The Anarchic Consort

Chapter 1270: First one hundred and seventy four

Several people in military trucks are like beasted beasts.

The action was very sturdy, carrying a military backpack, jumping one by one from above.

When the people were released, the military trucks rumbling and drove away.

There are no opportunities for these new recruits to repent.

The setting sun slowly sinks, and in the distance is the endless snow-capped mountains and the dense forest next to it.

Such terrain is best suited for jungle combat training.

It is worthy of flying tiger blades, and even the venue is different from other troops.

The few people looked at each other and saw excitement in each other's eyes.

It’s just strange that no one is picking them up?

Except for the phrase “getting off the bus” that I just heard in the car, the surroundings were completely quiet, and there was no one in the wilderness.

"What about people?"

"Will it be hidden, want to give us a surprise? Just like when we recruited new recruits."

"That's a good relationship. It's better to have a meat meal. I have been sitting in a truck for two days and one night. I want to eat it now. I have been eating a compressed biscuit in the past few days. ”

Just when these men are doing communication with each other, when they are talking and laughing.

The boy's left ear suddenly moved a little, and he walked over the angular face of the handsome, and the deep black scorpion flashed a glimmer of ice!

"No one is coming yet? Oh, yes, let's introduce each other first. My name is Li Lei, the new city, what about you?"

"Calling Bai Dawei, his home is near the west!"

"White swearing? Your name is really artistic."

"It’s not a big white, it’s awkward!"

"It's the same anyway, buddy, you, where did you come from? It's better to talk about our troops, I am the army, what about you?"

"I? At sea."

"I heard that the Navy was particularly strict when it was selected."

"Without the army, it is not easy for you to have a special soldier."

Having said that, a few people put their gaze on a teenager who has never spoken. He seems to be looking at something, and he doesn’t look at anything. It’s just that the young side looks like it always gives people a kind of expensive. Sharp.

"Hey, this younger brother, which army are you from? Where is the family?"

The juvenile glanced at them, and the deep sighs were like deep wells, always giving people an unfathomable illusion.


"What?" Those people wondered if they had made a mistake in their ears.

One of the corners of the mouth made a mockery: "Codename? At this time, I used the code name instead of my name. Is it unwilling to say which army I came out from? Or do you want to let people know how you were selected?"

The teenager looked over and glared at him, and did not speak.

That person may be because of his attitude, the sneer on his lips is more intense: "I really didn't think that the place was actually corrupted to this point. Where is the sharp edge? Actually, anyone dares to send it here, and I don't know how much it is used at home. Relationship, but the younger brother, as the brothers who came over, advised you, look at me, and the army that looks more than twice as strong as you, each of us has been from the army for a few years. These experiences are not owned by a person who enters the selection by the background. Don't blame my brother for not reminding you that this place is not the place you want to enter, even if you enter, there is no strength, then only Will give up the life, since the family has the right to have power, it is better to have a good time at home, but also give other real soldiers a chance."

"Don't be like this, we will all be comrades in the future."

"Which comrade-in-arms, I don't have such a comrade-in-arms, a fine skin and tender meat. When the time comes, the task is not dragging on the dead. Do you ask him to dare to touch the gun?"

"Don't be like this. When the time comes, the people will make the referee, but everyone is a little peaceful, peace..."

The other person’s words have not been finished yet, only to hear a bang, something seems to be blasting beside them.

This kind of firepower is enough for the six people to be destroyed!

But no one thought that at the moment of the smog, a sheller hiding in the bushes was actually pointed at the gun.

The man was too fast and very unexpected. He was already in front of himself when the assaulter noticed that he was not in the shelling range.

Just like the **** of war, he looked down at him and blocked his next second shot with a gun.

Although they all use soot bombs, the ash bombs leave a rich color on the clothes. This is the soot bomb that every army uses when fighting in the jungle.

But the ash bomb used here is too much like a real bomb, so that at the moment of the sound, the other five people are leaning towards the other side, and the ears are still squeaking, then open their eyes. At that time, I saw a rifle in the hand of the teenager, pointing straight to a certain place in the jungle.

what's going on?

"Oh, I didn't expect to drop one." The runner who was pointed at by the gun was surprised at the beginning. Now the corner of the mouth has become a shallow play: "Do you think that you can reverse the current situation by yourself?" ?"

The assaulter said as he sneaked a gesture toward the direction behind the boy.

He thought that his professional whisper and no voice would not be noticed.

Unexpectedly, the young man moved in the next second and pointed at his gun, a turn of his unintentional attack, and directly put the rifle on the head of the person who was supposed to give him a sneak attack.

The man stunned and then his brow wrinkled.

"According to the rules, you should not gestate again, but as a new currency, the veterans are also supposed to be. Now, you should also be killed, and your companions." The boy finished, pointing with the gun The man, the side of his body, the voice is faint, the coldness that can't be said, the companion in his mouth is not someone else, it is the gunner who has been pointed by him before.

The sheller listened to the boy’s words, and the anger was simply not playing one place! ,

Even if you really let them, don't say it!

It is deliberate to say so clearly!

This is more humiliating than we lost to the recruits!

Oh, this is where the recruits come from.

How to talk to a high school student, start to talk, but owe it!

He can almost imagine how the group of comrades who are watching real-time surveillance videos in the military camp will laugh at them.


How come this time a variable!

To the reader's words: Second, love you, oh, oh, good night, will not write how long the army life, tomorrow will not begin to meet, so please some beautiful people do not make wrong plot comments and guidance, thank you.

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