The Anarchic Consort

Chapter 1267: The first one hundred and seventy-one is going to be strong, for future meetings.

Bai Zhun heard this, his fingers were tighter, and he went sideways. The cold scorpion looked at the evil in the hundred miles, and his voice was heavy: "There will be no more in the future."

Such calmness, juvenile strength, and the ability to resist the magic of the spirits of the hundred miles.

This made the eye of the sinister accidentally pick up the eyebrows, and the black scorpion gradually became the evil amber.

No wonder Ah Jiu will follow him and will not invade.

This is the existence of righteousness, probably only one in the world.

If you have not crossed the boundaries of life and death, you will not form such a gas field.

Coupled with the birth of Bai Zhun and his childhood education, he has achieved him.

The words of Baili Shangxue did not take care of him again. It seems that it is necessary to hand over his sister.

He stood up straight and then smiled and couldn't see it at all. He had just provoked Bai Zhun when he was sideways. "Over the years, I really appreciate the white family's support for Ah Jiu." He said, he I looked at the white master: "Especially thanks to Bai Grandpa, I often listen to my mother saying that Grandpa is a bold and narrow-minded person. It is quite the style of the ancient generals. Now that I saw it, Ah Ji let you worry."

Others don't know what the knot is, and the white man knows very well.

How much effort he had spent that year did not bring Bai Zhun back from the accident. ‘

Psychologists have seen it, old friends have also looked.

Finally, it can only be handed over to Gao.

Gao Song once told him that his grandson had a deep heart and wanted to wait for the true Buddha.

But at that time, Gao Yan himself said that it is difficult for the Buddha to wait for the opportunity. He is not sure whether he will wait for the day.

When Bai Laozi decided to send Bai Zhu to the temple, he also tried to try it.

No one can understand that the old man is owed to the child.

As a soldier, you should really sacrifice to protect the majority of people.

What can I do with my children?

At that time, any concern for the game was a replay of the damage.

On the day of the funeral, the white father saw that his grandson's fingers were scratched, but he could not feel any pain.

The veteran general who guarded the country for many years cried.

Even if there is a possibility, he must try it.

Now I heard that Bai Ji’s evil saying that A Jiu was the one who had untied the white quasi-heart knot. What is the mood in the heart of Bai’s father can be imagined.

"Ajiu." When the white man spoke, his voice was a little hoarse: "You really are the blessings of your little brother's life, the little pistachios of our white family."

After listening to Ah Jiu, pacing came over here, holding a little white cat in his hand, and his face was serious: "It is also my blessing to enter the white house."

"Ajiu said this is true." Helen Weiwei chuckled and put his hand on the head of his niece: "The correctness of Baizhun’s body has been guarded for nine or eight years, and the white head is treating Ajiu. If you have already, these kindness, we will always remember."

Having said that, she saw a hundred miles of evil.

The superstar devil in the hundred miles, only listen to the words of three people in this world, the mother, the younger brother, the younger sister.

Now that Helen Weiwei has spoken, he naturally put away the magic of his body, and he is no longer standing next to Helian’s dust.

Bai Zhun’s eyes looked at Ah Ji, who was approaching.

Bai Laozi naturally knows the mood of his grandson. He photographs the palm of his hand on Bai Zhuan’s shoulder and comforts him: "Aji is picked up. When you arrive in the summer, you will go to the army. When I return to the border, I will return to the border." Who will take care of Aji."

Helen Weiwei’s gaze also came over: “Bai Zhuo, you are still too small, there are too many uncertain factors around you...”

"I have always been sure what I want." Bai Zhu couldn't help but interrupted Helen Weiwei. For the first time, the boy showed his eager eyes.

Helian Weiwei chuckled: "Yes, but when we are young, there must always be a lot of scruples, Bai Zhun, you have what you have to do, today is your 18th birthday, after 18 years old you are An adult, I have always admired the style of the white family to protect the country and keep the family. I believe that this kind of blood is still flowing in you. When you are mature enough to resist everyone, is it better to talk about your children? Or is it that you can't wait for that time? Can't you control yourself?"

This is a radical approach.

Although Bai Zhun is very clear, but he is more clear, He Liwei Wei said everything is right.

"I can control the living." Bai Junshuang looked directly at Helian Weiwei, not humble.

Helen Weiwei smiled: "Very good. After the birthday party, I will pick up the Aji, and wait until you grow up."

Bai Zhuan tightened his hand, and finally followed it and released it. The sound was slow, but it was as clear as ink: "Good."

When he was studying, Haruki Murakami said: "You have to be an unrestrained adult. You are not allowed to be emotional. You are not allowed to secretly miss it. You are not allowed to look back and go to another life. You have to Obedient, not all fish will live in the same sea."

Growing up means thinking more.

Even if he was very painful this time, he promised it with willingness.

So many things are telling him.

He is not strong enough.

The strong one is the white house, not him, so he will be scrupulous before doing anything.

Gu Jia is the best example.

He should stop hurting his girl.

If all of this needs to be empowered, it can be done.

Then he will try to do it.

Bai Zhun thought of it, looked up and answered again: "Good."

The people listened at the side, and all of them laughed. Seeing the two families is like this, and the mood is natural.

"Is this a doll?"

"Bai Zhun this kid finally fell into the hands of others, hehe!"

"These two children are really good, especially when they look at it, it makes people happy, and they are very cute."

"A nine is still small, not necessarily in the future."

As people say, there is too much uncertainty in the future.

Even now that Bai Zhun knows very well, Ah Ji may even like everything.

In the past few years, she will have met many, many people.

What if there are people who are better than her?

Even if there is such a panic.

However, Bai Zhuan did not change his answer. He will be able to protect her forever in the future, even if the process is very long.

He is also willing to...

The atmosphere at the scene rekindled, and everyone was holding a glass of wine and joking at the white father.

Although Baili Shangxie did not say anything on his brother's mouth, he began to calculate how to destroy the reunion of Ah Jiu and Bai Zhun.

He Lian Qing Chen is really the one who knows his brother best. He stretches his back collar and smashes people. He also wants to give Ah Ji a good space.

To the reader: Second, love you.

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