The Anarchic Consort

Chapter 1240: The first 1,144 Gucheng provocative dust

"A Jiu!" Gu Gu glared at her, she had not left the yard. A trotting ran over and her face was embarrassed. "I know that you have misunderstood me, but today is your brother's birthday. After the continuation, many people will be present. When you were a child, you grew up from the mountains. Maybe you don’t understand. There are always a lot of scruples like our family. My brother and I don’t want to make you unhappy. If you don’t have a good expression, It will make many people not come to Taiwan, so I really hope that you can be happy. I listened to Gu Cheng saying that you want to give Bai Zhu’s gift. That Alaska is too fierce to be suitable for such a grand banquet. If you bite someone, it is very difficult to do this on the white side. If you only want to send a dog to your brother, you can wait until the end of the banquet and then send it. In the middle, you will play with us. What do you want to play, we all How about staying with you?"

A Jiuyin gave her two words: "No."

Gu Ru saw her going, and quickly said: "Ajiu, you didn't have breakfast yesterday. Your brother is very worried about you. Today, Wang Hao has specially made noodles for you. It is vegetarian. If you finish eating, let's go, don't Always let your brother worry."

A nine times back, the tiger has a small face and his eyes are beautiful.

She didn't talk, just looked at Gu Rou.

Gurou's mouth is still laughing: "I can't always be like this. I am a younger sister. I want to do whatever I want. Today's adult ceremony is very important. How many hearts should you have? A Jiu, although you are still small, but there are The older sister still wants to tell you that the white family is not worthy of anyone. Compared to a dog, Bai Zhun wants more power than endless power, and these are only for the family."

Wen Yan, Ah Ji finally spoke up, the tone is very dull: "I am also very rich."

"Ha ha ha." Gu Luo heard this smile, and brought another layer of meaning in the speech: "A Jiu, you are really innocent, you will know later, what is the power I am talking about, now you This age and status does not understand."

A nine no matter what Gurou thinks.

Little brother likes dogs.

She is clearer than anyone else.

Going to school is going to take Alaska.

Gu Cheng did follow the agreement. He didn't wear a school uniform. The upper body was a black leather jacket. Holding the Alaskan Malamute with one hand, I always felt that it was difficult to control it.

However, after the big dog saw Ah Jiu, he was a lot honest. I really don't know who is the master.

"Little bean diced, my breakfast?"

A Jiu looked at Gu Cheng and took a big dog he couldn't control. He also blamed him. He immediately took out the bought big **** from the bag.

"Give you."

Gu Cheng looked at the ten gimmicks in front of him and immediately gave a dumbfounded eye: "Do you let me eat this?"

"I have to eat steamed bread for breakfast." Ah Ji said after adding: "The shop's steamed bread is delicious, with vegetables inside."

Gu Cheng does not believe: "What do you buy for Helian's dust?"

"Yeah." Ah nodded.

Gu Cheng said: "Buy ten?"

"Yeah." Ah Jiu looked at the big dog and reached out to recruit it.

Gu Cheng’s life is in the hands of the dog’s rope: “Herlian’s dust is finished? What is his stomach?” Ten hoes, who is going to die?

Ah Jiu had a small face: "I sent it for breakfast, you will not give me the big dog."

"Give it, ten gimmicks for an Alaska, I actually still do such a loss of business." Gu Cheng really feels crazy: "I must be in the mind which ribs are not normal, but for your good, You don't want to send this dog at your brother's birthday party. If you bite someone, it's very troublesome. If you don't send it in advance, you don't have to end it. You can do it yourself. I have to go to your home first. Today. It is estimated that everyone will be very busy, you take care of yourself."

Ah Jiu snorted and did not tell him that she did not intend to go to the birthday party, and today she followed her second brother.

Gu Cheng saw her just a sigh, but helpless.

If the grandfather saw it, he would definitely laugh at him.

From birth to the present, he has never been so good to anyone.

"Little Bean Ding, you have nothing to say?" Gu Cheng raised his eyebrows and looked very handsome.

Ajiu took Alaska and touched the head of the big dog. He said to Gu Cheng: "I will give you the money tomorrow."

"I still lack money to spend?" After Gu Cheng finished, in case she was mad at her, she had to transfer the topic: "The dog is optimistic, I am gone."

A nodded nine points.

Gu Cheng just wanted to leave, and saw a bicycle on the head. There was a person sitting on the bicycle. His one-legged support of the car, with a smile on his mouth.

This is... Helian dust?

Gu Cheng hesitated and stopped.

Ah Ji was happy, and she ran over at once, and she followed the Alaska behind her.

When Alaska saw the dust of Helian, he suddenly showed his fangs. The gesture was clearly intended to rush toward Helian.

However, it is in the next moment.

A weird thing happened.

The fierce large dog suddenly caught his paw in front of the bicycle, and the back was still shaking.

Like being afraid?

Gu Cheng felt that he was mistaken. How good this Alaska was on weekdays, no one knew him.

Is it scared?

Looking at the Helian dust holding the bicycle, the smile of the corner of the mouth has not changed, but the faint light falls on the Alaska: "This dog is good."

"Oh..." Alaska took the paws back.

A nine hand holds the big claw, Meng is serious: "It is greeting you."

Gu Cheng: ...the way to say hello? Can't wait to tear the other side?

He thought that only the world would think so.

Unexpectedly, the person who was attacked actually smiled and reached out and took Alaska’s paw: "Hey, hello."

Gu Cheng vowed that he really saw his dog trembled, even though the dog had been sent out by him!

But is this too unusual?

"This is?" Helian dust seems to have just noticed him.

Ah Ji said: "Gu Cheng, I am at the same table."

"Also surname Gu?" He Lian Qingchen continued to smile: "It's a good surname."

Gu Cheng looked into his eyes and found that there was no warmth in the eyes.

He thought that in the cafeteria that day, it was this person and the cousin who had a conflict.

Gu Cheng was not present at the time, and later listened to it.

This person, in this way to approach Aji, is really uncomfortable.

He walked toward Helian's dust and walked away. With one hand in his pocket and passing by, the voice was low: "So don't provoke a surname, you can't afford it."

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