A pale white light flashed, and Daoyi Zhenren landed beside the Kui Niu King. He looked at the half corpse in the soil, not only did he not feel any fluctuations in mana, but even his soul did not fluctuate, he could not help but breathe a sigh of relief:

"If it wasn't for the Lieyang Sect who provided me with the magical powers of the Pavilion Master of the Body Refinement Pavilion, we would have been caught off guard. I didn't expect this person's speed to be so terrifying that it was almost impossible to react."

"The silver light film in the double fist has the attacking power of the great monk, and the power of the thundercloud shield is scattered by nearly half."

Kui Niu stood up slowly, his body twisted for a while, turning into a one-legged man with a bull's head, there was still a bit of fear in his eyes, and he slowly said: "This king and his opponent have a shot. , this person's physical strength is at least over one million kilograms."

"Even if this king recovers his original body, his strength is only one million kilograms. He is really a terrifying opponent."

Daoyizhen walked forward and said with emotion: "Sanyang Daoist mentioned that this person has an immortal body. We have already thought of a countermeasure to deal with the immortal body of the old turtle monster."

"In the face of this magical power, we must first slow down its recovery speed, and then use the most powerful attack to destroy it in one go."

"The ice cloud fan is integrated into the ten thousand year ice jade. In addition to the power of cloud and mist, it also has amazing ice power, which can delay the effect of the immortal body. After brother Niu's natal thunder and lightning are compatible with the power of cloud and mist, the power of destruction can be destroyed. It will go to the next level.”

"In addition to the physical strength of one million pounds and the power of falling from high altitudes, the power that finally erupts is probably no less than that of Tongtian Lingbao."

There was a hint of pride in Daoyi's eyes.

"This Lu Kun is too arrogant. He never imagined that we have prepared this move for that old tortoise monster for a long time. Even if the immortal body of the tenth-level peak monster beast is indestructible, it is hard enough to resist this move, let alone him."

At this moment, a loud voice suddenly appeared: "I said why the two cooperated so well. It turned out to be to deal with the tortoise monster. The power is really terrifying, and Lu Mou admires it."

When Daoyi Zhenren heard this voice, an incredible color flashed in his eyes. He didn't respond slowly, the mana shield quickly lit up outside his body, and the Frozen Cloud Fan appeared in his hand again.

King Kui Niu was equally astonished. The opponent actually survived the attack just now. How did he do it?

While thinking about it, the demon spirit power in his body was spinning rapidly, and a layer of cyan scales appeared on the surface of his body. A purple halo shone on his hooves, and he slammed into the ground. Roll forward.


Suddenly, the soil near the half of the corpse was shattered by some invisible force and turned into countless stones, which shot towards the person.

Daoyi Zhenren waved one hand, and the Bingyun fan emitted a bright white light, and a white cloud with countless ice chips scraped forward. Those stones were just ordinary things, and were directly turned into ice ash.

The speed of the icy cloud and fog did not decrease but increased, and merged with the two purple lightning bolts, turning into a thick purple and white beam of light, slamming forward fiercely.

"Wait, what is that?"

Dao Yizhen was just about to continue urging the fan, when his face suddenly changed, and a cloud rose from the robe on his body, wrapped in the mana shield.

As soon as he finished all this, he felt a terrifying shock force acting on the cloud and mist, and he didn't know what magical power it was. Even if there were two layers of defense, there was still a bit of power transmitted in, letting Dao Yizhen's whole body muscles. For a while, he felt numb, and even transmitted to the meridians in his body. Fortunately, his mana was strong, and he recovered in an instant.

He also clearly saw what was bombarded. It was a gray-black flat brick, like a deformed piece of meat, beating rhythmically, exuding a strange aura of power.

"Boom" with a loud bang!

The purple-white light beam hit the position where the half of the corpse was, and the aura exploded, and the terrifying residual power swayed around.

Daoyi Zhenren took advantage of the situation to step back ten feet, and stood side by side with King Kui Niu. The two cast spells at the same time, and a thick layer of spherical thunderclouds shrouded them. Only then did they look into the distance.

The first thing I saw was the strange magic weapon in the shape of a brick. It was suspended and flew to the rear. Obviously, the pavilion master Lu had not died.

