The Anarchic Consort

Chapter 924: Action, face first step

At six o'clock, the sun rises and the morning comes.

Several cars are galloping on the highway, driving from the north of Tibet to the Yuncheng toll station.

"Boss, what happened to you over there?"

There was a monkey voice in the headset, and Helen Weiwei was still sitting on the car that was escorting them to the place to examine, avoiding the sight of the person in front, knocking on the headset twice, and she could not speak.

But one thing, the small camera installed in her hair has always existed.

Just because they are also on the train, it is not easy to open.

It’s not the same now, she issued this instruction, which means that the monkey will open the camera and then record.

After the monkey heard the noise, he quickly took out his notebook, entered a bunch of code, and then jumped out of the screen.

The picture is not strange to him, because it is no stranger, the smile on his face suddenly cooled down: "A, Kim, the boss they were caught, the record on the train, we must eliminate it."

"This is not the most important thing. The most important thing is the hanging ornaments on L. If you are a professional person, you will definitely find doubts." Kim took a sip of wine and looked back at the old A who was still playing with the children. The corner of the mouth slid out the arc: "But that would have to wait until there is a person who knows the eye. The place will not see the use of those ornaments. Just before that, the boss can come out, old A, don't Then there is a lot of greatness for this group of children, Amway, and we have to start acting. First, disguise their identity and give them a gift for their family. Nothing else, a photo will be fine. Now it is At six in the morning, they will have breakfast for half an hour. This is the best time to see a photo."

Old A took off the plush toy on his head, and then put all three children one by one, and said: "Then disguise as a delivery, buy a second-hand motorcycle, I will throw it away afterwards, and then find you. Convergence."

"Oh, yes!" Kim stood up, and the evil charm smiled: "The boss seems to have said that the monkey, when you look at the right time, you will directly broadcast the things captured by the boss camera, use virtual IP, don't check To."

"No problem!" The monkey slammed the word with one hand and stretched out with an OK gesture.


The last two words were that Helen Weiwei issued a command by tapping on the earphone. Although she did not speak, the long-term tacit understanding allowed everyone to receive the message in an instant.

This also includes the suit male S and the young L, L has the most hanging ornaments, but it is extremely concealed. If it is not really knowledgeable, it does not see that the small pieces will be combined into a small pistol. .

This is only done by mechanical geniuses like L, and several of the special forces who escorted them have always focused on the children. They don’t say anything, but they are waiting for a reasonable explanation.

They know that there are always things that can't be known to anyone, to avoid causing panic.

But this time it is different.

They resisted flooding, saved the fire, and sacrificed to resist the invaders.

It is to make this country better and more peaceful.

This time, the task is obviously a problem, because the emergence of these children is not in their mission.

With so many children, how did they get on the train?

If it is not for anyone involved, even if it is a powerful person, it is impossible to bring so many children to the train in one breath.

What about ticket checking? Car inspection?

Didn't they find anything?

The special forces thought of entering the gods, no one spoke.

At this time, the car just stopped, and Liu Hongjiang greeted him as soon as he opened the door.

He waited at the door early in the morning. Because of the aircraft, many people on the Internet are paying attention to the follow-up of this incident.

He must make a good impression in the hearts of his peers or the media.

He did not deliberately wash, letting himself look a little servant.

Stretched out and went to shake the captain of the team: "It’s hard work for you, well, well, since you have already arrived in Yuncheng, you will go to rest, and the work of sweeping the tail will be handed over to us."

"There is still a group of children on the train." The captain’s words just opened.

Liu Hongjiang interrupted him: "There are still many people here, some of them still sorted out the information. After the investigation, it is better."

They do have the principle of confidentiality of tasks, and do not know why there are so many problems, and this kind of thing is not within their scope of responsibility, so they are also very difficult to say anything, they are worried about catching the wind and catching the shadow, causing bad influence.

This is what Liu Hongjiang has grasped. As long as the matter is internally digested and does not have an impact, it will become an ordinary case.

And the hand-to-tail work that was handed over to him was determined by him, as long as he controlled the matter.

Liu Hongjiang is quite sure. It is only these special forces that are uncontrollable to him, but the military's iron discipline will not allow them to say anything to the outside world.

I have to say that Liu Hongjiang’s abacus is very good.

He is also very meticulous in his work, and he will do superficial work.

A pair of eyes filled with red blood, still insist on work, to personally ask who is on the train to make trouble.

The word "noisy" is very subtle.

The two words of Liu Hongjiang are equivalent to the nature of the case. They did not mention the sale of children, and directly led the topic to the plane to stay on the top of the train.

He also did not let go of the sixth, because he knew that it was easy to let go of the old six at this time.

Instead, he directly convicted the old six and participated in the troubles on the train.

On the surface, he is treated with justice. In fact, compared with the large-scale child trafficking and guns carrying and fighting, the sin is even more serious, it is just a life.

The former can directly let the old six lose their heads, while the latter can turn off the old six at most, and will soon be released.

After completing these preparations, he began a real interrogation.

In other words, he did not have an old sixth, and skipped him directly. He took the long-prepared transcripts and prepared them to examine He Lianwei.

After all, for Liu Hongjiang, the earlier the train, the better the results.

I am still waiting for the news. If it is a long time, it will not be a good thing for him.

The first person Liu Hongjiang interrogated was L. He thought that the other party looked small and should be a good one. I didn’t expect it to be twenty minutes since I entered it. No matter what he asked, the kid was even the first one. Don't lift it...

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