He has long felt that these two children are not right!

Now seeing them follow, my mind is more certain of this idea!

Do not say anything else, who is a three-year-old child who will take the train himself?

And the only black crow that flew toward them, all parked behind the older little man, as if he had been summoned by him.

The trafficker looked far away from the back of the evil spirits, and a sneer came out of his mouth.

A little devil who will know how to do it, think that he is invincible, and want to play him? It is simply looking for death!

The trafficker did not hesitate, took a step forward, bit his finger, drew a cross on the ground, and then turned the palm of his hand to the ground with a yellow paper sign.

Just listening to the slamming sound, the yellow character came out with a thin light, and it seemed to be sucking something in the air, and it soon spread to the entire railway station.

After doing all this, the trafficker laughed, and this time he wants to see how the two little devils and the **** black crows escaped!

"Master, I am all done, what else do I need?" The trafficker was so excited.

There is no emotion in the voice at the end of the phone: "Look for a farther place, draw a cross, this cross must be painted in the most yin place, for you to control the array, then you can wait, then you will I will see the results."

After listening to this sentence, the smile on the face of the trafficker has become more sinister, and it seems that the two little people have died in the near future.

He had seen the master's usage array before, and said who wants his life to be whose life, and now he personally did it, it feels natural to be self-evident.

Just wait three minutes and break the balance of the atmosphere with the array method. These black crows will be taken away by all the souls!

There are also two little devils who don’t know how to live and die.

The black crow is the first to respond. After all, compared to the evils of the hundred miles, these black crows are only birds in the end, and they can't resist the fact that some people deliberately made them.

When the evil spirits still stretched out a small hand and climbed the stairs, the black crows seemed to be affected by something, and the eyes were covered with black fog, and they looked at it. To be suffocated.

In the square, Helian Weiwei, who had his side legs supporting the BMW Tomahawk, pulled out the key and suddenly looked at it in the direction behind him.

The yang here is supposed to be very strong, but at this time it has brought out a strong airflow. This airflow hedge becomes a suffocating yoke. Therefore, the yin and yang interweave form a powerful chaotic gas field near the station, which is easy for people. The mood is impetuous, and the evil thoughts are overwhelming.

Who is doing the trick here? Is he going to let all the black crows get into the magic barrier and then attack the people indiscriminately?

Helen Weiwei thought of this, a pair of scorpions followed the cold.

The trafficker looked at the black crows who started to mess, and still secretly hid, thinking that he was standing here, and no one would ever find it.

Even if the two little devils have a bit of skill, they will only be killed by his life, and how he should be happy!

The trafficker is arrogantly planning to put a yellow character on the way to Fari, but what he didn't think of was that just as he bent over, a beautiful BMW Tomahawk would be behind him. Suddenly, I pulled it out and crushed it directly from the array. The roar of the roar was like a tiger’s low-pitched, and the people in the car looked at him. Then, it laughed like a smile. Thin lips: "Is you turning my family to clean the dust?"

The trafficker's eyes are very cold. Now he is not afraid of even the police. He is afraid of a woman. When he reaches out, he intends to use the power of the array to remove the soul of Helen Vivi!

With the action of the traffickers, the thin black smoke is like a small snake. It comes from all directions. The snake letter that each snake spits out is directed at Helen Weiwei on the battle axe.

"Go to death, a woman who doesn't have long eyes!" The trafficker has already fallen into the thrill of murder. His eyes are bursting and his face is full of laughter. He really thought that killing Helen Weiwei was almost easy.

However, in the face of those surging black snakes, Helian Weiwei did not move, and still maintained the handsomeness of one-legged support.

The black snakes immediately fell from the air and turned into a burst of black fog, blown by the wind, nothing left.

This kind of formation is only the smallest pediatric thing for Buddhism and Phoenix.

You must know that the phoenix is ​​a Buddha who does not invade.

The trafficker looked at this scene, and the smile on his face was completely deadlocked!

How could this be?

How could the master’s method be invalidated? !

Impossible, this is impossible!

The traffickers don’t believe in evil and want to show up again!

But the yellow signature turned out to be shocked by the breath of someone, and did not move again!

Seeing the situation in front of me, where the traffickers don’t understand, this is kicking the iron plate! The other party is definitely a person who will be a spell!

But that shouldn't be? I want to know that he used the nine-turn yellow charm with blood stasis. Even during the day, it should not be so easy to fall down. How deep can this woman be?

Unless he is confronted with... Pei.

Thinking of this possibility, the cold sweat on the head of the trafficker suddenly came down. Once the master had cast a spell, he once mentioned it. If it is a person who meets Pei’s family, it is best not to move his mind and try to hide his own body. Evil thoughts, or they will be cleaned up by the other party immediately.

Because that is the real exorcism family, from ancient times to the present, I don’t know how many years have passed, they have been cleaning up the sins that ordinary people can’t see.

If he is really a Pei family, then the trouble is big!

Unless there is a master himself, otherwise he has no chance of winning!

After realizing this, the traffickers couldn’t even take the Huang Fu on the ground, and the sullen eyes swept over the old grandmother who came over, and pushed the old grandmother forward, and ran away!

He Lian Weiwei squinted his eyes, and the long-legged legs crossed the old grandmother, just wanting to chase, but the other party reached out and grabbed the sleeves. The old lady looked like an enemy looking at Helen Weiwei: "You Don't think about going! If you hit me, I will go. How can it be so cheap?"

I heard this shouting, and many people in the square looked over here.

Do not blame the grandmother will have this illusion, she felt a gust of wind to bring herself down, I thought it was the other's locomotive hung her.

