When the burly man heard Dao Yizhen's words, he was a little surprised: "Your Excellency's cultivation in the late Nascent Soul must be Dao Yizhen, who actually recognizes Lu."

Then he looked at Kui Niu King's very obvious demon body, and said with a tsk tsk: "This should be the famous Kui Niu King of the demon clan, but I didn't expect the immortal cultivator and the demon clan to unite together."

This man is naturally Lu Kun.

The Fire Spirit Monkey can sense its blood. On the contrary, he and Xiao Jin can do the same. Later, under the careful investigation of Xiao Jin's supernatural powers, he unexpectedly discovered that there were two other figures following him in the sky.

Lu Kun made such a big noise at Water Bear Mountain, it was obvious that the Kui Niu King behind him mobilized people to follow him.

However, although the power of the fire spirit monkey's bloodline comes from the open-arm fire monkey, the sensing range is not so precise, so Lu Kun asked Xiao Jin to take the initiative to contact the monkey, and he secretly sneaked into the sky, trying to destroy the enemy with thunder.

But he didn't expect that not only the demon clan, but also the immortal cultivators, was the only great monk in the Chu country, Dao Yizhen.

What surprised him even more was that the thunder and lightning attack displayed by the Kui Niu King had aroused the vitality of the heavens and the earth, and it was actually a tenth-level monster.

Before Lu Kun searched for the souls of Wolf Qingfeng and Barbarian Bear, he found that some of the souls had been banned in some way, and the power of his spiritual consciousness in the middle of Nascent Soul could not be broken. Now it seems that it should be arranged by King Kui Niu.

Dao Yizhen looked at Lu Kun, who was observing them, and said coldly: "Pavillion Lu killed Tu Tiancheng of Chilianzong, and then severely injured Daojun Sanyang. How can you know about such a big thing?"

"I heard that Pavilion Master Lu destroyed the Demon Spirit Sect not long ago, and won the Immortal Cultivation Realm of Wei State. Now that he is in the State of Chu, is it possible that he has a crush on our Immortal Cultivation Realm in Chu State?"

While speaking to Lu Kun, Dao Yizhen sent a voice transmission to King Kui Niu, and transmitted the information of Lieyang Sect.

King Kui Niu was observing Lu Kun's body at the same time. The other party's robe had been turned into ashes in the thunder and lightning, and there was only a simple inner armor, but on his bare skin, those scorch marks disappeared.

Sure enough, as Daoyi Zhenren said, the other party has practiced a body training method that he has never seen before. His physical body is extremely powerful, and he can resist the calcination of Sanyang True Fire, not to mention his lightning power.

After listening to Daoyi's words, Lu Kun said lightly, "Lu has some connections with the mountain black ape clan. This time, he came here to trouble the monsters, and has nothing to do with the immortal realm of the Chu country."

Having said that, he looked at King Kui Niu and said with a sneer, "Why, Daoyi is going to avenge the demon clan."

King Kui Niu said solemnly: "It turned out that Pavilion Master Lu killed the wild bear and Lang Qingfeng, but this king has a doubt, what is the relationship between Pavilion Master Lu and the giant ape family, and what is the relationship with the golden monkey below."

Daoyi Zhenzhen looked serious, clasped his fists and said: "I don't care about the matter of the demon clan. Can Pavilion Master Lu tell me whether the disciples of the Spirit Transformation Sect who appeared in Water Bear Mountain are related to the Body Refinement Pavilion."

Lu Kun folded his arms and listened quietly to the other party's successive questions. He had some comprehension in his heart. The old cow must be for the Great Ape, and Dao Yizhen is for the Spiritual Transformation Sect.

Thinking of this, Lu Kun's eyes couldn't help narrowing.

He came here this time, in addition to perfecting the exercises, another purpose was to observe the movements of several sects in Chu State, to find out whether they were invading the Wei State's immortal world, and if so, they would secretly weaken their strength.

Now it seems that the land monster clan and the human clan are united together, and the enemy to deal with is self-evident. It is naturally the sea clan, but if they win, they may not have the idea of ​​​​refining the body.

At this time, King Kui Niu and Dao Yizhen, the two powerhouses, all appeared in front of him, which was an opportunity to shock others.

Lu Kunyang laughed and said, "If you want Lu to answer, first see if you have the ability!"

After he finished speaking, a powerful pressure erupted from his whole body, the clouds around his body were squeezed into pieces by an invisible force, and the unique aura of the source power of the flesh emerged.


Accompanied by a harsh sonic boom, there were distorted cloud ripples in the sky, and Lu Kun's body came outside the opponent's thundercloud shield almost in the blink of an eye.

His body was covered with a layer of pale silver light film that revolved like a torrent, and those strong arms suddenly doubled, outlining the incomparably ferocious muscle lines, and the incomparably terrifying atmosphere permeated.

The pair of watermelon-sized fists slammed into the thundercloud shield directly, and a large amount of electric sparks swayed.

