The Anarchic Consort

Chapter 1268: The first thousand one hundred and seventy two to give gifts, affection

It’s a matter of listening to his brother’s words, and he hasn’t seen Helian’s dust for so many days. He’s extremely embarrassed.

As a younger brother, he is very clear when he should do something.

Of course, the only way for the great superstars to be good to their younger brothers is to send diamonds.

"The devil has dug two pieces, Portugal took a piece, you see which one do you like?"

He Lian took the dust and looked at his fingertips: "Yes, what about Ah Jiu?"

The hundred miles of evil went to the pocket, the tears of a large mermaid, each one worthless: "I took the father to the other side, many mermaids were scared by him, I smashed a lot along the way. ""

Helian dust: Hey... Father has this effect now.

Although Ah Ji did not know what the two brothers were saying, but listening to the meaning meant to give her something.

She suddenly thought of something, and she ran to Bai Zhuan.

After seeing her move, Bai Zhun paused and did not expect to be held by her.

"Little brother, I have a birthday present to give you, I tied it outside the door, I am afraid that it will bite people casually, but also force it to suppress it."

A Jiu said, while pulling the white to go out, panting, like a little tiger who has not grown up yet.

Even if there is already a girl, it is still a child.

His confession, she may not understand what it means. ‘

After all, even if you like it, there are many.

Bai Jun held her wrist, her hand tightened slightly, and there was a sour feeling in the bottom of her heart. After a long while, he took a deep breath and did not speak, but continued to let her hold her hand.

At the very least, she didn't hate him, didn't ignore him completely, didn't she?

Bai Zhun told him this way, but he couldn’t help but ask: "Is it different from likes?"

"Well?" Ajiu lifted his head in incomprehensibility and looked at the face of Baizhun in the fog. However, in the smog of whiteness, she did not see anything except his outline.

Bai Zhun did not continue this topic, but smiled low: "Where are the gifts you want to send me?"

"Just in front." Ah Jiu continued to pull the white to go forward.

There was no destruction in this time. After all, there was a chance of destruction in the future. If he showed his impoliteness in front of his sister, he would be worth a loss.

Xiao Lin and Li Hailou did not follow the past, because they all know that if Ah Ji really wants to leave, this may be the last night that Bai Ye can stay with Ah Jiu.

The military compound in the winter is quiet.

Among the heavy snow, two people stepped on the snow and went to the wall.

"Where there." A Jiu pointed at a white in the darkness, loosened Bai Zhuan's hand and ran over.

When Bai Zhu saw the behemoth, the black scorpion squinted a little, that is... Alaska?

"Small brother didn't want a big dog before." Ah Ji picked up Alaska's head: "Little God is good, it's a little bit ugly, but it doesn't matter, it doesn't dare to bite in front of me." people."

Arras is going to be shaken and dizzy.

Please, why this little prostitute looks so cute, and it’s so fierce.

And what is the origin of her brother, or the normal point of this boy.

If you have to choose a master, it has to choose this boy!

"Wang Wangwang!" Alaska screamed, and continued to use his head to gently touch the long legs of Bai Zhun. The look of adoption was simply too poor.

Bai Zhun is also aware of Ah Jiu. She knows that she does not have the strength to wear a heavy ring. No dog can afford it, even for large dogs.

However, Ajiu’s classmates did not know, and they still expressed their opinions in a serious face. The two heads on the top of the head stood upright: “Little brother, it seems that Little God really likes you, it always sees me when I see it. It won't be like this, it will only play with me, I will not play with it, it is not happy."

Alaska: thought that I was struggling to fight?

Boss! I am obviously running away with my life!

Bai Jun looked at the person in front of the dog, suddenly smiled, gentle and cold into the bones.

He wore a pure white trench coat, black hair and red lips, white skin and jade, thin lips slightly, and it was beautiful.

It is too complicated for him to think about things.

Ah Jiu was originally like this.

The idea is different from others.

If you are good to one person, you will have to work hard.

She is still jealous now.

He just waited for her to open up.

It doesn't matter if you don't open it.

Anyway, people like Ajiu are so slow, they can automatically block a lot of peach blossoms.

"Little brother, little brother?" Ah Jiu even called Bai Zhuan twice: "Do you not like the birthday present I sent you?"

Bai Baan shot Alaska's head and finally saved the other party: "I like it very much."

I remember that he really wanted to raise a large dog.

Except for Grandpa, there is only Ah Jiu.

It is obvious that he is an adult, but he is always comforted by the child.

It seems to be like this from before.

He will always be the one to be cured.

"Little brother likes it." Ah Ji finally let go of Alaska, and he was relieved. The gift she gave was not so useless.

In the performance of Alaska's sled dog strength, what is called 苟 残 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 吐 吐 吐 吐 吐 吐 吐 吐 吐 吐 吐 吐 吐 吐 吐 吐 吐 吐 吐 吐 吐 , , , ,

Bai Zhubai’s fingers stroking the big dog in the palm of his hand, and the broken hair hangs down, covering his eyes, making people unable to see his expression. In the snow of the sky, he only hears his voice low: "A nine."

"Well?" A nine round eyes looked at Bai Zhun.

Bai Jun chuckled and said: Go back to your father and mother to be obedient. "

"Yeah." Ah Jiu nodded heavily, followed by a smile.

The mist in front of him gradually dissipated, and a gentle breeze blew through it, sending a sweet floral bouquet.

Bai Jun smiled and squatted down the slender figure. He reached out and gently opened the soft black hair of Ajiu’s forehead. Then he leaned over and put the kiss on the forehead of Ajiu. He whispered a few. The word contains all the teenagers because of the affectionate letting go.

He said: "A Jiu, don't forget me..."

To the reader's words: The third is even more, what are the beautiful people, goodbye tomorrow, good night.

The name of the new book has not yet been decided, the small theater sent to everyone to see?

A man: You have chased after, that is, you have not chased me.

A woman: No?

A man: No.

A woman: There is no way, who makes you a school grass, handsomer than me.

a man:...

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