The Anarchic Consort

Chapter 1274: Ajiujiu after growing up in the first one hundred and seventy-eighth

The girl next to me has already looked silly.

Nothing else, just because the person who helped her carry the suitcase is smaller than her.

A side face is white and delicate, and the eyelashes are thick like a kind of planting. It is like a dark crow's feather that lays a beautiful shadow under her eyes.

Her hair was long, like black satin, and as she took the action of the suitcase, she slipped over her knee-length fashion long jacket and slender legs, beautiful.

The eyes are round and round, even if grown up, it gives a feeling of a little tiger.

Such a person, with a white cat on his head, shaking his tail back and forth, is like a cartoon character, beautiful and cute!

Not A Jiu, who else.

She is now 16 years old, and she has already returned to her surname, one hundred miles.

When she grew up, she was really good.

Because of her genetically good genes, although she is young, she has grown to 168. Under the A4, she has two slender legs. Her legs are very beautiful. She is straight on a pair of white canvas shoes, full of youth. Exuberant.

"Look! That, there is one!"


"Beauty! Long and pure!"

"You sit down, I am going to send this sister upstairs!"

"I am coming too!"

The three seniors came together one after another, and their faces were ridiculed with a handsome smile.

One of them immediately said: "Sister, do you want to enter this dormitory? We send you upstairs?"

"No, thank you." Ah Ji turned his head and smiled. The face was more beautiful with red lips and white teeth, and the natural face of the face.

The senior said immediately: "Don't be so polite, we are all alumni in the future. You see that a girl is so thin. There is no elevator in this dormitory. Take so many suitcases and get up on the stairs, the brothers will help you!"

"This box is not light, I am afraid that you can't take it." A Jiuyi looked serious.

The three seniors heard the words and laughed.

One is on the shoulder of another person: "Go, Lao Yang, give our primary school girls a look at how much strength you have."

"No problem!" Lao Yang had an OK gesture.

"Old Yang is practicing sports. You can't have two or three people in this box."

A nine-seeing affair is difficult, but he turned his head and thought about it. He placed the box on the ground and said: "If you can't take it, tell me."

"I said that school girl, why do you not trust the brothers, but the brothers are famous heroes, who are not in the A who knows my old Yang Li...power...power!"

The infinite number of words, Lao Yang students can not say, because his whole body strength is given to the right hand holding a suitcase, the teeth are biting!

I drop a mother-in-law, how is this suitcase so heavy!


"Nothing, nothing, just not playing well." After the old Yang finished, the two hands followed hard, and they struggled to pick up the box. After three seconds, they let go and let go.

This time, the people around them looked at them in this direction.

The other two brothers immediately scraped together and lowered their voices: "Old Yang, what's the matter with you? When is the key time to drop the chain, the new school girls can all watch it, don't lose face to our people!"

"No, hey, this box is a thief!"

"Can a suitcase have multiple? If you can't do it, just say, don't make an excuse! Just a little girl, but a man walked with two big boxes."

"I rely on you, don't stand and talk, don't hurt, don't believe you try, if you can take the box upstairs, I invite you to eat a week's canteen!"

"The small canteen is no longer needed, as long as you can get the micro-sign of the beautiful little sister to come out."

"You will swear first!"

"Hey, I don't believe that I can't even have a box... Don't move?!" The man said as he tightened the blue veins on his forehead and saw the deep eyes of the beautiful little sister. Smiled: "What, sister, what are you in this box?"

"Some daily necessities."

There is a black crystal stone sent by Big Brother, saying that it can be a small table lamp after dark.

There are gun parts after disassembly and assembly, and a super notebook that is disguised as a small suitcase.

There is also the gravity buckle that she usually uses.

This time, the gravity buckle was given to her by her mother. I heard that it was made of black ice. The surface is silver. It is like a beautiful bracelet on the hand, but each one is no more than twenty pounds. Mother gives her Four were installed in the suitcase, two were worn on the wrist, and two were worn on the ankle. After all, it was military training after the school.

A military training is about to take a step forward or train what to fight. She wears a gravity buckle and does not hurt others too much.

These things were put into the suitcase by her.

Obviously, the few brothers did not know that the daily necessities in this population would be so different from others, and they took a glance at them. The three people joined forces to pick up the box, but they still trembled, and the suitcase seemed to be at any time. Can drag the same ground, can not lift the stairs, get their blushing neck thick.

The onlookers stopped and they made a burst of laughter.

A Jiu also didn't want to be embarrassed again. He walked over and sighed. The voice was soft: "Senior brother, the box is still coming for me. You are going to help other sisters. Don't help anyone who is beautiful, and I won't. Tell me about my WeChat."

This passage is a crit for the three boys!

Next, they watched the beautiful little sister who walked past them. They took advantage of the two suitcases and walked upstairs.

This... is really strength to face.

The three seniors glanced at each other and cried with a headache.

When can we compare a weak girl! ?

As a result, A's campus forum had a boyfriend ranking on the first day of school.

The first to win is not the sophomore junior, not a basketball club, but a new oxygen girl, a hundred miles.

It’s really a full-time boyfriend’s blast, helping a lot of girls to carry their luggage. Sometimes they look like they’re still cute, and they have two heads on their heads.

Because she is the youngest and the jumper, most people immediately fell in love with her when she saw her.

What's more, where is this?

A big, capital.

Many people admitted to this place have come from the previous one.

That is to say, some school sisters, that is, the fans who were in the middle of the Aji, heard that someone used the name of the hundred miles to report, and there was a boy’s power. They immediately ran over and watched. At that time, the cute and awkward little boy, I can’t wait to go to the pro!

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