The Anarchic Consort

Chapter 1271: First one hundred and seventy five first

It is obvious that the previous batch was not like this.

Their artificial smoke bombs were completely annihilated.

So at that time he also boasted in front of the captain that Haikou said that it would be enough for the two to come to them, enough to give these new soldiers a slap in the face.

I didn't think that the sneak attack could not be done, but I was still threatened with a gun.

In fact, the five people are really good at dealing with it.

Except for this one...

Thinking of this, the gunner’s eyes squinted at the boy’s voice: “Since we know that we are veterans, don’t hurry up and take your guns away, and take a break!”

After the teenager heard the words, the thin lips were hooked, and the laughter was a little bit like the meaning of winter snow, so that some of the handsome ones had no reason.

He turned his head and his arm slammed, only to see that there wasn't even a bullet in the gun cabin.

The assaulter saw it and made a low curse!

Oh! Was fooled! This is the scourge of where! How is the heart and eyes so much, the bullets are not so bullety! What a special thing can be installed!

The other person did not speak because he noticed the boy's hand. There was a thin layer of sputum on it. Although it was not as obvious as the index finger, but it could be seen carefully, not everyone would be at the fingertips of the thumb. There is a trace of it, which is the trace that only the talents of the long-range long-range guns may have left in their hands.

Is this a sniper? !

"Well, the gun that made you handsome." The character of the gunner was very big: "The sharp edges are so welcome, you are still qualified, you don't have to be sent back to the original army. Hey, that A few of them? Are you stupid? Didn’t you stupidly queue up!

When I heard this, the other five people also understood what was going on. All the ambush attacks, including the sudden bombings, were testing their reaction and ability to investigate!

But they didn't notice at all. At the moment of the explosion, their whole people's heads were blank, and they thought they had encountered any external invasion.

One of the five people’s faces was like a punch on the head and a burning pain.

Can't say what is shy or what, depression is depressed in the chest.

If the teenager who was not ridiculed by him had unusual dexterity, now they are all dead.

Not only that, but they are also likely to be sent back to the original troops.

This made him feel lucky and made him feel stunned.

Even now he does not believe that this boy was selected by his own strength.

In the final analysis, he was also lucky. He might have discovered the people hidden in the jungle. He did not tell them that he might want to show his own style.

In this way, the man took a step forward, touched the heel, made a sizzling sound, and saluted the two people who greeted them. The voice was loud: "Report, Lint, Navy, No. 114, former Come report!"

"Only let you report the number, no one will let you report the name, no one will let you report the troops." The bomber gave him a look: "We just heard about your self-introduction, 114, is it? Later When you introduce yourself, you can say that your code can also say your number, but one thing you have to remember when you come to the blade is not to mention your name. Because a name can reveal too much information, and more Moreover, you have also said the original troops, which makes people have to wonder whether you have been professionally trained in confidentiality."

Lint was said to have a red face on his face. He said that he was a navy, in order to let people know his merits.

But he did not think that it would be like this.

He is one of the best elites in the original army. He has always been praised and has not been treated like this for a long time.

And this person specifically raised the name of the matter, is to please the little devil from the side?

Lint is very unconvinced.

But here is the sharp edge, he must obey: "Yes."

The assaulter glanced at him again and did not say anything. Anyway, the soldiers like this had been grinding for a few days, and he was honest. If he was not honest, he would return directly to the original army.

"what about you?"

He turned his head and continued to ask.

Each of the following people reported their own number, along with the teenager.

"Very good, now in a team." The gunner’s rifle on the handle: "You still need to run for a while."

Lint thought it was still uncomfortable. After all, he just lost face in front of so many people, and how to mix it up.

So after finishing the team, Lint opened his mouth again: "Report!"

"Say." The brow's brow wrinkled.

Lint looked at the boy intentionally or unintentionally and continued: "Sir, I heard that the blade has never been special about the conditions. Even if there is a background, then the power will not be selected. It must be strictly selected. In general, all the players who can be selected for the blade are all over the age of 23. They have had amazing achievements in the original army, and even their quality and professional knowledge are too good to be selected. Now, I would like to ask the selection of the blade. Is it still the same as before?"

The gunner stopped the action that was about to walk, and looked back at him: "You are questioning the blade?"

"No!" Lint shouted, then glanced at the teenager: "Just always feel that some of his comrades are too young."

Whoever listened to this sentence knows who he is referring to.

Because it is too obvious.

Speaking for age, speaking for the origin.

When the teenager heard this, the smile on his lips did not reach the bottom of his eyes, but he was cold and lazy.

The assaulter saw it and smiled. "I said, have you made a mistake? If it is not the young comrade in your mouth, how come you have come back, you will stay. Now? None of the five people reacted quickly. You dare to say that you are a navy. You have no minimum vigilance. Do you doubt the sharp edge? If you don’t want to come, it’s not a nursery!”

Lint was said to have no blood on his face. He was very angry and his chest was ups and downs: "I said these words have no other meaning, but I want to ask clearly. Is it so easy to ask the blade now?" ”

"How about the sharp edge, it is not for you who like to use their own ideas to guess other people can understand, how did the navy work this year, recommended a person who likes gossip, is your original army did not tell you, come The sharp edge will give me the mouth of your love!"

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