The Anarchic Consort

Chapter 927: , His Royal Highness and Shangxie

"Where are we staying here? Where are you going?" The hundred miles of evil and the father of the family said a word, the whole face is faceless, hands folded around the chest, a punk little leather, hair I have already lost my own windshield, and it looks so cool: "It’s better to be with your brother than to be with you."

The Bailijiajue faintly glanced at the son standing next to him, a careless tone: "It’s rare, we still have the same opinion. But unfortunately, now I am a father who is looking for his son to go to the train in desperation. So you are still honest, otherwise my father is not far away to save you for what?"

"You really listen to the words of the mother." How to listen to the irony of the evil tone.

The back of Bai Lijiajue is slightly sloppy. The lazy look is not like sitting in the interrogation room. It is like drinking afternoon tea. The slender fingers are knocking on the side of the face: "You can choose not to listen, you see if you go out now. Will you like you later?"

Hundreds of evils: you are loading from beginning to end, it is good to pretend in front of the mother, and there is no such thing as a normal killing. It is enough!

The father and son have always been unsatisfied. Now they are staying in an interrogation room. The small one is standing next to the big one. The **** red scorpion looks at Liu Hongjiang coming in from the door. The corner of the mouth is a bloodthirsty. Laugh: "The food is coming."

Liu Hongjiang still didn't realize what he was going to face next time. He thought that this is the last person. In any case, he has to open this person's mouth!

Liu Hongjiang did not speak the same words as the previous times, because he would also count in his heart. Those who can enter private jets will always have a certain economic foundation, and those who want to pull him into the water. different.

Liu Hongjiang believes that this person will appear on the train, perhaps because his son was abducted.

Thinking of this, Liu Hongjiang could not help but curse a sixth in his heart, why not do things.

He had previously given him hints that he would look at the children when they were caught, and that the family had no background, and that there would be no trouble.

This is good, I smashed my throat and got him to settle!

"This gentleman, I know that there is not much relationship with you on the train, but at that time you should be in the train compartment. Someone accused the group of people in the carriage of Li Erweiwei illegally holding guns in an attempt to rob the train, if Mr. The confession is the same as I know, and the gentleman will be able to go back soon. First, they injured a few people? Is the weapon in their hands destroyed?"

Liu Hongjiang has never seen the sixth child in order to avoid suspicion. If he has seen the sixth child, he will not be so ignorant of the question of asking the father and son of Bailijia.

The Bailijiajue still did not speak, and the evil spirits opened up, and the laughter was very bright and bloodthirsty: "Is this a temptation?"

Liu Hongjiang did not expect to hear the word of temptation from the mouth of a three-year-old child. After smashing it, he looked at it in the past: "This little friend, uncle is handling the case, the question is also asking your father. of."

"On the mainland, children should not violate the law." "The children of evil spirits simply did not care what Liu Hongjiang was saying, and said that he looked at his father."

The Bailijiajue leaned back and nodded, looking at Liu Hongjiang with a smile.

I don't know why, Liu Hongjiang always felt that smile made him feel the chill from the bottom of his heart.

And why did this little boy ask such a question?

Should this be a question that a three-year-old child will ask?

Liu Hongjiang still did not respond, and the arm was twisted by a small ceramic hand. The pain of the heart made him all kneel in the kneeling position, and he looked up at the ground with one knee. He has always thought that only three years old, the hundred miles of evil.

From his point of view, the red eyes of the evil spirits are like the awns that can make a profit.

At this time, the door of the interrogation room was opened, and someone rushed in!

The hundred miles of evil have loosened their hands, and the little face is quite regrettable.

Liu Hongjiang is mad, holding his left hand, the tone is very high: "Catch this little ghost to me!"

"This... secretary, he is only a child, and he is only three years old. According to the regulations, he can't be detained." The rushing man whispered, "Would you like to examine the big one?"

Liu Hongjiang bite his teeth, the pain is real on him, but he can't take the other party, this feeling is terrible!

He is looking at each other for some money and wants to give each other a face, and everyone will get along well in the future.

Since the other party does not buy it, then don't force him to go out!

Liu Hongjiang twisted his wrist and just turned to the person behind him.

Then another person rushed in. Compared with the previous person, the expression on the face of this person changed obviously. He went around and whispered a few words toward Liu Hongjiang’s ear.

Liu Hongjiang’s face changed, and there was no more questioning of interrogation. He strode out of the interrogation room: “Computer!! Bring the computer to me!”

The secretary around him quickly handed him a tablet, and there was a layer of cold sweat on his forehead, which is obviously what he had seen.

Liu Hongjiang took the tablet and made a web page in three or two. It was not only the sound, but the picture was clear. Every sentence and every expression of his face was recorded in real faith. See clearly.

Due to the problems of the platform, forwarding and commenting are increasing rapidly at a crazy speed, and everyone is licking others!

"I have never seen such a beast, his child is a treasure, is someone else's child a grass?"

"You must come up with a saying! This kind of person has been safe and has been in the high position for so many years! The children of a carriage, how many parents' hearts!"

"In order to reduce human trafficking, we are reminding children all the time, let the children pay attention not to eat the food given by strangers, don't give directions to strangers, don't talk to strangers, we will prevent them from happening. The innocence of the children is to protect them, but in fact it is not enough. This is not the solution to the problem!"

"I always feel that this is not so simple. Will this one be too much to protect the traffickers? Is there any insider? Ask the technical emperor for analysis."

Soon, there was a technical sticker on the scene, and Liu Hongjiang was most afraid of this...

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