The Anarchic Consort

Chapter 912: Why is it like a big boss?

"Of course, it is the way of his people to cure his own people." Helian Weiwei looked at him with a smile, her hands clearly have nothing, but in the eyes of the old cat, I saw a hand The faint and obvious scimitar is in full swing: "Humans, only when they become victims, know how many animals they have made."

The old cat trembled on the hand: "You mean, you want, you have to take all their children... Wei Bo, you listen to me! It’s not like other places, you make this kind of thing, It’s definitely not going to fall back! Even if it’s a ghost, it’s hard to stop doing such a big thing, unless you don’t plan to stay in the mainland, people in the high position are not allowed to challenge their authority. of."

"Authoritative?" The curvature of the thin lips of Helen Weiwei is a bit cold: "Compared to the innumerable letters of countless parents looking for their children, these authorities are nothing in my eyes. Now it is the information age, I have a way to let They kill people and pay for them."

The old cat opened his mouth and wanted to say something more. The body had already been pushed to the side by the back of the hundred miles.

The two little men were filled in every pocket, which was not enough. They also took him a lot of ancient diamonds.

When did they find so many things!

The above people did not check out these valuable things!

This is good, they have all been evacuated!

The old cat grabbed his own black hair and looked at the three figures that disappeared at the entrance of the Internet cafe. He turned back and said to the front desk: "From now on, I will not pick up the passengers. If someone asks me, you will say that I have traveled to Nepal. I will leave now, give me a ticket online, hurry up!"

He didn't want to squat again, hiding abroad, quiet!

This city of Yuncheng is about to change, but I don’t know what it will look like...

At 3:40 in the morning, Yuncheng Railway Station.

Everyone knows that there is no high-speed rail in the Yunnan-Guizhou region, only the general.

There are also airports, but due to the weather, there are always various cancellation flights.

The train is the means of transportation that most people choose to travel.

In particular, there are flights to Dali, so the number of Yuncheng train stations is usually a lot.

Probably because of the close proximity to the border, no matter how strict the inspections are, the people who are acquainted with the three religions will still appear.

Helen Weiwei was stared at with two small people entering the square of the train station.

The scalper who bought the ticket surrounded her whole person and wanted to block her and the two little ones.

Helen Weiwei saw through the other party's tricks, but his face was not worried at all, but he laughed more and more.

Those oxen glanced at them and continued to move forward. They were not afraid that there would be any white people appearing here. It is already 3:40 in the morning. At this point, they should all sleep, they deal with a woman and two children. How are you more than enough?

Especially the two children, as long as they took out the master's Huang Fulai, and posted them behind them, these two little devils would be uncomfortable if they were weird, and they would faint at once.

The oxen thought so, a turn and no warning, put the yellow symbol on the evil spirits, and then bent down, they wanted to hold the hundred miles up.

It’s just that they didn’t think of it.

The yellow character actually burned up in an instant, as if it had encountered a deadly enemy, it immediately turned into gray powder!

The child did not change anything, even the expression of the person's expression was high and cold, and the eyes that made people cold from the bottom of their hearts became more and more red, like flowing blood.

Let all the oxen back a step back, the fingers are shaking, and simply shift the target, you want to stick the yellow note on the dusty children!

However, no one gave him this opportunity. The dusty children didn’t wait for the other party’s shots. They slammed into the waist and slammed on them. When the other side was slightly squatting, the right hand became the palm and pushed with the palm of the hand. On the other side's knees! The force rushed, the man only felt dizzy in his head, his knees were soft and sat on the ground, the dusty children did not stop, the outstretched palm had grasped the wrist of the thin man behind, the five fingers on the numb Once pressed, the man immediately fell to the ground.

However, it is a small villain who has already made the power of the Taekwondo black belt.

The other side is even more dangerous, just listen to the sound of a bang!

The two people who surrounded the sin of the hundred miles all flew out, one mouth spitting foam, one head breaking blood, obviously could not climb, but as the devil's hundred miles, the evil did not stop. One foot stepped on the belly of the big man who wanted to get up. Then, a hand was released to roll up the long sleeves for the dusty children who had messed up the clothes.

The oxen who were knocked down to the ground: ... 揍 people can’t be so arrogant!

It’s too lazy to be jealous of them, and one who is unhappy is going to eat everyone’s soul!

Helian Weiwei reached out and stopped him: "It will attract attention when too many people die. We are going to the train station. These people will come to collect them."

Oh, the crisp applause rang.

"Boss, where did you find such a kid who will fight!" S put his hands in his pockets, and smiled and walked out from the corner of the side. L was behind him. It was obvious that two people had arrived. Originally, I thought about it when I hit it. I didn’t expect that they wouldn’t have to use it at all. The little boss is so powerful that they all know. The little boss is not a genius in genius, and this genius is more or less because their six rough men have long edified him, so they will fight like this. The world wants to find a genius like a small boss who is so difficult. Very, what they didn't think was that this **** little devil seemed to be more lethal than their little boss. How are the children now!

Helian Weiwei smiled: "The evil is not what I found. He is the first friend of the same age."

It is said that S and L are more vigilant in their eyes on the evil spirits.

In the past, the young boss never made friends.

Although the character of the small boss is very good, the child who wants to be friends with him has already been discharged from the front of the car to the end of the car dealer.

But the little boss has never been close to these children, and they are usually with them.

But now, the little boss actually has friends!

What is the charm of this little devil, let the little boss know him!

Wait a minute, is it his illusion?

Why does he always feel that this little devil has a little bit like the boss when he laughs?

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