The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 1026: War Treasure Shows Its Power

A purple halo exploded, and the force field emitted by the strange stone tablet was easily blasted away, but before the tortoise demon performed the Thunder Escape Technique again, the more terrifying squeezing force followed closely.

Gui Zhongshan's face became extremely ugly. He understood the opponent's methods. Unlike before, there were now two force fields blessing him.

The squeezing force field of more than one million kilograms came from the strange man beside him who was suspected of being a half-demon, and the other force field of less than one million kilograms was inspired by three strange stone tablets.

The two force fields, one inside and the other outside, are alternately displayed. No matter which one he breaks, the squeezing force of the other one will immediately bless him.

For top-notch magical powers like Thunder Escape Technique, Gui Zhongshan also relies on the top bloodline like Thunder Tortoise to be able to display it instantaneously, but he can't use other thunder and lightning attacks while urging Escape Technique.

This double alternating force field not only abolished the Thunder Escape Technique, but also bound it in this small space with the endless squeezing force.

Lu Kun's empty eyes stared at Gui Zhongshan coldly. He moved slightly and flashed directly behind him. Those giant arms pressed tightly against the tortoise monster's chest, exposing its waist and abdomen.

Turtle Chongshan's face changed, teleportation was bound by the double force field, and his body was held by Lu Kun's waist again, so he could only indent his head into his body.

King Kui Niu and Dao Yi had the quickest reaction. Just after Lu Kun finished these actions, a icy cloud wrapped around two black magic seals with flashing lightning, and attacked along the gap between the stone tablets.


The two attacks of the great cultivator slammed directly on his waist and abdomen, and the purple scales were forcibly smashed by several inches, but under a stream of light, it quickly returned to its original state.

At the same time, the source field around Lu Kun was surging. If he didn't do this, I'm afraid Kui Niu King's weapon would not be so easy to leave.

After Gui Zhongshan suffered this blow, he let out a furious roar, and a strong thunder light poured out from his body, blasting away Lu Kun and the 1.2 million jin force field that locked him.

Its head and limbs flew out from the torso, and five dazzling thunder balls were ejected, and at lightning speed, they slammed into the three strange stone monuments standing in the void.

There were a few lines of blood in Gui Chongshan's eyes, and he ignored Lu Kun, who had bullied himself again, and looked at these thunderballs.

He couldn't disperse the dual force fields at the same time, so he had to destroy its source. The man in front of him had rough skin and thick flesh, but the magic weapon that looked like a stone tablet outside was different.


Dissolving sounds came one after another, and when the seemingly powerful thunderball approached the gray stone monument, it collapsed into a little bit of aura at a speed visible to the naked eye, as if spiritual power could not exist on the stone monument.

Gui Zhongshan was stunned for a moment, as if he didn't believe his eyes, and the power of his divine sense reached out, and said in shock, "Dragon Broken Stone! How can this kind of thing isolated from spiritual power be refined into a magic weapon!"

When he was stunned, a pair of thick palms got stuck on his scaly neck, and a terrifying force rushed over, and then several magical auras slammed directly on the turtle monster's head.


Thunder light surged outside the Guizhong Mountain, and the restraint was exploded again. Then he did not perform any thunder escape technique, but rushed towards one of the stone tablets.

Although he didn't know how the Broken Dragon Stone was refined into a magic weapon, he knew that this kind of thing must be bombarded with powerful brute force and a hard magic weapon to cause damage to it.

He raised his fist, which was covered with a layer of purple scale armor. The body of a tenth-level monster is the most powerful weapon. With the strength of one million kilograms, he will definitely be able to break Duan Longshi.

But at this moment, a figure stood in front of him.

Lu Kun's eyes flickered with unruly and madness. On the deformed right arm of the bucket, the muscles twisted and vibrated, and the huge palm tightly squeezed Gui Zhongshan's fist.

In the other palm, there was a deformed piece of meat, which was the treasure that Lu Kun had successfully conceived. The surface was twisted with several layers of trembling invisible waves, exuding a unique power of shock.

"Old guy, try the power of Zhanbao." Lu Kun's bloated and ferocious arm swung rapidly, and the brick Zhanbao in his fist turned into phantoms and slammed into Gui Zhongshan's torso.

The face of the tortoise monster changed greatly, and at this moment, he was hit four or five times.

With its thick scales, it is no problem to resist 1.2 million pounds of brute force, but this brick magic weapon also contains some kind of strange force, which directly penetrated his defense and rushed into the body.

