The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 1025 Speed ​​Competition

Lu Kun was rushing in the air, and a dignified color flashed in the depths of his pupils.

The two hundred and six bone treasures were activated at the same time. Although a lot of mana was consumed, the speed of the explosion was extremely astonishing. Coupled with the help of running in the void, his short-distance explosion speed had reached an extremely terrifying speed. realm.

It's no wonder that Gui Zhongshan felt incredible, so close to teleportation, it was difficult for monsters to perform.

The torn air becomes extremely sharp, and the weaker flesh will even be squeezed by the air pressure and the blood vessels will burst.

Moreover, in the rapidly flashing environment around, it is difficult to capture the divine consciousness in the middle stage of Nascent Soul. If Lu Kun does not have the magical power of golden eyes, he will not be able to see clearly, let alone lock the position of the turtle monster.

Such a terrifying speed is a little slower than that of the turtle monster. It can be seen that the horror of the thunder escape technique is probably close to the teleportation supernatural power of Nascent Soul.

In addition, the attack of this tenth-level peak monster beast is much stronger than that of the Kui Niu King.

It's a pity that all the lightning tribulations of heaven and earth will be weakened by Lu Kun's lightning resistance, not to mention this monster.

Moreover, Lu Kun's current strength has been greatly improved compared to when he was robbed. Not only has he stabilized his cultivation, but his use of the physical body has become more flexible.

Not long ago, when Lu Kun fought the tenth-level shark demon, he also found that when the muscles exploded, if a large amount of blood was added, the defense of the muscles would be even higher.

He was completely able to pick up the tortoise monster's lightning attack.


In the continuous sound of air cracking, Lu Kun came to the turtle demon again, and hugged his waist with both hands.

In order to save magical energy, he directly converted the passive source force field into the force of void squeezing within three feet of melee combat, and was squeezed by 1,200,000 pounds of force, even the flesh of a ninth-level monster. Must be able to eat.

But such supernatural powers, after all, could not resist the power of heaven and earth, and were freed by the powerful thunder and lightning power of this tortoise monster.


Another shimmering lightning halo exploded, but Gui Zhongshan didn't use Lei Dun again, but turned his head to face Lu Kun, whose head turned into the shape of a tortoise, and a huge ball of lightning spewed out from the mouth of the blood basin. .

Lu Kun snorted coldly, and the flesh and blood on his face quickly dissipated, turning into a skeleton in a blink of an eye. Facing this lightning ball, he not only did not dodge, but instead used his skull as a headbutt and slammed it forward.

The pair of ferocious giant arms tightly hugged the torso of the tortoise monster, and the 1.2 million jin source force field surged out again.


The thunderball spit out by Gui Zhongshan hit Lu Kun's skull, but then, a sharp pain in his tortoise's jaw, even a monster with terrifying defense like him, was hit by a magic weapon containing 1.2 million pounds of brute force. , inevitably a little dizzy.

Just at this gap, a strong thunder flashed in the distance, and a pair of black hooves merged with each other, turning into a black seal, with a faint halo, and slammed on the turtle monster's forehead.


As if being stimulated by pain, Gui Zhongshan let out a roar, and a purple halo poured out of his body, blasting Lu Kun, who was wrapped around him, and flying out again.

Lu Kun's appearance at this time was very terrifying, a human body, thick deformed arms, and a silver skeleton skull. He watched the turtle monster disappear, and there was a faint golden light in the hollow eye socket, and the sky was empty. There was a harsh roar, and it also disappeared.


Daoyizhen and the others were inside the cloud shield, stunned looking at the two figures that kept flashing outside.

They had seen Pavilion Master Lu's escaping magical power, but it was in the water. They didn't expect that the person's explosive speed in mid-air would be so terrifying. Thinking of that powerful brute force and defense, they couldn't help sweating.

It was not until King Kui Niu launched an attack that the others recovered.

Pavilion Master Lu is creating opportunities. If they control a few more times, they may not be able to kill the turtle monsters. Thinking of this, everyone concentrates, observing the person and the monster outside, holding the magic in their hands, ready to attack at any time. .


"It is impossible for the giant ape to refine the magic weapon of the immortal cultivator. What kind of monster are you!"

The flesh and blood on Turtle Mountain's face was blurred, and he was recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye.

After ten rounds of fighting, he was caught in a gap again, causing Daoyi Zhenren and Kui Niu King to join forces to launch an attack.

