"How about the check that I asked you to check for me?" Helen Weiwei tapped the wooden table and looked out at the train station outside the window: "Is there still no clue?"

The monkey replied while positioning: "Boss, you are really smart. I have asked all the people in your line. What masters are sorghum, they say that this painting is really strange. They have never seen it. This kind of character, many websites have been blacked out by me, and I can't find the information of this character on the Internet."

Helian Weiwei picked up his eyebrows: "What is the associated word? When searching, there will usually be related words. What is the related word that appears in this sign?"

"The associated words of this character are very strange. What are the flying cakes, curry, and creamy chickens, all of them are Indian dishes, right, and Nepal." The monkey looked at the road in front of him and the speed was very fast.

Helian Weiwei doubled up: "No wonder she will come to Yungui area."

"Who?" The monkey couldn't understand what his boss was saying.

Helian Weiwei smiled and raised his lips, and did not answer: "Do you know where the real birthplace of Buddhism is?"

The monkey did not answer, the old cat listened at the side, very excited: "I know that there is no performance in the Journey to the West. When the Tang dynasty and the people crossed the mountain and the Yellow River to go to the Scorpio to learn the scriptures, it is the birthplace of Buddhism. India now!"

Hearing, Helen Weiwei glanced at him and did not speak.

The dusty children put the last Swarovski rhinestone into the small pocket of the hundred miles, and turned back to the old cat: "Buddhism is more than 3,000 years ago, created by the Kapiluo defending country, popular in Western countries. It is believed that Buddhism originated in India, and India is actually trying to shape the image of "Buddhist Holy Land", which makes many people have the illusion that the Buddha was born in India. In fact, the Kabira Guardian is not India, but Nepal, the mainland wants to go to Nepal. It’s just passing through Yuncheng.”

The dusty children explained it very seriously, and at the same time did not forget to take all the things they took.

On the hundred miles, he was afraid that he would fall, and he stood behind him. The red eyes were more evil after sweeping the stupid expression of the old cat. The voice was cool: "This kind of common sense does not understand." Uncle, look at the book when you have time. Human beings are so stupid."

Old cat:...

He is now laughing at IQ with two three-year-old children! ?

Have you made a mistake! ?

"Like a child, from Nepal, the ancient king house city, gentle personality, looks quiet." Helen Weiwei eyes also laughed: "This made me think of a person."

The dusty children swayed and walked over with a small step: "Is it a devil mother?"

"What is the devil mother, what are you talking about?" The old cat paled: "You mean the master, she is the devil?"

On the hundred miles, the evil spirits laughed, and the devil's meaning became more and more intense: "The devil's mother god, one of the twenty days of the protection of the law, was also called the emperor's mother, the ancient king's house city was born with a Buddha, holding a celebration, Five hundred people were going to the meeting. On the way, I met a pregnant woman, and the woman accompanied me, but she was aborted in the middle, and five hundred people gave her away. The woman gave a poisonous oath, and she wanted to give birth to Wang Shecheng, and she ate the children in the city. Later she really Oath, after the birth of Wang Shecheng, capture the children in the city. Such people should come to our devil world, how did they enter the Buddhism, and what became the son of Guanyin?"

Helen Weiwei heard a smile here and reached out and yelled at the head of the evil child: "Because in the Buddhist story, she killed the children of her own children in order to raise her own children. The Buddha will have 500 children. The smallest one was hidden, so she looked around wildly. The Buddha said to her: "You have 500 children, you are so sad to lose one, and how will the mothers who have lost the only child feel?" "So she will be influenced, and then she will become a son of Guanyin, Buddhism will guide her, just we can use it for a use." Said, she said to the phone: "Monkey, quickly check The family situation of senior officials in the Yunnan-Guizhou region, I am going now."

"Good." The monkey took the Bluetooth headset, and when he turned, he parked the car on the side of the road, directly opened the all-in-one computer on the first officer, and inserted one of the cables into the car navigation system. After the nearby WIF password, and then began to search after networking, he quickly found the information he wanted: "Boss, all the above information in the Yunnan-Guizhou area was detected."

Helen Weiwei’s tone is not too slow: “How many of them have children?”

"All of them, at this age, there should be children." After the monkey finished, the direct screenshots were presented on the mobile phone of Helian Weiwei.

He Lianwei Weikong took a look and said: "Very good, cover the sixth, and collect the old six money, all find out, old A, gold, you and the monkey to challenge, how to do one Good trafficker, L, S, you don't change the original line. After twenty minutes, we gather at the train station, check in with the ticket, the guy brings it, especially L, the copper plaque hanging on your boots and pants. More, it will always be checked. The mainland is better than other regions, so don't underestimate the security system here. Do you understand?"

"The big deal is to say that performance art is awkward, playing COS, non-mainstream, L is so normal at this age." The picture cut to S's face.

The teenager sneered: "A shot burst your head."

"Well, the game starts, right for your watch." Helen Weiwei raised his hand and glanced at his wrist: "It is 3:24 in the morning, 20 minutes later, L, S, I want to see you, Kim, old A, monkey, I want to hear your first good news after thirty minutes. Be careful, you are hurt, and the dusty children will feel bad."

The monkey sucked his nose and moved to cry soon: "The little boss is coming to see me, I haven’t performed the task for a long time, or I’m still playing with the boss! I’m not too challenging to see the feng shui as a liar. It!"

Old cat:...

So you are not a master, you have been fooling me!

"Starting." Two words, Helian Weiweili hangs up the phone, puts the phone in his pocket, and walks away with two children who are full of loads.

The old cat stretched her hand: "Wei Bo, what do you want to do? Why do you want them to check the family information of those people?"

To the reader: not Jinlian, death is dead...

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