you are too perverted!" "Li Xiaobawang gritted his teeth:" Every time I test the perfect score, the extermination teacher is too confused by you, you are a enchanting."

Bai Jun calmly said: "Then you look at the extinction teacher in your mouth how it is now to the new classmates."

Through the reminder of Bai Zhun, Li Xiaobawang noticed that the extermination of the teacher who was not able to laugh a few times a year is really too good today!

"The trough, what is the situation? The new classmates will not be the son of the extermination teacher too?" Li Xiaobawang was scared by the enthusiasm of the class teacher.

Xiao Lin pushed the glasses on his face: "Not quite like, long is different."

"Also..." Li Xiaobawang pondered for a while: "This new classmate is too handsome. If it is really the son of the extermination teacher, it is a bit of a violation of biological common sense."

However, Li Xiaobawang is particularly admired for anyone who comes in by his own strength.

What does this mean?

This means that there is another metamorphosis in this class!

At the very least, it is a level with Bai Zhu.

There may be such a gas field in the world.

Because when the new classmates passed, Li Xiaoba really felt a gust of wind.

I thought he would go so far.

But when he was passing by, the dawn fell on Bai Zhuan.

"I heard that you are the first in this school?"

His tone is very light, and his mouth is still with a shallow smile.

For so many years, no one has ever dared to ask such questions.

Li Xiaobawang frowned with a subconscious mind.

It is said that in this sentence, the new student is fired!

Almost everyone in the class is talking about it, and the people in the next class ran over to look around. It’s not someone else, it’s Helian’s dust!

"Hey, have you heard that, class A has transferred a new classmate!"

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