The Anarchic Consort

Chapter 925: Ninth one hundred twenty one

If it wasn't for him to look at himself from time to time, Liu Hongjiang almost always suspected that the kid did not hear his words at all.

However, he listened, but did not have any answer.

The perfect silence made Liu Hongjiang take a deep breath and turned to the second interrogation room. He did not believe so many people, and no one could control it.

This time, Liu Hongjiang’s interrogation room was sitting in a suit male S.

According to Liu Hongjiang’s observation of people, the brighter the clothes are, the easier it is to be judged.

Sure enough, Liu Hongjiang entered the door.

S spoke up.

But what he said is: "I asked to contact my lawyer."

There are not many people on the mainland who can ask for private lawyers, and not many people can clearly understand the meaning of private lawyers.

If a lawyer is present, everything can be resolved by a lawyer. As long as no absolute evidence is found and the interrogator and the incident are linked, the interrogated person has the right to remain silent.

Liu Hongjiang feels that the most troublesome person in such a situation is to take the initiative to attack: "Lawyer, we will help you to contact, but you must tell me why you are on the train."

"Of course, I have to take the train." S laughed and laughed back.

At the beginning, Liu Hongjiang thought that this person with a lax mouth may become the help of his plan.

It was not until fifteen minutes of talk that Liu Hongjiang discovered that the words he answered were simply playing with him, and none of them could be used.

Liu Hongjiang even has to wonder whether the other party has undergone professional training in this aspect of the interrogation. It seems that the answer is quite awkward. In fact, every sentence is considered.

Just like the one he answered above.

It seems that they are on the train, really just because they want to take the train.

This made Liu Hongjiang's face more and more blue, and almost could not control his temper: "Okay, don't say it again!"

The suit male S is also obedient, the other party let him not say, he really closed his mouth, eyes looked at Liu Hongjiang, still the cynicism.

Two people couldn't ask for the slightest clues, which made Liu Hongjiang feel boring.

Even though he has the ability to cover the sky, he must have a confession to close the case.

Really not, he will take some means to force the confession, but definitely not now, there are still many people outside, he must make himself as gentle as possible.

After all, Liu Hongjiang is familiar with the process and will weigh the pros and cons.

I'm going to ask one more. If you can't ask anything, then look at how hard the bones of this group are.

Thinking this way, Liu Hongjiang pushed the door of the interrogation room where Helen Weiwei was imprisoned.

Two people sat face to face, he thought that when this kind of thing happened, the woman would not be calm. Once the person is not calm, there will be many flaws, even if it is reasonable, it is the same.

But the other party was half-smoothed, like resting, and when he came in, he slowly ejected a smile, lazy look, just like waiting for him.

"The plane was not driven by us, and it was not said in the newspaper that the plane was not enough oil to stop on the train roof."

What he didn't think of was that the other party actually blocked his mouth with an external announcement.

The general announcement of the news is to not create confusion, she is good, take him as a fool to play?

Liu Hongjiang has been sitting in this position for many years. He has been used to being used by people. His temper is also very big. It is very difficult to endure it now. He sneered: "You and I know, that car. Why is the plane falling on the roof of the car, don't put on the garlic again, where is it, can you still lie?"

“Hey?” Helen Weiwei took a look and smiled: “Would you please explain to me why the plane landed on the roof?”


Liu Hongjiang’s hand was shot on the wooden table at a time: “I am interrogating you, not that you are interrogating me, your accomplices have already recruited, and you are stubborn and useless. It’s better to be honest.”

"Well, since they all said it, then I will say it." Helen Weiwei dropped his throat, which is really like confession. In fact, this angle is just a clearer way to capture the other's look. .

Liu Hongjiang is still smug in the heart, woman, huh, huh, scared, what can be put out.

"The plane is really not ours. We have some little friction on the train and the sixth."

If Liu Hongjiang makes trouble, the two words are good.

The three words "small friction" used by Helen Weiwei are even more subtle.

Since the other party wants to make a big deal small and small things happen, then she follows the other side's intentions.

Sure enough, Liu Hongjiang listened and nodded with satisfaction.

What he didn't think of was that the next sentence of Helian Weiwei turned out to be: "You should be familiar with the sixth?" Helen Weiwei asked very straightly: "The old sixth person who sells the population."

Liu Hongjiang's face changed and his smile was cold: "What are you talking about? I don't understand it at all. What is old and old? You are like this."

"When you don't know him, why don't you ask where the children on the train come from, but ask us the origin of the plane?" Every word of Helen Weiwei pointed to the key: "I don't believe, No one told you that all the children in the entire car are under five years old. These children are hungry and their spirits are in a state of collapse. This is the core of this matter, not the plane. Of course, since you asked why the plane was parked on the roof, I will answer you again. The plane is really not driven by us. It was a father who was in a hurry to find his son who was abducted. Private planes come to find people, don't know such an answer, are you satisfied?"

Liu Hongjiang's nephew sank with the words of Helian Weiwei, he can see it, this group of people will not be soft.

"It’s really a sharp tooth, doing something wrong, not acknowledging that we are still smearing those who want to solve problems.”

Helian Weiwei smiled again: "Since it is a solution to the problem, when should you implement the crime of the sixth child, large-scale sales, shouldn’t you be sentenced to death?"

Wen Yan, Liu Hongjiang stood up all at once, his fingers on the table, and looked coldly at Helen Weiwei: "Here, even if it is a crime of trafficking, it will not be sentenced to death, not to mention your confession is very The big inducement of suspicion is not true at all."

"Yes." Helen Weiwei smiled abruptly, meaning: "I hope that for a while, you will also be this attitude..."

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