Dao Yizhen looked like he had seen a ghost. This Lu Kun's movement speed was even more terrifying than he imagined, and his attack power definitely reached the level of a great cultivator.

He could clearly feel that the vitality of the heavens and the earth attracted by the thundercloud shield was melted away by the opponent's attack, and the defensive power was rapidly reduced.

King Kui Niu saw the arms that had become extremely thick, his calm expression disappeared, and he cried out: "The giant arm of the psychic! This is impossible! How can the human race use the magical power of the giant ape?"

Afterwards, a large amount of deep purple lightning surged out of his body, converging on his thick arms, and the two hooves emitted a layer of purple halo, slamming into the thundercloud in front of him.

"Touch!" It seemed like the sound of two magic weapons colliding violently.

King Kui Niu's bull's eyes slammed, his entire body seemed to be hit by some kind of violent force, and he staggered back a few steps.

"This power..."

He showed an incredible look, knowing that the opponent attacked Leiyun first, and his strength had already been consumed, but even so, the moment the hoof touched the opponent's fist, he felt a terrifying brute force.

This strength is stronger than his tenth-level Kui Niu, and the hardness of his fist is not even lower than his hoofs!

"The attack just now, in addition to the hoof of thunder and lightning, also has the power of nearly one million catties. Could it be that the power of the body of the Master of the Body Refinement Pavilion exceeds one million catties?"

Lu Kun received the attack from King Kui Niu, and it seemed that he didn't feel well, and his body staggered.

Daoyi's eyes lit up on the side, his left hand technique flashed rapidly, and the thundercloud that had protected them turned around, taking advantage of this gap to wrap Lu Kun's body.

Immediately after that, his right hand flashed with aura, and a white jade fan appeared. The thick mana surged out, and the fan slammed forward, and a cloud of mist came out.

Countless thin lines of ice crystal-colored sharp blades flickered in the clouds, with a whitish white halo, exuding an incomparably icy aura, as if it was transformed by extreme cold, which could freeze a person's soul.

After Dao Yizhen swung the first fan, he didn't mean to stop at all. The mana in his body was injected into it frantically, and one after another, the icy clouds were fanned out, and they continued to blast into the thundercloud that wrapped Lu Kun.

The lightning in the thundercloud rolled in a staggered manner, releasing the destructive power of thunder and lightning. Some tiny electric wires swayed into the surrounding clouds and mist, and the cold air emanating from the icy clouds and mists affected the surrounding clouds, causing a few muffled thunders. Hailstorm!

King Kui Niu had long since recovered from his astonishment. He watched Daoyi Zhenren's continuous offensive, a few lightning bolts spewed from his nose, and a trace of killing intent flashed in his eyes.

He jumped lightly and flew high into the sky, and at the same time his entire body swelled up rapidly.

Thick white horns grew on the top of the head, and a layer of cyan scales appeared on the surface of the body. The single leg under the body was twice as thick, and lightning flashed around it, turning it into a one-legged giant more than 20 feet high.

The King Kui Niu directly recovered his body, and the incomparably thick demon spirit power was surging recklessly. The huge hoof like a grinding disc under the single leg had changed from black to purple-black, and the outside was covered with a thick halo, as if A gem.

Looking down, the body wrapped in ice clouds and thunderclouds, Kui Niu King held up his purple-black hooves and fell down like a meteorite.

Dao Yizhen saw the action of King Kui Niu, and fanned out another icy cloud, the magic trick in his hand flickered slightly, and the thundercloud and icy cloud that wrapped the opponent shrank inward, except for the sound of crackling lightning, and ice cubes. Freezing clicks.


A terrifying thunder sound resounded high in the sky, as if the whole world was in anger.

The clouds that had been falling with hail were blasted away directly, and the clouds within dozens of miles turned into a circle of clouds and waves, surging away in all directions.

In the brighter mid-air, a majestic one-legged giant cow flashed thunder and lightning all over its body, like a thunder god descending into the world, stepping on a purple and white shadow under its hooves, falling to the ground of Nanzuma Prefecture at an astonishing speed. .


Accompanied by the dazzling purple-white lightning, a large number of trees and mud in the marsh evaporated in this terrifying power, and circles of muddy water formed black waves of ten meters high, surging wildly around, countless. Woodland was destroyed and flooded.

The aura of heaven and earth in the nearby hundred miles was stirred up by this terrifying attack.

Some of the immortal cultivators who were still stranded in Nanzhao Prefecture felt the vibration of the ground and the violent spiritual current, all showing panic, and fled in the direction of Zhongyun Prefecture and Dongchi Prefecture.

Gradually, the purple and white light dissipated, and a deep pit with a diameter of several hundred meters appeared on the ground.

The King Kui Niu had a tired look on his face, slumped on the ground, gasping for air from his huge nostrils, and not far in front of him, half a corpse was embedded in the soil.

The two arms were exposed out of the soil, with almost broken flesh and blood on them, sporadically drooping on the bones, with pale silver blood flowing between the bones and the flesh and blood.

In addition to the arms, there is only half of the blood-stained forehead bone exposed...

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