The Anarchic Consort

Chapter 1241: Is Xiao Jiu a solitary woman?

Hearing words, He Lian cleaned his eyebrows and his lips were more intense.

Gu Cheng did not see the expression of Helian’s dust.

After saying this, he set foot on the side of the Land Rover, and even with his back, he looked very windy.


Gu Cheng made an order to the driver, but the scorpion's afterglow looked at Ah Jiu who stood not far away.

He originally wanted to take a breath for his cousin.

But seeing the appearance of the small bean diced, he knew that he could not start.

No wonder Bai Jun did not find the trouble of getting rid of the dust.

Because the performance of the small bean diced is too obvious, it seems like to say that the person is her protection, no one can move.

Gu Cheng smashed his hand and became more and more annoyed.

This little beanie, why is it so blind!

The old driver who drove the car seemed to be aware of the unhappy feelings of his young master. He did not speak all the way.

The white house is almost the same, the hall is big enough, and a row of dining tables is placed, and the flowers dotted on it are not yet available.

In the yard, the grill was set up. This is probably a halal chef who wants to roast whole lambs in the yard.

Also pushed a pile of wood next to it, as well as a variety of tableware, each set is wrapped with special things, very style.

When Gu Cheng came in, he saw that Gu Rou was there to direct the maid to make fine-tuning. He could not help but smile: "Sister, you haven't married yet, so you are so active."

"What to say." Gu Rou grabbed his mouth and looked around nervously.

Gu Cheng looked at her like that, and her brow wrinkled: "What reaction do you have? What is guilty?"

"You are guilty." Gu said that no one, he breathed a sigh of relief and reached out and took his car key: "I am going to school now to pick up people and don't want to talk to you more, you also change clothes. You can't attend the birthday party like this in the afternoon."

Gu Cheng smiled: "The protagonist is not me anyway, right, the white university grass? How can you not see him? Honestly, sister, you should be better now?"

After Gu Ru heard this sentence, his fingers followed.

How did she knock on the door last night, and Bai Jun did not let her in. It was very cold and let her roll. Even the doctor came, she was going to send **** water.

He also let Wang Hao dump her **** water, clearly not giving her a face.

I am still ill and have not forgotten whether Ah Jiu has returned.

Even today, when I heard about a purple jade Buddha head, I took the adjutant Zhang’s door and didn’t even look at her to help her.

She is so helpful at Baijia, he really can't feel her at all?

Gu Rou remembered that when two people met for the first time, Bai Zhuan was talking about business with her grandfather.

Grandpa also said that the two schools are close together and let them move around.

However, Bai Zhun refused at the time.

He said: "I usually take care of my sister. I don't have time. I am afraid I will let Grandpa Gu disappointed."

Grandpa is ridiculous, but encourages her to take the initiative.

At that time, she was still angry, thinking that this white is really proud.

I don't know how, the more I look, the better I feel.

This is probably the feeling that I will have after I like someone.

Even if that person doesn't like her, she has to work hard to get it!

"Sister? Sister, I ask you something." Gu Cheng stretched the tone.

Gu Rou did not directly answer: "For so many things, when is this gossip, well, don't tell you, I will go to school to pick them up, and then go get gifts together."

Yes, we must follow her steps.

Bai Zhun can refuse her once, twice... she can't refuse her for the third time.

And at the birthday party, there is one thing he always wanted, and he will never refuse.

Gu Roan thought of laughing here, sweetly giving a call to Gu Laozi, and confirmed it again: "Grandpa, do you really want me to hand that thing to Bai Zhuan's hand?"

"Besides who you can give it, rest assured, Bai Zhun will like this gift, even if you don't give it, I have to give it." Gu Yuzi whispered with a pen: "I have let the secretary put Things are ready, and the words are signed. When Bai Zhuo cuts the cake, you will hand it over to him. There are always people who like to watch."

"Grandpa!" Gurou pulled the door open and screamed.

Gu old man laughed happily: "Well, don't say it, don't say it, how is it shy."

Gu Roo and Gu Guzi said two words before they closed the line.

She sat in the car and looked down at her mobile phone.

At the birthday party, she sent the gift out. Ah Jiu should understand why she and her are.

In the end, it is just a child from the mountains. If she is a little princess who is a white house, she will not hate her so much.

But she has to be so inconvenient.

Gu soft tightened his left hand and followed him and laughed.

White House, where is an orphan girl worthy of...

The scenery outside the window quickly receded.

On the mountain road leading to the suburbs, Bai Zhun sat behind the car. There was still a pinhole on the back of the hand. The pain of the throat hurts. Even the nasal sound when he spoke was heavy: "Put the road past."

"Young Master." Zhang adjutant sat in the co-pilot and said with concern: "You are in poor health, and you will have a banquet in the afternoon. Otherwise, I will order the things first, and we will come again in the next day."

Bai Zhuan coughed twice, and his face was not changed. The beauty was indifferent: "Today, the old Xu came over the news, this purple jade Buddha head, there are others who want it."

Zhang’s adjutant opened his mouth and finally couldn’t help but ask: “The jade Buddha that the young master bought for the lady is quite a lot. In fact, it’s okay to have one or two.”

"She has a bad mood recently." Bai Zhunguang turned: "The purple jade Buddha head is different from the others. It has a high-pitched relic. It is said that it has fallen from the Tianmi Mountain and can be used to stop people. Between the troubles, the guarantor is not invaded by all things, it is very suitable for A Jiu Dai."

After Zhang’s adjutant listened, he did not continue to persuade.

Because only he knows that the young master is not the purple jade Buddha head that he only saw in the past few days. As long ago, the young master bought a lot of people in order to buy this purple jade Buddha head, and finally he took the line of Gu’s father. I got the whereabouts of this Buddha head.

It is indeed impossible to persuade the young master to give up now.

On that day, if it wasn’t for the news that there was a Buddha’s head in the hands of the old man, the young master would not agree to accompany him to go shopping.

He can see that the young master was not happy at the time.

But even the young master at that time, it doesn’t look so bad now...

To the reader's words: Second, dear, look at the characters when watching the story, Bai Ye does not know that Ajiu was bullied, when these things happened, he was not there, if he knew, Gurou early Over, the dust will not appear, and there will be no stories at all, so don't distort the plot and the people, what?

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