The Anarchic Consort

Chapter 903: To kill Dabao Xiaobao, Wei Wei

Soon, the train bound for Yungui area arrived.

The trafficker didn't hurry to get off the bus, but looked at the black crow flying around and took the phone and called: "Boss, I was stared, no, not being stripped, being a bunch of dirty things, these The dirty things are clear and it is a good thing to ruin them. They follow me like this. I have no way to take the goods on the train. You let the masters give me a hand. I put this dirty thing in the nest!"

The person at the other end of the phone listened to the situation and then placed the phone. The person who was called the boss by the trafficker was the head snake in the Yungui area. He was called the six-year-old, and all the year-round sales were for the sale of children. It is reasonable to say that this train The task of delivery can't make a big problem, even if the flaw is caught, it is just a matter of breaking a line. This time, I don’t know what went wrong. The white road check was even tight. Even the organizations were alarmed and broke a lot of business.

At first, he thought that he had offended someone. Now, when he heard that there was something dirty, he couldn’t swallow it any more. He turned and went to the Zen room on the second floor.

If it is not something important, he is afraid to come up with harassment.

But now he can't bear it anymore. He stretches out and pushes them away. He is sitting in a woman in her thirties, wearing a costume similar to Indian enamel, with many beads on her neck. She is teaching a child to read. The side of the face looked very gentle, but the child was as scared as he did not learn half a word.

The woman smashed the ballpoint pen on her hand, as if she was patient, took a sigh of relief, and stood up from the wooden chair. The exotic face, the black hair was soft and waisted, and the Buddha’s breath was raised in her eyes. Looking at the sixth child, the voice is not cold or hot: "Is there something?"

"Master, it's like you. The old seven has encountered some problems, like being looked at by something dirty. These dirty things may have broken our affairs. When you want the single-parent children you want... ..." The old six sons voiced with some exploration, that is, she hoped that she could help solve it.

In the past, he never believed that there were any ghosts in the world, and he was not afraid of those things. Until he met such a person a few days ago, the old six sons knew that there were still some things in the world that could not be explained by common sense, such as market uploading. A wide-ranging case that can make people follow the shoulders. The practicality is not the legendary secret medicine. A paper note can be done. What are the methods of killing the fate and the tricks of raising the ghost? One is very powerful.

Although the old six sons still don't know what the master is in front of him, but with the help of this woman, he earned more than three times before!

Once he was only responsible for the sale of goods, those undocumented traffickers from all over the country, all from the goods, the cost of this is a large number.

Now he is truly an organization. In just one month, the children who have been transported to Yungui have reached five figures. The master’s temper is also very strange. He does not take money, but he will only look at the goods. The pleasing child picks it up.

However, these children will only stay with her for up to three days. After three days, where the child went, no one knows, and no one dares to ask.

When the old six sons look out, she will find him, and because he is the person in the business, just don't know how the masters have made those children? It should not be eaten.

The old six sons dare not think too much, bow down with respect and respect.

The woman glanced at him and it was a faint tone: "Where is he now?"

"The train is on the station, it should be the time to get off." The old six son said to take the phone out: "Would you like to talk to him?"

The woman did not pick up the phone, as if all the minds were placed on the child's body, and then picked up the ballpoint pen: "No, the train station is a very easy place to set up, you let him take my paper If you bite your right hand and draw a cross on the ground, it will naturally be solved. The phone is so open, and the hands-free, I can hear."

When the old six son saw her, she had to personally command, her eyes were bright, and she immediately pressed the hands-free button.

The trafficker listened to the news from the phone, and smashed his hand, and then looked at the black crow outside the window, and the flash of excitement!

This group of things that don’t know what to do, there is no way to go in heaven, but come to him to find death!

He smiled sullenly, one force, tightened the zipper of the jacket, and strode down the train.

The master said, try to be in a remote place at the exit...

At this time, the small dust in the carriage was a little confused. He didn't know that he was standing. He felt a bit noisy. He stretched his two small claws and kept licking his eyes. The hair on his head was still straight. Squatting.

Baili Shangxie saw that he didn't want to go. He was very aggressive and put people in the air. He took a little dust and walked a little ahead to the front. He couldn't see the road ahead. He could only face his head and face. Be especially serious, just like what tasks are being done.

