The Anarchic Consort

Chapter 926: Intermediate face

At the beginning, Liu Hongjiang did not understand the meaning of Helianweiwei.

Instead, I feel that the other party’s words are somewhat inexplicable.

When he came out of the interrogation room, he planned to use the other means to interrogate the next person, the Bailijiajue.

But before he pushed the interrogation room, his private phone rang.

The person at the other end of the phone is his wife, and the voice is hoarse to the extreme; "What should Lao Liu do, our family Hengheng is gone?"

"Is not seen? How is it possible?" Liu Hongjiang suddenly twisted his head: "Is there a garden to find, is he going to play with earth?"

"All of them have been found, or no one, and the neighbors have said that they have not seen Hengheng. You talked about how to wake up and people disappeared."

Liu Hongjiang listened, and my heart burst into the sea: "You calm down first, how long has it been from Hengheng?"

"I don't know when he was missing. But I have been looking for him for three hours. Your phone has been unable to get through. You have been there that night! Always busy, I don’t have time to go home to see my children!"

Liu Hongjiang dared to tell his wife the truth, he slept in the hotel for one night, only licked his hair: "I have done it. Now the most important thing is to find Hengheng. I will deal with this matter. Think about it carefully." Is there any other place not found?"

If the average child lost so long, Liu Hongjiang will definitely think that the child was abducted.

But here is Yuncheng, he has the right boundaries.

Lao Liu is offering him every year. Who dares to turn his son?

Even if the sky collapses, his son will not have an accident.

However, the next moment, Liu Hongjiang’s idea was stunned.

Not because of anything else, just because he wanted to hang up the phone, the scream came from him: "Ah!"

"What's wrong?" Liu Hongjiang quickly asked.

The voice in the phone became a cry, intermittent pain: "Old Liu has someone, someone has abducted Hengheng."

"This is impossible!" Liu Hongjiang's voice is high.

"How can it be impossible? The person who had transferred his son came to the letter and said that it was because you had done everything that was so devastating, letting the locals sell the children at random, and for the sake of profit, they would turn away Hengheng, the other party. I also said that you think about some children who have memories, how do you do it, they will do the same thing for Hengheng." After reading this sentence, Liu Hongjiang’s wife clung to the photo, 哆He asked: "Old Liu, I don't understand, what happens when the child has a memory?"

After Liu Hongjiang heard the news, he felt an unprecedented chill. He knew very well what the sixth six of them treated the goods. The more difficult it was to carry, the more trouble they had.

In order to make the goods honest, those children who still have memories, they will directly complete the children's limbs and then go to beg.

Liu Hongjiang did not understand the picture that looked normal before. When he arrived, he didn't even dare to imagine that picture.

"Old Liu, you talk, old Liu." Liu Hongjiang's wife on the phone was completely anxious. I don't know why she always had a bad feeling.

Liu Hongjiang’s sentence also confirmed this point. He said: “I will check it now, and everything will be said after the end.”

After hanging up the phone, Liu Hongjiang let people adjust the cameras in their vicinity. Finally, it was difficult to find a courier who sent the courier. Finally, he sent someone to the past, but found that the car had been abandoned by the owner. On the side of the road.

This incident is obviously planned, and the other party's technique is very beautiful. It is almost a trace of the mistakes made, so that the locals do not know where to chase.

It’s almost five hours before Liu Hongheng’s disappearance. Liu Hongjiang’s real beginning is to realize what the words that Helian Weiwei said are.

His eyes swayed, his fingers were close, and the anger of his heart rushed to the door of the interrogation room.

"Is it right for the people who are holding Hengheng?" Liu Hongjiang looked at Helian Weiwei, and it seemed like it was very difficult to go up and kill her: "Heng Heng? Hand over Hengheng!"

Helian Weiwei leaned back and looked down. "It’s just a child, you are anxious? The child in a carriage was locked in the train sleeper, and you are not worried."

"Don't talk nonsense to me, I will ask again, where is our Hengheng!" Liu Hongjiang apparently lost control.

Helian Weiwei looked at him with a sigh of relief. "You feel uncomfortable now? There are 661 cities in the mainland, including: 4 municipalities; 283 prefecture-level cities; 374 county-level cities, just these cities. Parents who want to bring their children back, even if they go to a city every day, it will take two years to finish the continent. Not to mention that there are 1,636 counties under these cities. These places, how old the children are, at least seven years. In seven years, these children will become like, even their parents do not know, luck may be found, bad luck, they have a lifetime I may never see their children again. All of this is because someone is selling children, and you know what business the sixth is doing, but you close your eyes, as long as you get the benefits. As long as you are not detected, as long as no one has exposed these things, you have been so indulgent. I have a word to ask you, if your child is being trafficked, you are still so savvy. Go fishing for this money?"

Wen Yan, Liu Hongjiang's double sputum chilly to the extreme: "Sure enough is the means you use! What do you want to do? Want to be acquitted from here? Do you know who the city of Yuncheng is? You want to come here to play Hero, I tell you, if you don’t hand over Hengheng today, you will wait for the gun!”

"Weird, you haven't just said that on the mainland, no matter how big the crime of trafficking will not be sentenced to death? How is it now that your son is missing, you must be severely punished?" Helen Weiwei chuckled The brow, then the finger moves, and the corresponding command is issued toward the Bluetooth headset.

Liu Hongjiang was bluedened by her voice, and she made up her mind to sentence her to a heavy sentence. Anyway, he has this right!

As for Heng Heng, he does not believe that he will not find out, but he has the final say in Yuncheng!

Liu Hongjiang, who is arrogant, does not know that all his words and deeds have been recorded in the computer, and now it is spreading to the entire network at a rapid rate...

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