In these dozens of breaths, he has already seen that the two hundred treasures of light are emanating from his bones, and the bones of the other party's whole body are actually magic weapons of maturity.

This is simply beyond his understanding, even if it is a tenth-level monster, only the most powerful part of the body can reach this level.

Those who can refine magic weapons are naturally immortal cultivators, but what about the supernatural powers and blood aura of the giant ape?

"Wait, is it a half-demon? How can a half-demon have such a powerful body?"

He looked at Lu Kun's eyes, full of incredible color.

The other party had suffered many times of thunder and lightning attacks that contained madness, and the bare skull was still shining with silver light. Although the flesh and blood on the body was a little broken, it did not suffer deep damage, and the flesh and blood were still slowly recovering.

This shows that in addition to the amazing defensive power, this guy also has the magical power of the immortal body.

More importantly, there was a hint of frenzy in the attack of the turtle, which did not affect it in any way.

This kind of powerful idea, even if the number is very small, can be hit several times in succession, and the soul will be injured, but the other party still looks alive.

Gui Zhongshan hesitated while dodging Lu Kun's entanglement.

Although he removed the hidden dangers of the mysterious turtle's bloodline and purified the thunder turtle's bloodline, the terrifying attack that Kui Niu King and Daoyi performed before, absorbed a lot of energy from heaven and earth, and it was not so easy to bear.

Coupled with the residual thoughts hidden by the human race deity, Gui Zhongshan has already injured his vitality, but the injury has been suppressed by the strong cultivation base.

If the demon spirit power is consumed too much, the injury is likely to erupt, and it will be dangerous at that time.

This is also the reason why he has been fighting in human form. Although the attack power of the main body can still be upgraded to a higher level, the larger the body is, the more demon spirit power the Thunder Escape Technique consumes.

And without becoming a real demon king, the meaning of madness cannot be continuously generated, and the more you use it, the less you use it.

Thinking of this, a strong demonic spirit surged up inside the Guizhong Mountain, and a more dazzling thunder light flashed outside the body. This time, the distance of the thunderbolt was far greater than the previous one, and it went directly to thirty feet away.

He has discovered that the limit of the opponent's explosive speed is twenty feet, beyond this distance, it will be slower than the Thunder Dun technique.

Sure enough, with the sound of the air popping, Lu Kun's figure appeared ten feet away.

Gui Chongshan glanced at everyone, and said coldly: "Today's events, Guimou wrote down, and I will ask for advice one by one in the future!"

After talking about the lightning flashing on his body, he was about to perform the escape technique again.

Lu Kun's skeleton eyes looked at this tortoise monster, and a cold snort came from his chest: "Want to go? Have you asked Lu Mou!"

Suddenly, a deformed piece of meat in the shape of a brick appeared in his hand. His thick and ferocious arm was swung, and it was thrown into the distance, and then his figure flashed and disappeared.

The deformed piece of meat was wrapped in layers of invisible force fields. Under the terrifying brute force of more than one million kilograms, it squeezed the air and directly hit a void more than twenty feet away.

The invisible force of shock spread out, and the figure of Gui Zhongshan staggered, fell out of the void, and was hit in the chest by the deformed piece of meat.

The tortoise demon had an unbelievable look on his face, unable to believe the situation in front of him.

The power of shock on this deformed piece of meat, in addition to breaking its escape technique, also penetrated the scales and entered its body.

Tortoise Chongshan's demon spirit power, which suppressed the injury, trembled slightly. Fortunately, as a tenth-level peak turtle demon, his physical body was equally powerful, and this strange force was quickly dissipated by his physical body and demon spirit power.

After this moment of delay, Lu Kun appeared behind him again, and the squeezing force in the air appeared again.

"This disgusting supernatural power."

The tortoise monster's face changed, and a thick layer of thunder light stirred up on the surface of his body. He had long discovered that this magical power that restricted teleportation could not absorb the vitality of heaven and earth, and it was still easy to break.

After a purple halo exploded, Gui Zhongshan continued to activate the teleportation technique, but the next moment, he was still there.

The squeezing force in the air still exists!

He couldn't help looking around, and found that in addition to this suspected half-demon man, three gray stones appeared around him at some point in time.

The shape of the stone is very strange, like some kind of long thick stone tablet, which was twisted into a semi-circular arc.

Gui Zhongshan can clearly feel that in each stone tablet, there are several invisible force fields surging out and squeezing around. Although it is much weaker than the previous squeezing force, under its oppression, his thunderbolt The technique cannot be performed for a while...

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