When this treasure knocked him out of the Thunder Escape state, it was only a bombardment, and the demon spirit power in his body that suppressed the injury was shaken, and then it was resisted by its powerful fleshly body and demon spirit power.

Now he felt that layers of strange force penetrated into his body. Although the powerful flesh body resisted part of it, under the control of Lu Kun, the attack frequency of this strange force was terrifying, and the shocking force was continuous.

If he was in good condition, he would naturally be able to resist with his powerful demon spirit power, but now many demon spirit powers are suppressing injuries, and the physical body alone cannot eliminate such a high-frequency abnormal force in a short period of time.

Gui Zhongshan had to withdraw all the demon spirit power into his body, and for a while, he seemed to be a sandbag and was bombarded frantically.

On the other hand, Lu Kun's expression was full of excitement and fanaticism, and the role of Zhanbao was beyond imagination.

The source power of the body in the bone transformation period mainly has two states, one is the power of the void, which can exert invisible brute force to a distance of ten feet, and the consumption of magic energy is amazing.

There is also the passive source force field that surrounds his body within three feet. Only in this passive state can he borrow power from the void, exert that terrifying power to the fullest, and flexibly perform physical training within the range of melee combat. technology,

At this time, Lu Kun's physical source force is in a passive state, and the source force field is mobilized to form a squeezing force field within the melee range to limit the tenth-level tortoise monster's thunder escape technique. In this way, there is no excess. The source of power to display body repair combat skills.

But with Zhanbao, it's different.

This brick-shaped battle treasure was made by him based on the source power of Zhenyuan's palm combat skills and combined with the Yuanling magic array. As long as he injects magic energy, he can display the body repair combat skills.

That is to say, with this battle treasure, Lu Kun can keep playing the Zhenyuan Palm combat skills while exercising the squeezing force field. Even if Gui Zhongshan is a peak tenth level monster, when he is injured, he can only use it. suppressed.

Lu Kun suppressed and controlled his opponent, but his attack power was not strong enough to seriously injure him.

However, he is not fighting alone.

The demon cultivators and immortal cultivators in the distance were overjoyed when they saw such a scene, and they all urged their most powerful supernatural powers to assist Lu Kun in attacking, the hooves of the Kui Niu King, the golden claws of the Golden Lion King and Badger Six. , Dao Yizhen's icy cloud and mist, bombarded one after another.

The flesh and blood and purple scales of the turtle monster's body kept squirming, and the indestructible body played a role, but under the continuous offensive of so many people, the recovery was much lower than the speed of the injury, and the breath on the body gradually declined.


An astonishing and turbulent purple halo suddenly burst out from the body of Guizhongshan, and at the same time it was mixed with several frantic meanings. As soon as everyone's offensive was suffocated, Lu Kun was also blasted away.

A purple tortoise shell about five to six feet in size floated in midair, the aura above it flickered violently, the extrusion force field of the Three Origins Monument trembled slightly, and the three stone tablets had to surge outwards.

Originally, the tortoise monster was in a humanoid state, and the three-source heavy monument covered a small area, but now it has been transformed into a body, and its force field has an obvious gap.

Lu Kun looked at the flashing tortoise shell, and his expression changed. At this time, the force field of the Three Origins Monument could not stop him from launching the thunder escape.

He immediately put away the war treasure, came directly to the turtle shell, clasped the edge of the turtle with both hands, the source energy of the whole body stirred up, exerted the power of the void, and suddenly enveloped the area of ​​five or six feet, interrupting cast the opponent's spell.

Lu Kun's expression was ferocious, and the muscles around his body were trembling, squeezing such a large area with the power of the void, the consumption of magic energy was beyond imagination, he could only hold on for a moment.

At this moment, his golden eyes lit up, and he found that the demon spirit power in the turtle monster was in chaos, and his powerful divine sense forced him to use the Thunder Escape Technique.

"The demon spirit power has been indented in the body, and he is also at the end of the shot, good opportunity!"

Lu Kun showed a hint of joy, a flash of light flashed in his right hand, and a gray ball appeared. He raised his ferocious right arm and shoved it into the mouth of the turtle shell under him.

Then he felt a rough skin, and he showed a ruthless color, withdrew the power of the void, five silver vortexes appeared on his fingers, and the powerful piercing power surged out.

Losing the hindrance of the squeezing force, the tortoise shell's Thunder Escape Technique directly succeeded, the lightning flashed and disappeared in place, leaving Lu Kun in place.


The next moment, a huge roar came out, and in the void of ten feet away, the huge turtle shell fell directly out, and a terrifying force of destruction was stirred in the mouth of the turtle shell...

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