The next person saw these two little guys, did not give way, and some took out the mobile phone to take a photo, sent it to Weibo, and shouted "I am going to be crying, it seems to hold home!" Etc., etc.

The evil in the hundred miles is no matter what other people are, just surrounded by a pile of ham, the feeling is also very subtle, if he is not patience, it is likely that he will grab a hand to eat.

However, if you hold a small dust, the evil spirits of the hundred miles are not empty, and the role of a good brother is along the way.

Perhaps even the evils in the hundred miles do not know, when he treated the small dust, there is unprecedented softness.

When they got out of the car, the black ravens swarmed and fell on the tree sills next to the railroad tracks.

With so many birds, the staff can’t catch up, and they don’t dare to go. After all, the black crow is not a sparrow. This is rare. If you are abroad, you will see a lot of green castles at night. .

However, in the mainland of China, there has never been such a scene, and many black feathers have fallen on the railroad tracks of the railway station.

The people who are out of the station, from time to time, look back at the black crows.

Helianweiwei is on the dirt road on the other side of the railroad. The performance of the BMW Tomahawk is good. With the technique of Helianweiwei, a tail is over the broken trace of the dirt road and leans over. Heavy on the road, the person who was parked in front of her was a red trot of the waiting person. The driver was looking down at the mobile phone. He saw a heavy locomotive falling from the top of his head, and the line was smooth and a turn. The speed is fleeting.

"It’s really handsome!"

"Isn't that going to be a movie?"

"The locomotive just emerged from the top of the head? Is it something hanging?"

"It should not be."

"Now, this year, a locomotive has to be taken out and displayed."

"I rely on! Do you know what the locomotive is, BMW Tomahawk! Look at that model or the previous version, it is estimated that it has already been out of print, you can't buy it, you can't buy it, waste wood!"

The traffic at the train station has become a mess because of this sudden emergence of the BMW Tomahawk. There are very few people who really understand the car in the small cities of China. Even in the big cities, everyone is familiar with the sports car. Kind of things, always feel that except Harley, the rest will not be very valuable.

This is why the former lady saw Helen Weiwei and thought she was particularly poor.

In fact, Helianweiwei is a BMW Tomahawk, just like the driver said, because of the type, it is not for anyone who wants to buy it.

Helen Weiwei didn't get off the bus, and leaned over between the gaps of the two trots. The night wind blew her long hair and clothes, and a flame-like brake stopped directly on the square of the train station. The long legs supported the fuselage, and the fingers were lifted, and the helmet on the head was taken off.

The people around the original have been stunned by the scene of this wind, and some of them can't be said. At this time, I saw the beautiful face of Helen Weiwei, and suddenly stopped breathing and widened the eyes.

Helen Weiwei did not go to see the commotion caused by her, but put her eyes on the unusual black crows, Liu Mei up and pick up, so many black crows? The energy of a little demon can no longer mobilize so many black crows. Those who know the yin and yang exorcism know that the black crows are the real body of the devil. After they become magic, they will become adultish and become even bloody. The magic that provokes.

The black crow is ancient and elegant. It is very common in the UK. It usually lives in the castle. In China, it is so large. Unless there are any big people coming, they will never be collectively dispatched...

In the train station, Baili Shangxie is holding the dusty children walking outside, and it is like a tumbler.

When the little dust licked his eyes, he really woke up. He turned his head and looked at the exit. He thought carefully, didn't he know that Wei Weimei had arrived?

"What clothes does your mother wear?" asked a very cool voice on the hundred miles.

Xiao Qing snorted: "What clothes are not important, her car is very recognizable..."

The sight of the two little men was blocked by the adults. Even if the evil spirits did not hold a small dust, they could hardly see the scene outside the crowd.

The trafficker is not the same. He is in the right position at the exit. When he gaze, he sees the two little guys who are holding hands, trying to walk the stairs, the big one she can’t see clearly, the small one. Facing him, it is clearly a little devil who almost made him suffer!

To the reader: the three thousand words of the big, repeat the problem, just want to see the girl who reunited the plot, do not remind, the ancient can be regarded as the end. (I always feel that communication is extremely difficult, what should I do, let the evil go out and bite you? What?).

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