Old people are often born with this illusion.

It is really difficult to tell when this happens, especially if there is no camera recording.

Other people didn't know what was going on, just followed up, thinking that this one riding the Tomahawk might not be able to tell, and had to run a police station.

If the old lady is a local and the family has a relationship, then it must be even more difficult.

The results of the matter seem to be expected.

The police officers on the train square also came over and were about to ask what happened.

In the face of the slander of the old lady, Helian Weiwei, who has been silent for a while, suddenly made a noise, saying to the police: "I asked for a recording pen to record the confession."

There was still some reaction from the police. After all, the tone of the other party was too smooth, as if they were clearer than the whole process of handling the case.

"If you don't have a voice recorder, I have a belt." Helen Weiwei chuckled and took a pair of glasses on the windbreaker. There was a black voice recorder inside. She looked at the old lady and her tone was not tight. Slow: "Have you thought that I was rushing out from behind you, and then hung up, so you will fall?"

"Yes!" Speaking of this, the old lady is still angry! In fact, she does not know what reason she is going to fall, but it is such a car in front of her, it was very fast at the time, it must be hit by the other side. of!

Get such an unreasonable answer, even if there are 10,000 alpaca flying in the heart of Helianweiwei, the tone is still very light: "I will confirm it to you again, do you think that I just rushed out from behind you? Then hung up for you, did you fall? Are you sure you remember correctly?"

I don't know why, the police always felt that when the other party was talking, it seemed to deliberately aggravate the words "behind the body", so that he emphasized the key way of speaking. He seemed to have heard only in one place, that is, the court.

Nothing wrong. In the courtroom, lawyers often use this style to speak when they ask the parties...

"Yes! How many times have you told me! I am going well on this road. If you didn't hang me from behind, would I fall? You don't think that when I am old, I will be confused! I know everything." "The old lady was a little dizzy when she fell. Now she even feels a little pain in her arms. She just wants Helen Weiwei to take responsibility down!"

Just let her not think of it, and what the people around me didn’t think was that Helen Weiwei took the recording pen and handed it to the policeman’s hand, then pointed his finger at his BMW Tomahawk and pointed it at the opposite side. The old lady, who is not slow or slow, said: "The old lady said that the person who hit her is rushing out from behind. My locomotive is facing the old lady, whether from physics or from From the path, I can't rush from behind the grandmother. Can I go now?"

After the old lady who was still licking her arm heard this, she was dumbfounded!

"Wait a minute, I seem..." The old lady still wants to say what she wants.

Helian Weiwei directly interrupted her, laughing and mocking: "Old lady, I confirmed it to you twice, you repeat it yourself, all the evidence is in the recording, you will not want to say, you remember Is it?"

The old lady’s original words suddenly lingered in her throat, and her face was burning red.

The people around them have understood what is going on, and they have never thought of proving themselves in this way. It is a wit!

Many times these things will be repeated, because when you get to the police station, you will encounter ambiguous answers. Usually, no matter whether you are hit or not, it looks like you are hitting, you are responsible.

Even if there is no way to grievances, Helian Weiwei directly finds the crucial evidence, and asks the old lady again and again, letting the old lady speak the loopholes themselves, so that the truth is What is natural is qualitative.

Nowadays people have been suffering from too much grievances in this respect. Now that I have seen Helen Weiwei doing this, there is always a feeling of sulking, and some people can’t help but scream: “Be beautiful!”

The police have never met such a person, and the look of Helen Weiwei is also full of surprises.

The old lady knew that she misunderstood the person and did not say anything, but the same thing, let her say in public that she was wrong, she could not pull this face, and only ran away with arms and shouted.

Helen Weiwei didn't even look at her again. For such a person, she never used to waste time.

The man couldn't catch up. She simply walked to the place where she had just cast a spell, and bent over and picked up the yellow sign on the ground.

That Huang Fu is not like it is often seen on the market now, and in her memory, she seems to have seen such a paper, but what is specific, even her is a bit fuzzy.

The only thing that can be affirmed is that this yellow character is not simple.

Helen Weiwei's face was flat, and his long finger pressed the Bluetooth headset: "Monkey, I have a character here, you can check the origin of it for me." After that, I took a high-definition picture directly with the Apple mobile phone. The past.

It’s hard to get through the phone. The monkey didn’t go to the map immediately. Instead, he hurriedly asked: “Boss, have you found the little boss? Is he sure that he is hungry now? The group of traffickers don’t let me catch them. Otherwise, I didn't marry their skin!"

Helen Weiwei stayed, right, clean children...

"Wei Weimei will never be late, she must have encountered something." Xiaoqing's two small hands holding a hundred miles to buy him a bowl of noodles, no hurry, small mouth like a decent Blowing, then holding the bowl of noodles and drinking a hot soup: "Boiled beef miso, do you want to take a drink?"

Baili Shangxie just nodded, and the dusty children fed the bowl of noodles and fed his mouth. The posture said that his brother was drinking soup.

The two little ones sat on the steps of the exit mouth with their heads squatting, drinking hot noodle soup, and the scene was so cute.

During the period, Baili Shangxie took the sleeves twice for the dusty children. When he reached the third time, Helian Weiwei just came over, because Helian’s dusty clothes had been changed, so At the beginning, Helen Weiwei just glanced at it. When she saw that it was very hard to hold the bowl of the little man, Helen Weiwei smiled and walked with long legs. Going over...

To the reader's words: Busy outside, not very convenient, two more synthetic one, the number of words is not less, more than 4,000 words of the big chapter, Ann, see you tomorrow, what ah, the girls have a rest.

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