The Anarchic Consort

Chapter 1273: The first one hundred seventy seven seven third

Lin's repentant intestines are all green. He used to just say that if he was not enlisted, he would be returned by the sharp blade. This would be the biggest joke in him. The original troops would not be willing to see him go back. The rest of the troops. After hearing this, he will not be accepted.

However, everything is already late.

It is precisely the white standard that realizes the main character of the sharp edge that it will not give an opportunity for people like Lint to stay.

The sharp edge is the elite on the border of the motherland, if the people stationed on this line of defense are not determined enough.

What about those who live in it?

Uncle Tang once said that the reason why he picked up the gun was that he did not want the girl he wanted to protect to see any war on our land.

He is the same, the more powerful he is, the more he can guard.

He does not allow anyone else on the defense line to be this virtue.

Because of his Ajiu, he lived there.

He is 17.8 million kilometers away.

So he doesn't allow...

The military Hummer ran past the no-man's land, and the wind gradually grew, and east of Nepal, the clouds floated.

The driver was very curious about Bai Zhun, and asked casually: "The head of your troops is willing to let you go."

Amphibian special, they have to be difficult, how come this guy is so easy?

The long and handsome group treasure, the computer is also a special cow, I heard that the academic qualifications are also levers, shouldn’t this be cherished by the own troops?

Bai Zhuan listened to him and thought for a while, his mouth hooked: "I guess he is now setting off firecrackers."

"Well?" The man didn't understand, only that the young man's expression had a black belly that couldn't be said.

Bai Zhun continued to speak, and the voice was slow: "Celebrate me to leave."

But... he will regret it soon...

There was a loud noise in the air!

A special military unit of a military region is really setting off firecrackers as Bai Zhu said!

The head of the surname Zhao even specifically asked the adjutant next to him: "Are you sure that the kid was not returned by the sharp edge?"

"The head, this... you forgot, people are taking what they want, and they should not give us back."

"That is, they still don't understand the character of the kid!" The head of Zhao surpassed and walked over again: "But if we want to return, we won't accept it. If it is not enough, I won't be pitted again." The second time, you tell them to put another whip."

"Is it still?"

"Put! The stinky boy who is mad at the death is finally gone, and I am happy! I must celebrate!"


This is still the first time the head of the army has no way to take the special forces below.

It is said that Bai Ye is a must.

But think about it, if Bai Ye left, what about the following group of rabbits?

At the thought of this, the adjutant immediately reported to the old head: "That, the head."

"What to do! What to say!" said the head of Zhao, quite proud of this sentence.

The head of the speech made a speech, and the adjutant closed his eyes and hardened his scalp: "The head, Bai Zhun left this, and there will be people who live in the earthquake."

The groups of people here are not the three generations of the army, except for Bai Jun, who can be ruled, who is being stripped, and the whole problem group, you see, do you want to write a letter to the edge? Let them come back soon? "

The head of Zhao listened to this, and his cheeks were full of drums and drums: "Do you mean that I can't control the gang's coming out of the compound?"

"Yes. No, I mean, they are hard to manage, it is difficult to manage." The adjutant said while wiping his sweat.

The head of Zhao is very proud: "If you don't write, I won't believe it. I don't have a white armor. I can't do it. Wait a minute, let's go out and see, why didn't you ring outside?"

I haven’t waited for the adjutant to start, and there’s someone outside: “Reporting head!”

“Say!” Zhao’s head was very comfortable drinking tea.

The little soldier was in a hurry and said: "They know that Bai Ye is gone. Now, I am planning to feed all of your favorite cans."

饽饽 is Bai Ai’s Alaskan Malamute, which has been brought to the side since joining the army. Now, because Bai Zhu is going to the sharp edge, he can only temporarily leave it in the original army, saying that the loyal dog is with the owner, so this military dog It is also very difficult to provoke.

Zhao’s long-lasting brain hurts: “This kind of thing is still telling me what to do! Let their captains take care of them!”

"Yes, but you also said that the origins of those people are not simple. If this is the case, then if they do something, they will not violate the military order. All the indicators are qualified, that is, you can buy the cans you like. It’s all over.” The little soldier didn’t dare to speak out loud, just squatting like a mosquito, for fear of angering their heads.

However, the small voice, Zhao Shouchang also heard, this group of rabbits scorpion is simply too wicked!

"Adjutant! Dial the phone!"

"Where to dial?"

"Take the sharp blade and let them quickly use it to give it back to me!"

The adjutant coughed twice: "You are just celebrating the release of his departure."

"I am regretting that I can't do it now!" Zhao’s head really felt that his head could not be taken seriously. Bai Zhun’s kid had already expected such a scene.

When Zhao first thought about meeting with Bai Zhun for the last time, he took a tooth flower: "No wonder that when the kid gave me the dispatch order in my gloating, he looked at me so funny, he also called I don't regret to recommend him. I thought about him. I am so happy, how can I regret it? This stinky boy, hang up the phone, call someone back!"

However, the news given there is that the blade is not willing to let go.

There is no plan to go back within the short time.

In this way, the time has passed in a hurry, and in a blink of an eye, the grass grows.

Three years later, early autumn September.

This is the month in which all universities are welcoming new students.

Whether it is the airport or the train station, especially the train station, you can see the signs of the new colleges and universities to meet the new students.

The campus is full of excitement, and every sophomore and juniors are looking forward to a beautiful schoolgirl to pursue them.

Therefore, most of the boys still like to do the work of welcoming new students.

The historic entrance to the University of A is as crowded as all colleges and universities.

Some people are sent by the parents to go to school, while others are sitting from the south to the north, supporting for more than ten hours, only for the school of this dream.

Most of the girls who dragged their luggage, when they walked to the school gate, they were tired and sweaty. Some of the teachers and sisters came over to pick them up. Don’t mention how much you can breathe.

But there is one person in the middle, but this is not the case. She not only took her own suitcase, but also the girl’s suitcase next to her, and she was easily picked up by her hand...

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