Then the two of them felt that there was a force of qi and blood rising into the sky like a vast ocean.

"Gibbon-giant ape bloodline! Half-demon clan!"

King Kui Niu lost his voice, although he had some guesses, but after he really felt it, he still felt incredible that the man in front of him was a half-demon with the blood of a giant ape!

Why is there still a half-demon clan, whose flesh is stronger than a pure demon clan like him...

As the power of qi and blood diffused, the purple-white aura was completely dissipated.

Inside stood a broken body, with pieces of flesh and blood hanging on its surface, with crystal ice fragments flickering sporadically, and even lightning beating.

The silver blood they had seen before seemed to be alive now, like countless dexterous little snakes swimming around, the power of ice and lightning that passed by quickly dissipated, and the flesh and blood recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The flesh and blood on the body is nothing but the horror of the bald skull, the bridge of the nose, the eyeballs, the tongue reappearing, and even the wriggling brains can be seen through the gap between the eye sockets.

When the brick magic weapon landed on his palm, the body of the pavilion master of the Body Refinement Pavilion had completely recovered, and the strange pressure in the air was exactly the same as before, and the other party seemed to be unharmed!

King Kui Niu and Dao Yizhen saw such a bizarre scene and forgot to do it for a while.

All of this simply subverts their cognition!

Is this really an immortal body?

Why can't the powerful power of ice be able to stop it from recovering? Why can't Kui Niu's bloodline's natural thunder and lightning supernatural powers destroy the opponent's flesh and blood, and why the terrifying power of falling has not even interrupted the opponent's bones.


Lu Kun shook his head and rubbed the war treasure in his hand, a look of satisfaction flashed in his eyes. After several years of nurturing, this war treasure was finally formed. Just a simple test, the damage to the war treasure was almost negligible.

He flipped over with one hand, put away the treasure, looked at the two people in the distance, and sighed: "Last time Lu was beaten in this state, he still fought against Old Demon Pang from the Blood Refinement Sect. At that time, the two of them were indeed the top beings in the Chu State, and their strength was amazing."

Then he said with great interest: "Is there any stronger magical power? Lu has not been so happy for a long time."

When Daoyi Zhenren and Kui Niu King heard the words, their expressions changed for a while. Their powerful spiritual senses probed each other's situation, but no matter how they observed, the sense of oppression of the physical body was the same as before.

King Kui Niu is also a powerful monster with a physical body. It is natural to see that Lu Kun has not suffered much damage, and even the power of qi and blood has not been reduced too much.

Daoyi Zhenzhen took a deep breath and said slowly: "Pavilion Master Lu's magical powers are admired, and there is no point in fighting, but Your Excellency should be able to guess that we are teaming up to deal with the tenth-level peak turtle of the sea clan. Demon."

"As long as Pavilion Master Lu concludes a contract with us, keeps this secret, and returns to Wei State, and does not come to Chu State within three years, King Kui Niu and I will not be entangled, otherwise we will learn Pavilion Master Lu's magical powers even if our vitality is seriously damaged!"

King Kui Niu snorted coldly: "As long as Pavilion Master Lu can achieve these two points, this king will not pursue the death of Barbarian Bear and Lang Qingfeng. After all, Your Excellency is a half-demon and has some origins with the demon clan."

Lu Kun laughed, his voice was so thick that it seemed to shake the air: "Secret is no problem, but Lu Mou can't leave Chu State for a while."

He showed a mysterious smile and said, "Lu's target, like the two of them, is the tenth-level peak turtle monster."

Daoyi's face sank and said: "Sure enough, Pavilion Master Lu is for the Spirit Transformation Sect?"

I didn't want to understand it before, but now Dao Yizhen is very clear. The protector behind the Spirit Transformation Sect is Lu Kun in front of him.

Although Daoyi Zhenren didn't know what race the half-demon was, it could be seen that the Kui Niu King mistook Lu Kun for the giant ape.

With a wave of one hand, Lu Kun put on a strong black suit, and said with a chuckle: "Daoyi Zhenren may have misunderstood, the Spirit Transformation Sect has been merged into the Body Refinement Pavilion, and the cultivation method of this pavilion will not be treated against Chu. What is the impact of the national faction?"

"The reason why Lu has to deal with the turtle monster is to plot its flesh and blood."

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